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View Full Version : Ozjet- Hear They Are Insolvent

5th Jun 2008, 22:50
There has been a lot said about Heavy Lift's purchase of OZJet and that all of OZjet's problems of not being able to pay it's creditors will disappear.
Rumour has it on the rock (NI) that OZJet owes heaps of money to a number of creditors on the island.
I guess that is only to be expected when Leach is involved and he keeps the same management that lost all the money in OZjet in the 1st place.
Of course how can they make money flying antiquated airplanes. The fuel bill alone is enough to bankrupt a small state.

5th Jun 2008, 22:57
Yep, it's always the small creditors that get hit the hardest. Understand that about $1million is owed to creditors on NI

I'm not surprised NA is moving to OA, you have to wonder it took them so long to make that decision.
I mean OA, ok it has had issues and god knows where they get the $$$ from but at least they operate an appropriate ac.

tail wheel
5th Jun 2008, 23:07
Dontcha just love amateur, sciolistic Siamese Twins, mumbling to themselves?

:mad: :mad:

CAPTKEN / FLYACC has decided not to post on this thread for the next week! :=

Probably because he/she can't "see" the thread? :E

Heavy Cargo
6th Jun 2008, 10:29
Hey I was in the HVY SYD office today. Yep before HeavyLift took over OZ owed 1.2M on the island and 8.0million all up. Today all creditor on the ROCK are below 14 days with combined creditors of AUD $65,000 all up.
Seems your info is pre buy out. This is why Our Airline is SH@TTING themselves plus.
1) APNG getting own 737
2) SOL AIR Govt doing deal with OZ
3) OZ have NLK contract for 12 months and will start up against NLK Air and defeat OA/NLK Air on the route.
4) OZ put in for traffic rights to Nauru ( advertised next week ) extend 1 sol flt per week
5) HeavyLift are preferred Defence provider and are winning all defence passenger movements with OZ Jet over OA.

OZ are doing 1.5 million in charters in June ?
Remember HeavyLift is Australian Flag carrier for cargo. Qantas for passengers?

Go figure OZ Jet are on the way back up ? :ok:

13th Jun 2008, 16:26
HeavyLift is Australian Flag carrier for cargo

I disagree and most people on this board will aswell *hopefully*

P.S its its Australian's flag carrier why cant they put the aircraft on the australian register?????

Flying Monk
14th Jun 2008, 06:09
Sorry but I don't quite understand this post.:confused:

What has OZ Jet owing money (apparently in the past) got to do with Our Airline ..........etc etc.

Also, as I understand it, OZ Jet have NLK contract for 12 months ONLY if they come up with a 737-300 by 31 December 2008. No 300. No contract after 31 Dec 2008.:uhoh:

Please feel free to correct me if I am in error Heavy Cargo.

14th Jun 2008, 06:51
HeavyLift are preferred Defence provider and are winning all defence passenger movements with OZ Jet over OA.

Now, now, HC, you well know that there are several carriers with ADF accreditation, and the ADF uses them all from time to time. It is not, as you are attempting to infer, that H/Lift is the preferred provider ahead of others.

I'm aware that H/Lift's 727F's haven't been to Dili all that much recently whereas Toll's 733F's have - and on ADF charters, to boot. The 727F once used to be a reasonably frequent visitor there on that work.

Elsewhere on another thread it is claimed that OA did an ADF troop charter to DRW very recently and not H/lift - that would seem to discredit the claim of your outfit winning "all defence passenger movements" over OA. So, really, what's the truth?

Heavy Cargo
14th Jun 2008, 11:16
WW. Last 10 Freighters to DILI were HVY727s, Toll only did 2 flts 8 months ago ?

The only Airlines with ADF are Qantas and HeavyLift plus 4 brokers. So OA needs to go through their broker to another broker to ADF. HVY/OZJ go direct. Once you cut two middle men out you are the champion.
I said OA has another 3 flights in the next 4 month that they got prior to the OZ takeover.
Start counting from now and see how many more flights the others airlines get going forward ? :ok:

14th Jun 2008, 11:44
Cutting out the two middle men probably makes your gas guzzlers on par with the competition equipment which should make a fairly even playing field. You can't carry the loads or fly the distance that the 300 can without fueling stops so the advantage is only yours when the loads are light. But then you could show us all how its done with quotes which are unprofitable just to show you can get the work. No point doing the work if you can't make money.Aviation is full of people who can turn lots of money into lttle but those who run a safe,responsible and legal operation are few and far between.

14th Jun 2008, 11:46
Elsewhere on another thread it is claimed that OA did an ADF troop charter to DRW very recently and not H/lift - that would seem to discredit the claim of your outfit winning "all defence passenger movements" over OA.

Conveniently omitted addressing this. And it was since the OJ takeover seing you consider that relevant.

