View Full Version : Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment IV

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22nd Dec 2007, 09:29
Please use the forum SEARCH function for previous threads on this subject - Your question may have been answered already

25th Dec 2007, 15:49
Say that someone was to take some time to read back on all the previous 'Emirates - Wannabees & Recruitment' threads (I-IIII) and attempt to make a summary of the most insightful/useful information... Would this warrant a new sticky post on these threads perhaps?

Obviously it wouldn't be perfect, as everyone has a varying opinion of what details would be most valuable, but it would be a nice little extra, right?

25th Dec 2007, 15:58
....Or a Wannabee & Recruitment FAQ thread/post?

26th Dec 2007, 07:29
No - This thread will do fine - but thanks.

26th Dec 2007, 10:00
Guys, do you know if the sworn translator should translate my reports to English if they are in Polish? Or is it enought if the doctor will fill the medical form in English?

Xtra Crew
28th Dec 2007, 08:26
Hi everybody,

do you think 32 is too old to join EK as CC?

Do they have an upper age limit for new entrants?

28th Dec 2007, 10:57
The upper age limit for emirates is 35 years for cabin crew.

28th Dec 2007, 11:28
I am almost finished with my med. I have a problem about one thing. I went to an eye doctor today and everything is ok with my eyes. But the problem is that my doctor doesn't know what are "No of Plates tested and No of plates failed". Could you please say what she should write there?? I had a test for Coulour Vision and it is fine.

28th Dec 2007, 23:41
Number of plates is to do with the colour test. Number of plates tested is how many pages the doctor tested your eyes on for the colour test, and how many failed is obviously how many pages you failed, if any.

29th Dec 2007, 13:09
Hi there! I am new here with my 1st post.Anyone going for the KL or Pg OD?This is the 1st time i am going for a OD.

31st Dec 2007, 19:44
hello every one,,

this is my first post here, i will attend the assesment day soon,
well i'm worry abt my height
i tried to do the reaching test at home and every time i found my self reaching 208cm:uhoh:

is it a problem:(

thank you for ur help

1st Jan 2008, 14:13
Soumaya (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=210522) they will measure if you can reach 212 on tip toes (no shoes) on the first stage, so I am sorry for you :(

1st Jan 2008, 18:35
so i think no need to attend the assesment day :{:{:{

1st Jan 2008, 20:03
Hi Soumaya,
salam 3alaykum!!!!!

If I was you and you live next to Tuis I would try my luck! Don`t forget that you have to reach these 212cm on tip toes! Just go and try and see.......... may b you will grow some centimeters in cha allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bi tawfek in cha allah!:ok::ok:

1st Jan 2008, 21:31
My friend just joined aged 30.....so no reason why not!

1st Jan 2008, 21:40
thank you for ur support..

should i wear skirt? is it ok if i wear a pant ( suit )

any advices could help me to pass it succesfully?

i really need ur help:sad:

thank you :)

2nd Jan 2008, 08:09
Hello all!its been awhile since i posted.....things have really been bad in my country since the election, so i could not access the internet...but now things seem to have cooled down, and it seems people had also taken a break...well!i have 2 more weeks before i leave!
Excited and a bit scared at the reality of it all!


2nd Jan 2008, 10:11
Hi, just want to check if anyone going for the interview on 12th Jan.?? I've got an email from emirates that i was invited to their interview on 12th Jan.


2nd Jan 2008, 14:23
hi all. Happy 2008 :)

I was hoping I will find someone here who attended open days in Dublin or Limerick in Nov 07 and already got a reply? It has been 33 days now and still no call

I have a little question: I heard that when you start flying you are more likely to do all European flights first rather than Australia and Asia, is that true? Not that I would mind any of it, I was just wondering how it works.

Keep well everyone, all the best :) beata

2nd Jan 2008, 16:10
what is mean reach 212 cm so my height is 1.73 i don't know i reach this level or not but i am ready tomorrow incha allah :pand i hope that i will pa ;) so good luck to all specially me haha and i will give you the information of the open day :ok:see you:ok:

2nd Jan 2008, 18:11
C u tomorrow insha allah :)

good luck for all of us

Allah kareem

2nd Jan 2008, 19:02
Good luck to you arabic sister and midoy my arabic brother:-))))

Allah m3akum wa allah kareem in cha allah!!!!!

Good luck and I will keep my finger crossed for you!
Soumaya and Midoy check your private messages for lots of tips because I went through all Emirates stages last year until foinal interview!!!!!!!!!!
And Midoy you too!!!!:ok::ok::ok:

2nd Jan 2008, 20:18
Thank you so much for ur kindness and ur support..

Ya rab :)

2nd Jan 2008, 23:08

I had an interview in Brisbane on the 24th November and most of the other people have got an email or a call from who I have been speaking to, however I have not heard anything (only guy in the final interviews)

Do you think I should call them and find out my status? Also does anyone have a contact number that I can call to find out?

Cheers... Ad's

Gone U/S
3rd Jan 2008, 07:19
Hey guys.

Just wondering if there is anyone in the online world out there that went for the SYD open days in December and what your outcome was.

Anyone get through to Final Interview and awaiting the golden phone call.

Just be interested to see what other people thought of the assessment centre.

