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View Full Version : The Poor Health Of the Airline Industry

The Professor
19th Jun 2008, 01:53

19th Jun 2008, 03:16
Post Sept 11 the US Government put billions of dollars into the US airline industry to prop it up. This report seems to be suggesting a similar strategy. Maybe what the US needs, is the market to determine the appropriate size of the airline industry. It will be painful but probably necessary.

19th Jun 2008, 05:25
Funny how the "good ol U.S of A" bang on about "free trade" and "market forces" when they are looking to exploit (more like rape) smaller economies and non U.S business until..............they find themselves in the s.h.i.t.e. and then suddenly its government intervention full-steam ahead. Bugger em!! :=

Where are ya PAF? Whadya reckon, market forces in play and let em sink?

19th Jun 2008, 07:39
You can't have much sympathy for a lobby group pamphlet.

Nevertheless there is an ironic game yet to be played out as we collectively respond to higher fuel costs as fossil fuels are phased out.

The Yanks' response is to find more of the stuff so the price comes down.

Something not quite coherently logical there chaps. Not if you want to save the planet.

We live in interesting times.

tail wheel
19th Jun 2008, 08:15
Lobbyist pamphlet, usually biased to support a minority view.

19th Jun 2008, 08:49
..the Yanks don't want to save the planet..whatever gave you that idea. Even Al Gore who says he wants to save the planet eats enough to feed Africas starving in one sitting (thats sitting in his floodlit, fully heated, 20 room mansion with year round 28 degree indoor swimming pool)...plus theres enough fossil fuel to keep us polluting away happily for 100 or so years yet don't worry yourself..we just have to get going and find it all:ok:

23rd Jun 2008, 00:58
Either that, or invade a country that has plenty of it!

Oops, did I say "invade", I meant "liberate"...