Last 10 Freighters to DILI were HVY727s, Toll only did 2 flts 8 months ago

'fraid not.

The only Airlines with ADF are Qantas and HeavyLift plus 4 brokers So OA needs to go through their broker ....

Might be the case, but you aren't the "preferred provider" exclusively as you intimated.

The only Airlines with ADF are Qantas and HeavyLift ....

So, you are confirming OJ has to use a broker like all other contenders?

Heavy Cargo
14th Jun 2008, 13:35
Boys, take it easy. Let me make it clearer. OZ Jet are going to run against Our Airline .Who did the last 6 pax to Dili OZ. Who did Kevin 07 Japan Indonesia charter OZ.
OA can keep running around for AUD$3000 ACMI for APNG/ SOL Air etc that is all OA is doing these days you have 3 Dilis left, thats it?
OZ get OA doing the low yield jobs in the single 737 and then use the OZ spare aircraft " Gas Guzzler " to take $12000 per hour when OA is not available Not hard to out smart the Islanders ???????
Wake up its over.

Heavy Cargo
14th Jun 2008, 13:44

No broker for OZ Jet they are owned by HeavyLift ?

No need to talk anymore the action has started ? Good luck for your side, but suspect all the OA crews will be flying for OZ Jet soon, so guess we should all get along.

14th Jun 2008, 21:58
You had better preach your flawed message to your own staff as I hear there are a lot of OZJET resumes in the OA files and they are not old applications but as recent as this week. There are too many inaccuracies in your threads to bother addressing them so I guess time and the market place will prove who is right . But I know this much the bunch at OA are a hard and dedicated group of guys and gals who do a fair days work for a fair days pay and want nothing but to provide an air service to their owners and a comfortable lifestyle for themselves because without them Nauru will either loose their service or be ripped off by outsiders until they realise there is no blood left in the stone and abandon them. As stated earlier no one in their right mind except the national carrier would want the unprofitable route unless it was to eliminate competition in order to feather their own nest because they are frightened of the affordable and sensible competition provded by OA.

15th Jun 2008, 02:26
No broker for OZ Jet they are owned by HeavyLift

No, doesn't quite work that way - H/lift may have the "ant's pants" blessing from the ADF but not yet Ozjet, irrespective of the ownership. H/lift hasn't got the 732's on their AOC nor has OJ got the 727's on theirs, so for practical "preferred operator" status they remain separate entities for the present despite the ownership.

Who did the last 6 pax to Dili OZ.

Managed to briefly check some Airservices records for plans filed, OA did Dili flights (troop charters, I can only imagine, what else as they used ASY call-signs?) at least on 26th and 27th April and most recently on 6th June. Are you saying there have been 6 Dili charters since 6th June - records I've access to don't indicate that?

15th Jun 2008, 03:06
WITWIW I don't think heavy lets the truth get in the way of a good story.Anyway no fear as he is no real threat as anyone with an ounze of business nounce wouldn't be so upset with the little players in the east and the pacific but would be going where the real money is ,but maybe the west don't want him. I guess if you had no morals you could put bids in for the other brokers for the ADF charters and then undercut your competition by putting in a cheaper bid at the last minute as a prefered bidder.Someone should point out to the ADF the flaw in their bidding system and let all and sundry bid for the defense charters, then they wouldn,t have to pay OZJET's inlated $12,000 per hour price. I.'m glad this fact has been put in writing by Heavy as it would make good reading in any submission, after all its my taxes paying those bills

15th Jun 2008, 06:55
Fenix and Witwiw,

Now you are getting close to the issue. HL while on the Sierra Leone register and AOC were not allowed to operate in Europe or the US and were in fact on the banned operator list. However our ADF continued to use them. So much for duty of care.

There is only one reason why they are on the current Philippine register and that is they clearly thought they couldn't meet the standards required here in Australia otherwise they would have done it. As I've alluded to on another thread it will be really interesting to see where the Ozjet operation and AOC goes.

This prefered defence provider concept is flawed in so many ways. On what basis are brokers on the list in the first instance? Surely the operations should be done on the basis of approvals, standards and then price not what some broker can pull out of his hat.

It's interesting that all the major companies such as BHP, Shell, the Major Banks constantly have approved operators which are subject to constant audits.

What do the ADF do? Nothing, but then again if you are used to sending people into war zones and danger perhaps this doesn't figure. It would be very interesting to see what the outcome would be should something untoward happen. While this government is intent on doing investigations into all sorts of issues perhaps the defence procurement processes might be a good one too.

And there are no prefered operators, just prefered suppliers but lets not let the truth get in the way of a good story Heavy Cargo (or should I say Nick!)

16th Jun 2008, 23:40
Believe Ozjet were in and out of Dili yesterday.

17th Jun 2008, 01:47
Yep Ozjet yesterday did BNE-DIL-DRW-TSV-BNE.