I'm waiting for the dreaded email or golden phone call so be nice to hear from anyone one else in the same boat (either SYD or other locations).

Good luck everyone and Happy New Year.

3rd Jan 2008, 10:58
I_am_waiting: I know that the waiting for the phonecall is horrendous, but as it is always said and I believe that - no news is good news. Sit tight and keep busy. How many weeks has it been since your file was sent to Dubai? Only ring them after 6 or 7 weeks. There was someone on here who waited 8 weeks until receiving a YES from Emirates :}

Gone U/S: Same thing, there is not much you can do apart from wait. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long. :E

3rd Jan 2008, 13:35
I didnt get it :{

3rd Jan 2008, 15:55
how was your assessment date yesterday
i hope good luck for u

3rd Jan 2008, 15:58
what was ur topics in the assessment?

3rd Jan 2008, 16:49
the topic was:

choose 3 cities in tunisia you think its the best place to visit or for tourisme and why
and how u ll advertise them..

it was ok i didnt talk too much and keep my smile on my face and clam and and and ...

but the answer was NO

i really dnt know why?

what r they looking for!??????????????????????????


3rd Jan 2008, 17:31
Hi, salam Soumaya,

I am sorry for you!!!! How many were invited for the assessment day and which recruiters did you meet? Did you meet arab recruiters of Emirates???

Well it depends , we all dont know which kind of person they are looking for! They chosse us how they want!! Sometimes you have to be lucky, I remember when I was invited in 2006 when I was going and going and going through all stages, all the time reading "Congratulations, you have made it to the next stage....."! I saw brillant people who have been rejected and some who got the job where you would never imagine this!! Well it depends, if they like you the like you and if not, sayonara! Dont give up, try Etihad Airways or Qatar Airways! Keep us posted and good luck for the next time!

3rd Jan 2008, 17:52
:confused:**** **** **** i can t realise what is this questions from emirates airlines :
1 _ mmmmmmm 3 cities of your country ?

2 _ the best of characteristic and why the tourist should choose them ???why why ??????????

3 _ what is your point of view ?????,

i answer of this questions specify and sxactely ...... bla bla :(

what are looking for ?????????????:zzz::(:(

3rd Jan 2008, 20:33
May be you should just have mentioned Tunis, Hammamet and Djerba or other cities! Why?? They are modern, open minded, nice wheather and nice people! And how you advertise it is just putting some beautiful photos which characterize the cities on catalogues and the big flag of Tunisia as the cover letter and everything should be in red to attrackt people:-))))) You should have mentioned advertising on TV and through radio stations and in aviation magazines which will be read during flights or via Internet....and bla bla bla bla!!!!!

the most important thing is that they dont want to hear the perfect answers, they want to see how you behave and if you complement the group well!!!!

3rd Jan 2008, 22:33
I was at the Brisbane interview on the 24th November.. So still waiting. I will hold off for another week or so... It is hard just waiting.

4th Jan 2008, 07:22
I have sent my medicals already. How long have you guys waited for response? I asked them to write my an email that they received them but no response so far :*.

harry the cod
4th Jan 2008, 08:08

Curious as to what difference it would make if Suomaya had met an 'Arab recruiter'? Is favouritism normally shown for your Arab 'brothers and sisters'?


4th Jan 2008, 11:35
Hi Harri, what??? Oh Man please dont get me wrong!!!! I asked her because i hav eonly met one girl from Lebanon adn I was interested if they have some others!!!! Thats all of it!!!

This kind with "brothers and sisters" ===>please keep it fou yourself! If you dont know what we mean with it, dont use it please, ok?

Thank you!

4th Jan 2008, 16:07
hello. i got the final approval exactly 2 weeks after i sent my medical documents. if it takes longer, you may want to give them a call. :)

4th Jan 2008, 16:32
Hey Guys and Gals!

Well I have finally decided it is time for me to attempt an EK open day, I am going to attend the one in Bratislava on 26th Jan.

A few obscure questions which I couldnt find in the other posts!!

1. If anyone has been to one of the smaller European Cities (ie Bratislava), how many people have attended?

2. Would I be correct in thinking that I would be at a disadvantage attending the one in Munich? I am not fluent in German but have a basic level of proficiency!

I am living in Berlin, so both cities are of equal distances more or less.

Now the more harder to ask question 3. How do EK respond to the less slim applicants out there?

4. And one more that hasnt come up as much as I thought, will 4 years of previous flying experience (2 years purser) help or hinder me??

Thanks everyone for any repsonses! Hope things go well for me over the next weeks!!


4th Jan 2008, 19:15

the recruters was from Lebanon ( Mirvat ) and i think a british ( milinda )..

any way good luck for allllllll of you, may ur dreams come true,

pls if anyone know any company will organize an open or assesment day plsssss let me know

Many Thanks

Soumaya :)

4th Jan 2008, 19:37
Hi Soumaya,

Milinda is from South Africa! It is this blond girl with the big smile and the long blond hear!

Try Etihad or if you want to become cabin crew in any way azt leat Qatar Airways! They recruit a lot from Tunisia and Morocco!

Good luck! to you!

4th Jan 2008, 19:42

hi there! If I was you I would try it in Munich. In Bratislava you can be sure that many many people will turn around because the are lots of people from Slovakia and Czech Republic who are aorking for Emirates and who gave only positive feedbacks to their friends back in their countries!!!

