View Full Version : Arrange Icons?

9th Dec 2001, 17:53
I have just upgraded to win2000. I have a 'download folder' which I want to have sorted by date, showing the most recent files at the top.

In W2K, for some reason, it does it the other way - and I cant find a way to change it!

Any suggestions?


13th Dec 2001, 13:45
In icon view mode I never found a way to sort these little memory consuming pictures other than by name.
If you change the viewing mode to details, than you can sort files as you like.

13th Dec 2001, 14:13
My answer may be so simple it isn't the answer to your problem.

In detail view and in "choose columns" make sure you have chosen the column "modified". Then every time you click on the word "modified" at the top of the column the ordering changes from most recent at the top to oldest at the top.

If you want to use large icons you can sort by name or date (except that you can't see the date) by using the "Arrange Icons" option.

[ 13 December 2001: Message edited by: fobotcso ]

13th Dec 2001, 15:42
Im using the 'List'-view. In this view I can't reverse the order in which the files are shown. In Win98 it showed the most recent file at the top.

13th Dec 2001, 16:19
You'll note that only in "Details" view do you get to choose the columns. You must select "Details" view to be able to re-order in reverse and that goes for size, name and type as well. I find all the selections useful for various functions.

You can "Arrange Icons" in the other views but you can't reverse the arrangements.

I don't remember that this was any different in W98 but then there's a lot I don't remember. :D

Keep trying!