17th Jun 2008, 01:49
Yep and OA are there today and for a lot more times in the next few weeks

17th Jun 2008, 04:57
ADF probably prefers to charter a 20 year old -300 as opposed to a 30+ year old -200, like all of us would. But when the -300 is not available it has no other choice but to use the -200.

17th Jun 2008, 06:52
Geez, do you guys all go to urinal and see who has the biggest willey as well. :ugh:

Thread is just arguement postulating about mine is better than yourse,.... BOTH sides of the camp.

Yeah, I know, I know, don't like it don't read it.

Waste of bandwith really.

17th Jun 2008, 06:56
Couldn't agree more Timber.

The issue I have is not the use of Ozjet but the ADF use of flag of convenience operators. You can't blame HL. Why should they meet standards if they have the ADF by thier use condoning the situation. Particularly when the lower costs involved may give them a competative advantage.

17th Jun 2008, 23:17

No need to talk anymore the action has started

Better have a read of:

Is this the action you're talking about? Crikey, you had us all believing it was going to be the other way around!! Is this why you've gone quiet?

Haven't had much confidence in your many claims to date, this sinks that confidence further.

Kranky, OJ may have done a DIL trip but you omitted mentioning OA's BNE-SYD-DIL-SYD-BNE trip as well. For the record, the ADF troops in DIL are now being deployed from Holdsworthy Barracks (SYD) as well as from the Lavarack Baracks (TSV). The 732 is not suited to this length of trip (ie ex SYD) and would always require a tech stop each way. The 733 did it without such a stop, and can continue to do so unless, for example, destination/alternate weather prevents this in which case the 732 is even further disadvantaged. You'll only see the 732 on this when the 733 isn't available.

18th Jun 2008, 07:58
...and a 3 month contract, to boot, for ON!...

is that the deal you have when you don't have a deal? :=

18th Jun 2008, 10:22
About time this happened!! It was really the only solution that had been staring both parties in the face but without the political impetus to follow through. They can and will fill these flights before too long that may even warrant more flights. When the Solomons recovers from it's recent political and economical woes, this should be a match made in heaven.

21st Jun 2008, 13:57
Start counting from now and see how many more flights the others airlines get going forward (14th June post by HC)

Three recently awarded that I know of, at least, subsequent to your post predicting they'd get no more - and that's not counting the one OA also did a week or so ago contrary to your claim.

Let's face it HC, your inference that OJ/HL are such that they have the monopoly on these trips is all wiss and pind. The plain fact is that these charters are open to all for tender and, you win some, OA wins some. Your statements intimating that you are going to get them all from some point on is hypothetical delusion. You simply do not have the capacity to handle all that is on offer from the ADF, nor does OA, so to pretend that you are the ADF's saviour is absolute rubbish. This work will continue to go to different operators for some time yet.

Overall, I find it intriguing that you do not respond to any of the many posts that challenge your assertions, claims and predictions and of which all are ultimately descredited in some shape or form. Is it because they cannot be substantiated - it certainly looks that way? Like I said - wiss and pind.

I look forward to the day some, any, or even one of your predictions manifests itself into fact. I hope I live that long 'cos thus far it hasn't happened.

Heavy Cargo
21st Jun 2008, 20:42
R U Counting I bet OZ get 8 to 1 over other airlines on all ADF jobs .

This week alone awarded 3 to 0.
If you are nice you can stay flying the your -300 when it has OZ on the tail.:{

Heavy Cargo
21st Jun 2008, 22:11
Bat on without me Im off to the Sim

21st Jun 2008, 23:51

This is a wee bit off topic, though i'm curious as to what reg / serial this 'second' B722 is, perhaps it's a previous AaE / NJ bird?

Kind Regards

22nd Jun 2008, 01:47

Off to the sim? Which sim would that be?

From what I understand of HL that could be a first so there may be hope for you yet.

22nd Jun 2008, 03:24
If you are nice you can stay flying the your -300 when it has OZ on the tail.

You're assuming that I'm with OA - and further assuming I would want to work for you if I was.

Are you interested to know I once worked for an operator with questionable standards and dubious practices about a decade ago? No, that's an assumption - and they're so often wrong.

I doubt if OA's a/c will ever have OJ livery. In your words elsewhere:It will never happen

23rd Jun 2008, 04:18
Hear that they have purchased outright the above bird which has been sitting in JHAS hangar for the past three months and that it will be operating as their first Oz registered 727 to be followed by VH-VLI later this year which is still operated by NJS. Understand that Toll and AAe will lease one each for the PER-MEL-PER freight run early next year.:D

23rd Jun 2008, 08:47
I appreciate the information 727ace, it will be great having some more tri-holers in the sky for a few years yet, lets just hope this parabolic fuel pattern takes a dump for a decade :D
