View Full Version : Wallpaper

22nd Sep 2001, 05:53
I know how to get an image from the internet to use as wallpaper - right mouse click on image then left mouse click on "save as wallpaper" - but why do I sometimes get the full screen size single image I want and other times end up with lots of little images? How can I turn the little ones into one big one?

Anyone kindly replying to this needs to know that I'm a retard when it comes to computers and the solution would need to be expressed as "click this, then click this etc."


22nd Sep 2001, 12:30

On the desktop right click and select "Properties"
Click on "Background" (should be up by default)
Look at the bottom right, in Windows 98 the options are Center, Tile and Stretch.
Pick one!


22nd Sep 2001, 21:47
Many thanks, Buttons ... isn't it easy when you know how? I now have one beautiful cats eye nebula (courtesy of the NASA site) instead of about fifty and it looks stunning.

:D :cool: