View Full Version : A320 Cbt

11th Jun 2008, 12:33
I'm doing the type rating course soon, at my own cost :}

Is there a kind soul out there who might have a copy of an A320 CBT disk they would be willing to part with, for a consideration of course.

If so Please PM me.

Many thanks.

extreme P
12th Jun 2008, 03:43
I have what you want. Can yiou be a little more precise on "the consideration"?

tested satis
13th Jun 2008, 17:18
I've got one and if you send me a pm, I'll get a copy to you(no consideration!!)

15th Jun 2008, 04:20
Oh no, not death by VACBE! I hope you're just going to use the disk for reference and you'll get a decent course with chalk 'n talk.

Hated the VACBE course. Cringed every time that camp narrator said "fusilige" and "pie-tot"

Did my course with FLS at STN many moons ago. A Dutch instructor who was very passionate about Airbus. Best way to wind him up was to say...."In a Boeing....!":}

3rd Jul 2008, 03:45

I am interested in the A320 CBT as well. If one of you guys could get me a copy i would really appreciate it.

I have a 777CBT disk I could give you as trade if you are interested.


FIMbar the Furious
3rd Jul 2008, 08:18
Death by VACBI:} so true. At times If I had heard the "The purpose of this module" again I was ready to grab the course administrator and ram the PC somwhere where the sun dont shine.

At about week 3 or 4 of an A330 course in TLS we discovered the delights of speed clicking to see who got a green box quickest. Not the best way to learn a type but it least it stoped us from turning into phsycotic homicidal maniacs. My 320 chalk and talk elsewhere was the good though.

AIB get really stroppy though if you even think about slagging off VACBI which is another good coping method to see you through 10 weeks :}.

3rd Jul 2008, 20:33
I am not trying to learn the type, just want to get a bit prepared BEFORE i go for my TR.

24th Feb 2011, 17:26
I am too looking for a 320 CBT. anybody out there, would really appreciate