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View Full Version : ATPL Theoretical Knowledge During PPL?

4th Jun 2008, 15:41
Hi - is it possible to start a distance course for ATPL's while achieving PPL? I'm wondering whether it's worth killing two birds with one stone as similar ground must be covered, just the ATPL knowledge will go into more detail?

4th Jun 2008, 15:47
I think the answer is no because one needs to have a valid PPL to start the course via in house or DL with an institution.

4th Jun 2008, 16:19
nothing to stop you getting the manuals from someone who has already completed the course but i would concentrate on the ppl exams to make sure the're all done and dusted :p

4th Jun 2008, 18:47
I've recently done my theoretical PPL exam and waiting for the pratical exam and I do have 10 more hours to fly before. I tell you that I waited only 2 days after the exam to start studing for the first subjects of the ATPL exams. If it was possible I would have joined a distance learning programme but it seems to be not possible. So I can suggest you to manage your time as better as possible and if you can, start to go through the atpl books. That's what I've done.

4th Jun 2008, 18:56
What you mean by 'while achieving PPL'?
Are you in termination phasis of your theoretical exams or havent yet started exams?

You can start the learning by yourself but not officially for which you have to BE the holder of the PPL.

4th Jun 2008, 19:11
The whole syllabus is covered in this book, designed just for people like yourself:



5th Jun 2008, 17:32
I have asked same question directly to London MET and the answer was strictly no however, they sugested that you can buy theirs books for 600 quid and these will be discounted when you wil enrol (after acheiving your PPL and passing their progress test)
I beleive/hope that most FTOs would be able to offer the same.

This sounds OK to me but I would like to hear what people think about London MET books.

cheers FrankO