It really doesnt matter in which city you would like to attend! If they like and want you they will even puck you up from the 500people who might turn around:-)

Cabin Crew experience is an advantage but it doesnt matter! I saw great ex Cabin Crew who were flying for best airllines and they were sent home but hopefully you will be finde as you know hwat a cabin crew member has to be like!!! But expect the unexpected!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck to you!!!!!!!:ok:

6th Jan 2008, 02:02
Emirates airlines is a big company and i am so happy that i pass the interview with a great team (2 beautiful girl).
It is a good experience form me that i understand how i talk ? how i speak ? how i connect with a group ? how i will be in success ? :)...
They puch me to be passion and the liban girl Mirvat told me: " you have to be MORE ACTIVE AND THAT IS IT "
Incha allah we get it the next time good luck for every one in this moment :ok::ok::ok::ok::ok:BE HAPPY;)

6th Jan 2008, 04:21
Hi all has anyone out there interviewed in Dubai?? I had my 2nd interview 10 days ago and the wait is driving me nuts!!! I would just like to no how long I have to wait as I am already here in Dubai is it any faster because I interviewed here or just the same as all the interview processes around the world. Any ways let me no :O

6th Jan 2008, 09:03
Hey,,, I got the call from EK... I have a DOJ on MARCH 28th! Anyone else going on that date?

Gone U/S
6th Jan 2008, 09:10
Well done on the phone call.

I know you have been waiting a while so it is excellent news.

I have a friend of mine from the Sydney interviews that got the golden phone call today as well and she starts in early March.

I am still waiting but I don't have the no thanks email yet either so that is always a good sign.

Congratulations again.
By the way did you know if your references actually got contacted before they offered you the job??
How many weeks notice did you say you needed??

Bring on Dubai I say!

6th Jan 2008, 10:21
Hey peoples, just got the automatic email response inviting me to an open day in Munich, do I have to attend that day, like is there a list they check? as I would really prefer to attend the open day in Bratislava. Is there anyway of contacting of them to ask?


6th Jan 2008, 10:42
Congratulations on the call!

So is anyone else here leaving on the 25th of this month from Melbourne? Or anyone else joining on the 25th of this month at all?:bored:

6th Jan 2008, 11:05

Hi the will not have the list on the open day! They just have a list of invited candidates during assessment days! So if you would like you can go to Bratislava! It wont be a problem at all!

Good luck!:ok:

6th Jan 2008, 23:14
Hi all, well done to the ones that passed !

I'm dealing with my medicals at the moment and ooohh god it's stresssfull. Got one week left before deadline and only done 1 Xray ! SIC ! French are so slow with bloody papers/administration !

Do you know if I can call them and say I might not be able to complete the medicals before next sunday ? Or is this impossible ? It's driving me bezerck.

And I'll be joining hopefully on the 14 of March, training starting the 20th, anyone has the sames dates ? Would like to know !

CHeers all!

7th Jan 2008, 00:34
Phew...my visa and e-ticket arrived in my inbox this morning! What a great present to greet me as I stumbled in from a night out! Wohoooo! Anyhow, anyone else leaving London (LHR) on the way toooooo early 08:50 am DXB flight on Fri 11th Jan?

P.S. Congrats I_am_waiting, thats awesome news. Bet its such a relief to know that you have made it! It only gets better from here :O

Sodwee: Ring them and let them know that you will not be able to get your medicals done by the date they have asked you to. It will not be a problem, as long as you keep them updated.

Gone U/S: Still good news so far as you have not heard anything, hang in there! :ok:

7th Jan 2008, 12:50
i got a call a while ago from HR and said that they will send me my final approval in a few minutes and now i'm reading it. I am so happy that it's almost over and all i have to do now is to wait for my e-ticket and my visa;)

Ali_Xander: i am so excited for you, few more days to go & you'll be flying to Dubai;) please update us when you get there ok and also your blogsite;)

7th Jan 2008, 16:06
I am so happy for all they go to dubai and get the job:D
you have to be strong and good in the training of cabin crew :p and i hope all of you good luck specially to my friend Ali xander:ok:.
finally i believe we done also and will be together soon :).

7th Jan 2008, 16:41
hey ali finally , see you thursday so glad the tickets and visa arrived see you at the weekend . to the person who asked about age i am 30 soon so no prob to the one about the flying experience i was a purser for ba with 8 years flying for them it helped i think as long as you dont go on as though your the bees knees and know it all just play it cool and about the hight weight thing it has to be a BMI of no more than 30 for your medical. oh and the person going to munich so long as you have good english your grand good luck all . hope to see you all here soon im having a great time.


7th Jan 2008, 20:26
I got in also!! Yay!. My date of leave is March 7th with training start on the 13th. Anyone else simmilar?

8th Jan 2008, 08:55
CONGRATS...finally its your week! i will be joining you next week..yippeeee!stumbled upon your blog...real nice!you definitely know how to give a story to the last detail..quite interesting!have you packed yet??can't wait to get mine!

Finally.....have to meet you when you come that's for sure!

"Tea,coffee or me"!
So funny...that hotel must have really sucked that's for sure!you are funny!

8th Jan 2008, 09:54
hello, i got a call from emirates yesterday asking me to do the medicals, and they said the date of joining is on the 14th of march. and they said they will email me the medicals that i should do but still nothing. do u think if they called u for the medicals than u r accepted???

8th Jan 2008, 14:46
Hey all,

Been waiting 4 weeks now to hear back from them regarding my final confirmation and its driving me crazy. I swear this is worse than the golden phonecall! Did eveyone else have to wait this long?

I have rung them up and they dont answer, same with emails. Im due to leave 15th feb and i need to start packing! Arghhhhhhhh

Pls tell me it was like this for everyone otherwise im starting to think there is something wrong with my medicals. x

8th Jan 2008, 16:34
:)good luck for every one wait for the golden call be passion and say incha allah and the god will help you :cool::p:ok:

8th Jan 2008, 17:11
hey louise , i waited till a week before i left so its very normal , as long as your confident your medically fit you have no need to worry but trust me i know what ur going through. hang in there im in dubai now and its well worth the stress

8th Jan 2008, 18:30
Hey guys !!!

I sent my medicals 2 weeks ago and guess what... I just received my final approval !! Fantastic !!!!

Honey Cathy and Ali Xander i am so happy about you guys !!! I really want to meet you there.

Now regarding to resignation letter, i am not working. should i tell them that i cant give them this letter once i am not working????/


Daniel :D

8th Jan 2008, 19:32
Hey all!

I am another new here!
Here for help and for advice!
I am 22 years old and I give my first interview in my life!!!
That's for Emirates !

My interview is on Sturday in Athens.
Could someone advise me and give me some information?
Thank you..

And contratulation for all of you who took the "golden" passport :)


9th Jan 2008, 09:52
Arghhhh! Ok thanks for that. Just getting so frustrated. Spoke to them this morn and first off they thought they hadnt even received my medicals, then they said they havent even looked through them yet and i sent them off 4 weeks ago.

They said ill prob have to wait till atleast sun now as its public holiday and then weekend. I think this is the most painful wait of my life, and i thought the golden phonecall was the worst.

Glad to hear it is all well worth it when u get there. Cant wait to arrive and meet everyone. So excited x

9th Jan 2008, 11:18
No one else on here has a DOJ of 25th this month? Getting excited, nervous, scared, excited, nervous, nervous, excited....Can't wait!! And still havent prepard a thing :ugh:

9th Jan 2008, 11:20
Hey, don't worry....i waited 4 weeks then they called and told me i hadnt sent some results(which i had), and i was to resend them.....after that, i got my final approval the next day....so hang in there...i know its driving you crazy, but you will get it especially since you called them...it seems to give them a nudge!

Hey...i wish you all the best in your interview...you can check out my tips on my blog, private message me if you are interested.

Congratulations...at least this time they did not take too long:D

9th Jan 2008, 11:24
Hi you.....
we have definitely come a long way...remember that time we were moaning because we had stayed weeks without getting the call???now we are thinking about packing.....i haven't packed or prepared for anything and i am leaving on the 18th.....my twin is leaving on the 25th.
what are we packing aside from clothes???
i am also nervous and a bit scared esp seeing as i have never been away from my family!having mixed feelings!

9th Jan 2008, 12:28
Thanks for that! Guess i just have to sit it out. Wow emirates certinly tests ur patience. And thats before you even get out there.

9th Jan 2008, 23:05
oh sh$^$^t, do they need the graph from the audiogram ? cause my physician signed of the boxes he had to complete on the form plus stamped it ! and to be honest I hate that physician, here to cash in... Oh well, I'll just call him and give him the ultimatum.

10th Jan 2008, 00:45
Haha, yeah, seems like only yesterday that we were still waiting for that call. Now I wish we had more time! So many friends to say good bye to, so many things to do...it's scary. Do you have msn or facebook? Would be good to talk before we get there :ok:

10th Jan 2008, 06:30
Yes...you absoutely need that graph.....

Yeah...i think it is also a test in itself all this waiting...i must say my patience levels have greatly improved.

Gone U/S
10th Jan 2008, 10:12
Do I scream? Do I shout? Do I jump? Do I dance?
Do I laugh? Do i cry? Do I .... ok you get what I mean. :oh:

I got a phone call from Emirates Cabin Crew Recruitment yesterday and after waiting just on three weeks from my Final Interview I was told I was SUCCESSFUL!!! :ok:

I will be moving to the land of construction (Dubai) on the 4th April.

Anyone else going on that day?

Anyone else from the December Sydney Open Day found out yet?

Time to be jabbed, prodded and poked (ie. Medicals!)

10th Jan 2008, 10:22
Hey Gone U/S thats fantastic congratulations im so jealous. I had my open day in MEL on the 8th Dec and my final interview on the 11th. Im going crazy waiting for news.

10th Jan 2008, 14:30
Hi I am Aussie but will be in Paris during the Open days there (2-3 Feb) . Anyone here know what language they conduct the open days there? because i dont know any French.

Because Im thinking of going to the one in Paris..
Thanks goodluck to all.

10th Jan 2008, 15:19
Prisii : They'll be doing it in English and it will last at least 3 days if you make it to the final interview. BE prepared for LONNNNG DAYS.

10th Jan 2008, 19:39
Good luck in your assessement days and prepare hard for the english test
Bonne chance in Paris :p :ok:

11th Jan 2008, 04:05
Hi all..I'm new here..and I'm from Singapore..
Firstly I would like to congartulate for those who has been employed by Emirates...

Well tommorrow will be my interview and I wonder how the interview like??Can anyone help?:confused:

11th Jan 2008, 07:15
oh my...i am trying to pm you but its not going through...i dont know why its not working...its www. kamissafari . ********. com no spaces though!

11th Jan 2008, 07:20
well...just incase you still cant get through...this was my experience.
Well it was a crazy process. We were about 96 girls that showed up..no men, would you believe! and it was a bit intimidating..so we were just seated and Nina and Rowena showed up...they are great...so friendly and completely put us at ease. Then it was a whole process of talking about EK and people asking questions..blaah, blaah....then we were asked to wait outside the room after been give our ref numbers for that day! we did some group work..and i was asked to present for my group..which i think is what got me in...after that we were to wait..we were called in and give this slips of paper that said whether you were successful or not...i was so excited to just read the congratulations part...yippee!...after that we were narrowed down to about 25, then we did the English test..which i thought was a breeze but some people still failed..we were then about 19 if i am not wrong and we had to do more group work..passed again and we were down to 13 who went for the final interview!
i was so happy..almost cried!
Final interview was great coz Nina just asked me about my past customer service experience and we just chatted!Then the wait began...
Some people were called in a week..which was quite disheartening..coz you keep hoping and getting discouraged at the same time..you dread checking your email coz if you get the email...you have probably been rejected..and you keep checking that your phone is working in case they call......must say those were the worst 7 weeks ever...well it turned out that they were so late in calling because my twin who had also passed the interview had all the same details as me and they were wondering how it was possible that the same person could have done the interview in 2 different countries-our names are also alike-...but it was all sorted and we got the calls..pending medicals, we leave within a week of each other, which i think is so cool!

Main advice for anyone:
My best advice is to remember the 4 P's of airline interviewing: Professional: in both dress and demeanor, look and act like a business professional.
Poised: Eye contact, posture, the way you carry yourself, facial expression, (think pleasant!) are all observed.
Personable: Interact with everyone that you meet and treat them as if they are the most important person in the room. Genuine outgoing personalities are what they look for.
Positive! Speak well of your former employers, think customer service and safety when answering questions.
Hope that helps

11th Jan 2008, 07:20
congratulation to everyone who is joining emirates. i got the golden call and i will start with the medicals. my DOJ is 14th of march. is there anyone who will join same date?
good luck to everyone.:)

11th Jan 2008, 10:53
:)Hi sweetheart..thanks for the valnurable advised and tips...I know is not easy to get through for the first time..however I just got to put in my best...Anyway wish you all the best working with Emirates..take care..!!!

11th Jan 2008, 12:24
Pamika : I'm joining on the 14th of March too! Do you have a facebook or email we can swap ?

11th Jan 2008, 20:04

This forum is intended for working Cabin Crew: Some time ago it was nearly over run with wannabees, and for that reason the wannabee threads were established to be a source of information for those seeking recruitment. It would seem that the wannabee threads are now being used for a sort of social networking function instead.

You need to be very clear on this - If your post does not contain concrete fact about the recruitment then it has no business on PPRuNe - anywhere: This means that any of the following stuff is not to be posted...

Facebooks, blogs, I'm so happy for you, woohoo I got it, wish me luck, send me a PM, msn me, will you be at the interview, follow your dreams etc. etc. All of this should be done by PM on PPRuNe (if you must - we'd rather that you didn't use our server space for it) or by Text Message - in fact do it anyway that you want - BUT DON'T POST IT ON A THREAD.

15th Jan 2008, 09:48
Yes! I just got my final confirmation this morn. I fly out 15th feb. I cant believe it! So so happy.

Now the next stage is packing. Can anyone who is already out there give any advice on this. There r prob things i wont think about that would be really handy out there. Also do we need a mixture of summer and winter clothes. Would it be a good idea to bring my laptop.

I would be so grateful for any advice on this as i am the worst packer ever. I tend to just through everything in and that would def make me over the 50kg limit.

See u all in a month. Wohoo x

16th Jan 2008, 08:36

can anyone please give me the mail of cabin crew joiners that i should send my documents to coz everytime i am sending it is failing to send,


16th Jan 2008, 12:30
It's probably because the files you're trying to send are to big they only allow 5 Mb per mail...

17th Jan 2008, 00:37
Does Emirates have a Cabin crew/Air Crew in house newsletter ???? If yes - what is it called??? Or does it just operate an intranet to keep its crew updated on company news???

20th Jan 2008, 01:45
I have also had the same problem with the files being too big. I had no idea how to compress them so i had to sort of split up the files and send them seprately, so 3 emails were sent.

Does anyone know of anyone having a problem with doing that?

20th Jan 2008, 14:13
What I did regarding emails :

I scanned everything as you do normally, I downloaded Acrobat Professional and created PDFs from multiple files (my scans). I then went into Reduce File Size under the "file" menu. The result was amazing, I had a 15 page document filed with scans only 2 Mb in size !

21st Jan 2008, 17:59
for those who passed the medical exam, i just want to know what kind of picture do i need to bring in Dubai because it is not stated there if it's casual attire or business attire and if it's half or full body...is it the same pictures when we passed the requirements after the final interview?( 3x5 casual and full body business and casual attire)...:confused:

22nd Jan 2008, 06:42
Hi guys

Iīve passed an interview of Etihad appr. in November.We agreed that I am gonna start on 13.1.2008.But I just found out that they have got enough cabin crews for this moment.But they didnt even informe me.

The other thing is..On 26.1.2008 is an opening day for Emirates, but I still dont know if I should go for it..Can anyone give me some info about working for Etihad and working for Emirates..What about the salary, benefits anmd other things..Thanks for your help.....:O

22nd Jan 2008, 08:33
hey cathy,

the pictures that they need are not full length, it is a passport pic and four pic 3*3.5 that is almost like passport pic so only ur shoulder and above will be shown.

22nd Jan 2008, 13:22
I'm in the exact same situation as you.

You should absolutely go for the EK open day.. your position with EY isn't confirmed until you have a contract.. I have my interview with them in 2 days.

Who knows how long it will be before EY will contact us. Whatever your preferred airline is: it's always good to have a back-up. You might even get to choose for both of them :O

22nd Jan 2008, 13:50
Hi all,

I was in the Paris open day (24th nov) and I'm pre-selected. I sent my medical exam last week. But I have a small problem with one teeth.
Actually I have on missing teeth, it is the first molar on the right and down
side (between the pre-molar and the second molar). The gap is not visible when I speak and smile. So according to the EK requirements, my dentist put a cross on it on the form and circle the "FIT" option saying I'm OK. So for him everything is fine.
But I cannot stop myself from worrying about that :ugh::ugh:.

Did anybodies face a situation like before and got finaly selected ?

By the way I would move to dubai on 28th march.


22nd Jan 2008, 14:55
Dont worry at all !! I had one gap on each side :}.. as long as it not visible then everything should be fine ,, you should should be thinking about packing rite now .

See you around soon .

23rd Jan 2008, 00:05
Hi all,
I am so excited because we are gonna have the OD in San Jose Costa Rica on Jan 29th. Though I have submitted my resume and application on line, but I am wondering what do they do in a normal OD? Do they hire people during that week or how does that work? Also, how long the whole selection process may take to the final decision and to get the trip to Dubai and start to join the Cabin Crew team? Mucha appreciated your replies.


24th Jan 2008, 00:30
Open day- the first round: assessment day:

Browsing the video about Emirates, including Dubai, recruitment, the first day enter Emirates bla bla bla. then you can ask any questions you'r interested in, about one and half hours
then will be divided into groups and have group discussion about the questions given there ( 2 to 3 questions. )

if you aren't native speaker, you'll be invited to complete an English test, comprehension and written an essay

the second discussion, if you shortlisted, you will do a psychology test,
you will be informed by the end of assessment day whether you get invited to final interview or not.

final interview:

only YOU face two interviewers,

ALL these procedure is based on Emirates recruitment in China, for your reference. hope you will succeed to work for Emirates

i'm going to assessment day in Shanghai end of this month, BLESS ME~~~

i still have some question, as I'm not a native speaker, i'm afraid of my ORAL English coz I am always ashamed talking with foreigners, when i interact with my German boss, i try my best to take care my accents but... i'm still worried, how to improve my English ability especially in ORAL???

24th Jan 2008, 12:12
Been nearly two weeks since I last posted on here and finally having time to get back on here to post a quick message. Been in Dubai for 2 weeks now and I am not home sick at all. After a few changes, I managed to get myself into a really nice appartment. Had our first SEP exam today and passed and have another one on Monday! Damn! Training is fun, it is like going back to school, all you guys joining will love it. It is also a lot of hardwork as we start really early into the morning and get home at 4ish in the afternoon. Definitly not regretting it at all. Cannot wait to see all you newbies first thing on a Sunday morning at Emirates college! Look out for me and say hello!!

Gotta dash!

Good luck everyone :)

24th Jan 2008, 13:03
Hi all,
Can someone tell me if I could use glasses during the Open Day or better not to? Trying to find out how EK's policy looks like.:sad:


25th Jan 2008, 18:10
I am planning on attending an Open day and I was wondering what kind of photo Emirates are looking for?

I know the business attire, skirt, smile with teeth etc.
But I heard they have very strict requirements about your posture on the photo.
Can anyone tell me what their requirements are?
Do you have to face exactly forward?
How should the legs be positioned?

Thanks a million!!!

25th Jan 2008, 20:39
WELL, I went to an interview with EK a few days ago here in Singapore.. was doing pretty well, and even made it past a few of the rounds.. until they realized I don't have my Year 12 cert.

Bummer. :*

Don't get me wrong, I can certainly see their point.. minimum requirements are set in place for a reason. But needing to have Year 12 seems kind of silly, when you're 21 and have been living abroad for years and have years of professional work experience etc. I have Year 11.. but they can't overlook 12 measly months of education?

Now I could enter into a degree or diploma, which take 3 years or so, and be at least 24 years old when I completed it and was able to re-apply.

