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View Full Version : Potential Airport Standby for EK Pilots

11th Jun 2008, 03:45
Rumour is that management are considering Airport Standby for pilots.

I won't name drop here but this was heard directly from a manager from another department (not flight ops) but closely related.

Please lets not let this happen!

11th Jun 2008, 08:57
If so , they were probably put up to it by " a manager from another department" . They are the tail that wags the dog.

11th Jun 2008, 09:05
I really hope that will not be true, Why do they look everywhere where they can in order to belittle us and make us look like kids?
Not to mention the lack of respect from our cabin crew lately!

11th Jun 2008, 09:34
This is another of those rumours that pops up every now and then. Has
been around at least 4-5 times. Wait till you see the whites of their eyes, THEN PANIC

Gravity will ALWAYS have control.

11th Jun 2008, 10:19
Gravity will ALWAYS have control.

That's a good one; Sir Isaac Newton found that out a long time ago :)

And don't forget, EK uses a dictatorial model of management. If they decide they want us "standing-by" at the airport (CBC), they will determine that through an FCI. There will be no consultations with the pilot's group. See all the other crap imposed on us over the years (24- hours-rest ULRs, jump seat utilization, LIDO charts, to mention a few).

Viel Erfolg for those leaving :E

11th Jun 2008, 10:48
Wondered that myself, when I saw all the standby rooms while having a preview at the new CBC..the one where they have done their best to eliminate the last vestiges of esprit de corps by having no communal pilot facilities..