View Full Version : ATPL ground school

19th Jun 2008, 08:37
Hi All

looking between U.K. for doing all my licences or coming down your neck of the woods. In the U.K. ground school for the ATPL's takes 6 months and 14 exams where for Australia it seems to be 7 weeks and not as many exams am I reading this right or not ???



19th Jun 2008, 12:14
In the UK the ATPL exams cover the CPL and ATPL subjects, whereas in Australia, there are 7 CPL exams and then 7 ATPL exams to pass. So you still have to pass 14 exams no matter which way you look at it.

Regarding the 7 week course for the Aus ATPLs, you can expect to spend that time again revising and consolidating what you learnt over that period before all the exams are done. Combine that time along with the time to study and prepare for the CPL exams and you probably won't have much change out of 6 months anyway.

19th Jun 2008, 13:07
well said benny, you pretty much summed it up perfectly.

19th Jun 2008, 17:14

it did seem to good to be true !