Not cool. :suspect:

25th Jan 2008, 22:59
i had to get my photo taken three times; eventually by a professional photographer (previous ones were just taken in my flat by a friend).

emirates is quite strict in that regard as well as to how you are standing, etc. the rules are:

-plain, straight skirt (no ruffles, pleats, etc) that goes right to the centre of the knees,
-black shoes with heels but no ankle strap and not backless. feet should be together but with one at a slight angle (ie, around 45 degrees),
-plain shirt and a suit jacket,
-arms at sides but slightly bent so that your waistline can be seen,
-hair pulled back,
-white background/floor,
-looking straight at camera (and smiling, of course!)

hope that helps! best to get it right the first time, as it's a pain having to resend photos all the way to dubai :)

26th Jan 2008, 08:29
I'll take part in an assessment day by agency and if I'm short-listed, I'll be invited to Emirates assessment day next Tuesday in Shanghai, browsing thu the thread, I've got some useful infomation already, including procedure, tips, and so on. Much appreciated for kindly you, wish I can do perfectly in each round and luckily work for Emirates. :):)

Anyway, thanks for your info

26th Jan 2008, 09:12
Gow does this work, do they ask for your diploma or did they ask and you told them straight up?

Yeah i think its quite silly too easpecially as all other companies only require GCSE.. but all the middle easter ones seem to require 12 years!!

26th Jan 2008, 09:47
I think when I wrote my last post I was just a little peeved.. I'm calmer now :cool:

They actually let me skip the round with the English test because I was born in Australia (they have failed to notice that Singaporeans are at a native level as well though..). I guess they were sifting through the CVs and saw I only had year 11 on mine, so they asked me about it. I said I have year 11 only, so they asked if I had anything else in regards to qualifications, such as a diploma or TAFE, which they can also accept.

I just found out from my friend that Australia has diplomas that take only a year to complete. But I can't find anything in Singapore that's less than 3 years... :(

26th Jan 2008, 15:59
So, anyway, went to the assesment day today in Bratislava... After all the DVD and talking bit, we did the first group exercise and then I was cut!!

I dont get it, there was a guy who I got talking to who told me he wasnt really interested in the job 'just doing it for fun' and he also did not say one thing during the group exercise but he got selected for the next round, there was also another girl who has the same flying experience as me and didnt get selected for the next step either

point to this post is, do they prefer you to sit back and say nothing or actually participate in the group exercises, from what I and others could see, the ones who just blended into the background and didnt participate got selected!

I am really trying to type this without sounding too annoyed and having sour grapes, but i guess i do and I think it is unfair really to expect people to drive hundreds of km (in my case 800) just to spend 10min doing a group thing and then get cut

ok rant over.... promise there will be no more!

Any advise on what to do next time??

man i need a drink now! hope to hear back from all you guys!!


26th Jan 2008, 16:27
I think it is unfair really to expect people to drive hundreds of km (in my case 800) just to spend 10min doing a group thing and then get cut

No one expected you to drive that far, you did it because you wanted and it was in this case the best option for you, but this are the rules, and no interviewer cares how far you drove or how much money you've spent in hotel/flights just to get there on that day.

Maybe the desperation showed in your face and believe me that the interview starts the minute that you step in that hotel or venue and not when you think it starts, they watch every single movement that you make, including how you stand, how you talk to people, how much interest you show, how many times you look at your watch, how many times you roll up your eyes, all in all your body language is being monitored and it all happens when you don't know.

I don't know what you have done or not, and who am I to say that what you did was correct or incorrect, but I know that in all interviews, regarding of the position that you go for, it all goes to body language, the talking bit is only to finalize the opinion that they already have about you.

Next time relax and don't set yourself too high expectations, they are looking for someone with that "extra" personality and the more relax that you are the more that your personality shows.

Good luck the next time and don't give up !! :ok:

27th Jan 2008, 07:06
Leito, fair play to you, I guess having to come so far is just part of it, excuse my bitching.

Thanks for your response though

27th Jan 2008, 12:05
Hey guys,

try Etihad Airways! They will start recruiting soon again! I attended Emirates assessment day as well and must say that it is pretty unfair!!! Nobody knows the standards they are really looking for! You can be as good as you can, as soon as the dont like you you are dismissed!!!!!!

I also attended Etihad`s assessemnt and must say that it is 1000 times better organized and done than Emirates`!!!!! You are really welcomed and handled as their guests and just after you made it at the first stage they invite you for lunch with them together at their expenses!!! really nice and perfect recruitment officers who look at your general qualifications and after you!!!! They give their best to keep you relaxed as they can! At Emirates the recruitment ladies looks at you sooooo arrogant and bored!!!! I dont like them and I will never go for them again!

i am still waiting fro Etihad`s final approval!!!!!!!!

27th Jan 2008, 13:18
Sonic, Im going to back Leito on this one.

Please stick to the thread title "Emirates".
You may seem to think that Emirates Recruiting is very unfair, but would you say that if you had got it, or would the other 8000+ current flying crew say its unfair. Just because you have not got the job, lets all have whinge?!
Emirates standards are simply mentioned on their website. They want someone who they think will benieft there airline and customers, BUT obviously they dont know you like a friend, so you have to show your true personality and abilities on the day, and show the the little extra they require.

