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7th Jun 2008, 15:02
Hi everyone. Was just wondering...Virgin Atlantic seem to have this reputation for being a bit of a 'party' airline, downroute etc. Is this reality? Or do some crew just sleep and eat on their layovers. Want to get a bit of an insight into what the company is like to work for, as you spend so much time downroute. Tried to search but couldn't really find anything about this, so any help is much appreciated! :)

7th Jun 2008, 15:53
I was at Virgin for 6years and even though I enjoyed my time there, be aware of the poor pay(especially downroute allowances).

Yes its true, the VS crew do know how to have a good time!! Even the flight crew always join in, in fact, its normally them who arrange everything!! Even though the crew don't get well paid, they always seem to enjoy themselves! Maybe because the majority are 'younger' and want to make the most of where they go! On occassions you will always get the 'delsey diner' who doesn't want to go and and spend! But beleive me, the crew will always find the cheapest places to drink!!

Good luck if you want to go to VS, just don't count on being well paid, there are alot better companies out there for money! Virgin though has fantastic perks and staff travel. So you need to weigh up whats important to you.

7th Jun 2008, 17:57
hi, ive been there for 10 years! Best 10 years ever...yes the pay is not great but if you are young then go for it, Most flights you will find crew tend to go out especially if its 2 nights stopover or more. Alot of the time you will get less than 24 hours in a destination and you are knackered! So sometimes you will find everyone just goes to bed/shopping. I pretty much guarentee you will have a great time. Lovely crew, work hard play hard!
good luck

Flower Duet.
8th Jun 2008, 16:47
I will always hold the Virgin Flame !! :ok:

Great Crew and fun times down route .. loads of fun times.

10th Jun 2008, 09:07
I have been at Virgin for 4 and a half years now. It can be anything you want basically. Some routes are more of a party time and sociable than others, but there are always crew that don't want to be a part of it. On some trips I go out, but others I have a nice dinner and a quiet drink with just a couple of crew.
Beware though, crew moral is very low at the moment, the pay is not the best, but the crew are not treated very well by the company. They don't really care about the crew at all, and the union is not the best either, so the conditions and way we are treated will not get any better!
I think Richard Branson said it all during the latest pay negotiations when all crew were sent a letter saying 'If you cannot afford to work for Virgin, go somewhere else'! That sums up what we are treated like!!!!
That saying it's a real shame because I really enjoy the job and most of the people I work with are lovely! It's just the company that's the problem! x

12th Jun 2008, 01:04
Hi,like its been said most of the time people do tend to go out and do things.Imho it was better when we had ifbt's as they were always up for a drink and a laugh.Some people wont go out as they have loans to pay on brand new cars (you just have to look around the car park)!:ugh: If you have 'fb' have a little look around,you might find some good groups with pics :oh:

12th Jun 2008, 19:45
"and if your a straight guy.... its beyond belief :ok:"

Dont scare the girls off mate,we're not all like that :zzz:

14th Jun 2008, 17:23
Thanks for your replies!! I will have a look on FB too! :ok:

Poof in Boots
15th Jun 2008, 08:01
There comes a point in most people's life that things like partying and drinking are not so important. It is called 'growing up'.

The things that are important in life is having enough money to run a decent car, buy your own a house and pay into a pension scheme. There is no future in flying for VIRGIN.

So if you want to work for a billionaire who screws his staff, then VIRGIN is the airline for you. Yes! Let's live for today.

17th Jun 2008, 12:20
These were actually the replies that I was expecting, but not actually what I wanted to hear. I don't think Virgin is the airline for me. In my current airline I know how 'giddy' some crew can get on nightstops and trips, so imagine every flight being like that...I understand that Virgin offers great opportunities for people to travel and party on a different continent every week, but that's not what I am after in a CC job. But thanks guys anyway!

18th Jun 2008, 10:37
Virgin offers great opportunities for people to travel and party on a different continent every week, but that's not what I am after in a CC job

Not what you are after? And your name is.........vodkaholic?

18th Jun 2008, 13:02
Yes I loooove my vodka, but doesn't mean I go out getting drunk and partying every night! LOL

Standard Jet Dep
18th Jun 2008, 14:22
Scotskenny and its just the way it is. Mate maybe I should pick up some tips from you or i am just ugly as f##k LOL.

Well from my experiences as crew over 1 and a half years i would say that its all a bit overated. I must be on the wrong trips as I dont get to see all the action suggested on this page in fact it seems everyone does the same things everywhere. Do I like it yes I do it gives you so much time off its untrue. Unlike my previous 12 years working on the ground.
It can be a tad addictive considering the lifestyle on offer.

Another thing to suggest about VS is the size and scale of opportunities availible in the company ( outside of crew ) even though they are diminishing at the mo.



19th Jun 2008, 00:10
I agree with the above post.

While you hear stories of wild parties and orgies :eek: , in my experience they certainly aren't the norm. I've been with the company for 2 & 1/2 years and more often than not crew just want to shop and sleep. This suits me as I'm not interested in getting wasted all trip and flying home hungover. In fact the pilots usually seem more up for partying than the crew!
There are certain trips which could be classed as 'party trips', ie caribbean, HKG etc..... and you get to know which trips are acceptable for chilling out and which trips are the ones where the pressure's on to go out.
As for the company, I actually think they're good to work for.... and this comes from someone who's just resigned!
You get loads of time off but this inevitably means that the pay ain't good, and getting promoted can be a bit of a mission if you aren't prepared to kiss ****.

High as a Kite
24th Jun 2008, 13:58
I was at Virgin for 6years and even though I enjoyed my time there, be aware of the poor pay(especially downroute allowances).

Yes its true, the VS crew do know how to have a good time!! Even the flight crew always join in, in fact, its normally them who arrange everything!! Even though the crew don't get well paid, they always seem to enjoy themselves! Maybe because the majority are 'younger' and want to make the most of where they go! On occassions you will always get the 'delsey diner' who doesn't want to go and and spend! But beleive me, the crew will always find the cheapest places to drink!!

Good luck if you want to go to VS, just don't count on being well paid, there are alot better companies out there for money! Virgin though has fantastic perks and staff travel. So you need to weigh up whats important to you.

Did you want to mention anything about pay in your post? :p

The things that are important in life is having enough money to run a decent car, buy your own a house and pay into a pension scheme. There is no future in flying for VIRGIN.

There are plenty of crew at VS enjoying a flying CAREER who also have a decent car (blame the government for the running costs), own property and pay into a pension scheme.

24th Jun 2008, 17:44
You don't have to go out and party. I don't and haven't done in the 4 years I've been with Virgin. Did all that with my previous airline and don't want to do it anymore (I'm too old now !)

I've never had a problem getting on with the crew on board and having a laugh but when I get down route I do tend to keep to myself. It's not a problem, I've never had any negative comments and still really enjoy the job. I do go out and about and do things but as I don't drink (don't all die of shock, there are some of us out there) I don't particularly enjoy going out to clubs / bars and watching other people getting drunk. I'll often go out for a nice meal with a couple of other "quieter" people.

Virgin is what you make of it.

Smell the Coffee
24th Jun 2008, 19:58
Well perhaps you should consider BA ... our crew also like to drink but more often than not a room party will have everyone making cups of tea and bringing some ginger crunches, and planning tomorrow's rambling expedition :}:} :p

Perhaps that's more your style dear?

LOL ... just kidding ... sorta :p

25th Jun 2008, 12:31
shortm - that's good to hear, that you don't get 'victimised' as it were for not joining in with what the majority do. I never really thought this would happen (as it's school playground behaviour, and we are all adults), but I suppose it's more of a worry. And like you say trips can be what you make them! I guess it's about weighing up pros and cons...

26th Jun 2008, 17:47
Each to his/her own, but without the social bit downroute, this would be like any other job. I love going out and getting to spend some time with my colleagues off the jet.

I think that I'd leave if I never went out.

I love the job itself, but I also loved the jobs I've done on the ground - and they were less tiring (and just as well/poorly paid).