View Full Version : CAA Class 1 Med through RAF

18th Jun 2008, 18:52
Evening All,

I am hoping to get my CAA Class 1 medical renewal done through an RAF doc, I had my initial done at Shawbs many moons ago but am looking for somewhere at / near Benson, in Hants or over Chicksands way. I know I could just ring around but I am off work on a career break (wonderful thing too) and do not have access to mil network at mo.

Any ideas?

Many thanks for your help.


18th Jun 2008, 19:25
Indeed, fair point and jolly helpful. However you guess wrong I am not on a break from an RAF Station and the only strawberry mivvie number I have for Benson is that of ATC. The only number I have for the MOD Operator (who are based centrally in the big smoke, not individual stations) is 0207 2189000, however this doesn't work anymore.

So, assuming I have attempted the common sense route already. Has anybody got any numbers or useful suggestions. Many thanks. :ugh:

18th Jun 2008, 19:52
Yes, try Sqn Ldr Gus Cabre at Henlow.

A founder member of the RAF Flying Clubs' Association and fully-qualified CAA-approved bollock-fondler. A nice chap too - you can contact him through whatever AMTC is called these days.

Professor Plum
18th Jun 2008, 20:01
Further to Beagles post, the number I have for Henlow is 01462851515.

Probably a bit out of your way, but I had my CAA medical renewed at Cranwell at the same time as my PME last year. Cant remember the name of the Doc though.

18th Jun 2008, 20:04
BEags, Plum, Thanks.

18th Jun 2008, 20:41
Had my Class 2 done at Brize about a month ago. Believe they also do Class 1. Call 95461 Ext 6318 for the JNCO who will book it all for you.

19th Jun 2008, 12:25

Had a nightmare with with this myself just yesterday. If you have not renewed a class 1 for 5 years (even if you have had a class 2 or military medicals), you have to have an 'initial issue' again, which can only be done by the CAA at Gatwick - the full shooting match. Costs about £270 and takes 2-3 hours. On a positive note (if there is one!), they are pretty flexible and I managed to get in for next Monday...and if this applies, at least I have hopefully saved you a wasted half day, which I had yesterday


Background Noise
19th Jun 2008, 12:37
How about you ring Benson and wait until you are put through to the MOD operator

Don't call Benson (unless it's your local airfield) just call the nearest one at local rates - you still get through to the same operator.

Sven Sixtoo
19th Jun 2008, 12:42
Funny, that. I was in the exact situation described above in February. I had to get an eye exam with an optician in High Wycombe (the town), and Benson med centre sorted the rest. Qty 1 ATPL(H) renewed and in back pocket.

19th Jun 2008, 13:41
Brize Norton will do a renewal for £70, they do initials as well.

19th Jun 2008, 14:22
which can only be done by the CAA at Gatwick - the full shooting match.

Not quite, Doc W at Benson can do initial issue as well, I'm sure he's not the only one.

19th Jun 2008, 15:12
The wonderful Doc Rowntree at Brize is very helpful - one of the girls in the pharmacy does the prelims and bookings. :ok:

brit bus driver
19th Jun 2008, 16:00
Indeed, Doc Rowntree does (or certainly did) initial issues. £100 plus another £27 or so for the ECG. As mentioned previously JNCO i/c Med Boards (I think) sorts the details.

19th Jun 2008, 23:01
ah could this be why i can never get an appointment with the doc when i ned to??? To busy doing and charging for medicals? hmmm why not just time it so its the same time as yr annual medical

20th Jun 2008, 16:55
That's what I used to do for revalidations.

Until, that is, some nurse decided to use the sphygmomanometer just after I'd had the bloodletting.... The resulting bruise a day or so later looked as though I'd been bitten by a horse. A civvie quack just uses a small finger-pricker and a slide, then puts the slide into a machine for an instant read-out. Whereas most RAF quacks have no such machine, so it's an armful of blood off to the lab and wait...

The other problem with RAF quacks doing the Class 1 is that few hold the official stamp which allows them to issue the certificate - so you have to wait for your paperwork to go to Gatwick and back again. Allow for that if you need your certificate quickly.

Background Noise
20th Jun 2008, 17:13
What a tight-wad. You sound as tight as a Camels arse in a Sand-storm. Are you Scottish? Anyway he obviously needs practice ringing the Benson number.

Thanks - not quite that bad - but it does mean you only need to know one number.

Dan D'air
20th Jun 2008, 17:43
Is it just me or is there anyone else out there who thinks that AIDU is a complete c*ck?

As a regular user on here, therefore presumably knowing that MFWF is a WAFU, he should have the courtesy to credit him with having exhausted the available options before posting on here.:ugh: