View Full Version : Pilots also good drivers?

10th Jun 2008, 14:47

a light hearted question for you all flight deck crew out there:-

honestly (be honest now!) - do pilots living in DXB sooner or later adopt the local driving style, i.e. a little on the fast/aggressive side - or does all that safety training kick in, and see you trundlng along

despite most people complaining about the standard of driving, there dont seem to be many sane people left on the road out there...


10th Jun 2008, 16:47
Maybe! I bought a largish Japanese SUV:), the taxis leave me alone. Though I do try to stay cool, calm and collected.

10th Jun 2008, 17:51
Well if it goes on who gets the "pink" then I must be a bad driver!

Of course being stationary at a red light before a chappie in a large Nissan Patrol left a 35m skid mark prior to sailing into (and nearly through) our motor!
Obviously my fault!
Cops took my licence!! to collect from the cop shop the next day!!

All turned out well in the end as EK sent in a serious trouble shooter with me and I heard and paid .................. nothing!

So Good or Bad all depends on your perspective really!:E


sispanys ria
11th Jun 2008, 06:17
God bless you LR3 for leading the idiots to the light !
What a sacrifice you must be doing by leaving behind you the world of human rights and reasonable people, just because you care about developing a place you know is not matching any gentleman standards. Life must be so rude for you in DXB with all those locals around. Hopefully one day you will be rewarded for your patience and your courage in educating those inferior peoples, while you could simply stay in your own country and enjoy a normal life (and of course nobody has any car accident over there). I'm sure the only reason why you are here is for the sake of humanity. Once again, be blessed !

Metro man
11th Jun 2008, 08:21
Remember, in the event of an accident in a middle eastern country the foreigner is automatically at fault regardless of what happened, because he doesn't belong there and had he not been there, the accident wouldn't have occured.

Can't argue with that can you ? :E

11th Jun 2008, 19:13
I drive the way I fly..... one leg on the dashboard and mic in my mouth. I always mantain centerline even when i park. I mantain 250 below 10000' and I keep my strobe light day or night so everybody will avoid me.
So I must be a good driver.

Fearless Leader
12th Jun 2008, 08:04
I don't care where you're from...Dat's funny

12th Jun 2008, 10:46
You know you have lived in the Middle East too long when....

You realize the definition of a "Nano Second" is the time between when the traffic light turns green and the guy behind starts hitting the horn.

Another great "game" is when the AD plates roar up to you from behind flashing the obligatory high beam at you, just experiment with the windshield washer function in your vehicle and watch him back right off. Nothing worse than a streaky Lexus ;)

And when they hit the horn, just smile and wave, just smile and wave....


12th Jun 2008, 11:57


my hat is off to you. Again! I thought the thread on cabin crew nationalities was brilliant, but this is equally great.

Whatever you do don't stop posting, man! You've nailed it!


12th Jun 2008, 12:11
It's all relative my firends.....
I have but one word


I feel relaxed on the roads in Dubai.


Scooby Don't
12th Jun 2008, 17:15
Passed a police car at 190 km/h the other day, and I guss they just assumed I was in a hurry! :E