Emirates & Ethihad are 2 different airlines. They will have their own ways and methods. Some will be advantages some will be disadvantages for us.

Maybe the recruitment officers have flown around the world to 6 other Assessment Days across 3 continents. They are not their to have a laugh and a joke. Its serious. They're serious. THey want perfect candidates for their airline.

Remember, everyone is entitled to an opinion ;)
If you feel that way towards Emirates and their staff, fine. Good Luck to you. and I hope you get Etihad.


27th Jan 2008, 14:21
Sonic, I wish you all the very best with EY, they are an amazing company and they have very big plans, I really hope that you get to be part of it all. :ok:

I never attended an EY interview but I can't believe that they pay lunch for the people attending it, (the ones that pass the fist stage as you said), you have to undertand that it cost money and time to do that, maybe you are not aware that last year there were over 62000 aplications on the EK website and open days, maybe EK does not have the time nor the money to host lunch for the people and uses the money to pay for the 240+ planes on order, obviously you are also disappointed about your experience with EK, but you need to see the big picture here, no company has the time or money to do what EY does, good on them if they can do it but the reality is different in most companies.

like hopeful_as_ever said, this is an EK thread and there is no point comparing oranges to bananas, other wise will be talking about all other companies and is not the point, it's great that you share your experience, (good and bad), so that future candidates can read and know what to expect, but please lets not compare, let's help each other and those who can share the do's and dont's this is the forum so that everyone benefits from it all.

Best of luck to everyone !!! :ok:

27th Jan 2008, 15:07
Can someone answer my question??? Can I wear glasses or contact lense? With EK on a regular open day.

Thanks a lot,

27th Jan 2008, 15:19
Contact lenses (clear) are fine to wear, not glasses though.

28th Jan 2008, 13:31
Hi there, I was asked to bring the photos for the final interview, what about lady's hairstyle, I mean the fringe, is it allowed or not? I understood that it's ok but only if it's not so long and doesn't cover the eyebrowns, is it correct?

Thank you!!

28th Jan 2008, 23:09
Hi this is my very first post.

1) I am just wondering how long in advance should you register for an open day? (wanting to apply for 28th of Feb)
2) I am also wondering whether you need to send in your photos when you are registering your cv?
3) I am 21 on the 26th of March will that make a difference?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanking you:)

28th Jan 2008, 23:47
Hello everyone.

I was just wondering if someone would be able to help me for just a moment.

I have attempted to read through the 60+ pages of the multiple emirates recruitment threads and will finish reading them all later tonight.

At the moment I am wanting to know a couple of quick questions which I hope, someone could help me out with.

* When applying for a position with Emirates cabin crew, is it more beneficial to attend and open day or apply online? Is there a difference between the two?

* What are emirates after in regards to cabin crew? I assume a good grasp of English would be the most important thing, is there anything else?

* Does anyone have any tips/hints for a first timer who would like to become a member of emirates cabin crew?

Thank you.

29th Jan 2008, 06:33
I am also just learning about applying, but as far as I am aware the open day is actually a recruitment day.
It is a group interview where the recruitment staff can see how well you interact in a group situation.
I think that you need to register your CV online and then go about trying to register for an open day. I hope that is helpful.

Warm Regards


29th Jan 2008, 18:22
hi:) Could you tell me if its better to attend an open day or an assesment day for Emirates?:rolleyes:;)

30th Jan 2008, 02:50
Hello everyone,
Just want to say thank you so much for your replies and tips on how to successfully through to the final interview! I assisted the Open Day today and we were starting with 82 applicants and after the height test (which means you must reach out 212 cm with your arm and on toes, men with shoes and women without shoes) and groups discussion (2 topics) the number was cut down to 17 (amazing elimination though...some people felt so dismissed without any explaination), and unbelievablily I was among the 17!!!...then sometime later we started with the English Test for about 60 minutes, as you all know once the test result came up, there were only 13 survivied...and again I am in. I have finished the Psycometric test and tomorrow I am supposed to be there again at 8:30am for some more activity and elimination process...crossing my fingers, and praying a lot to be successful for tomorrow. Really want to be CC with Emirates.

the 2 recruitment ladies are so friendly and easy access persons...one from Australia and the other from Iceland...both are wonderful.

Good luck to you all.

My recommendation is to be yourself and really not talk too much during the group discussion session. They observe your behavior a lot.

Will keep you posted. Good night :p

30th Jan 2008, 10:22
Hi everyone,

I have gotten to the stage of sending all my medical information. however, it has been nearly 2 weeks and i havent heard anything. 2 other girls have received emails saying "thanks, we have received your medicals" but i have heard nothing.

Has anyone else had this same problem?

30th Jan 2008, 17:38
Hello everyone,

It's been a while since I wrote last, but it has been 4 fantastic/BUSY months with Emirates. When I left American Airlines I wasn't sure whether or not I'd made the right choice. Now days, I am 100% sure: I am in the right place.

It's been four months of traveling all over the world, everyday is a whole new adventure: different crew, nice passengers and very cool destinations! I must admit I've been lucky with my rosters as well. I am having the time of my life :)

With that said, I wish you all the best and see you around!


31st Jan 2008, 02:42
First of all, I have sucessfully passed the second group discussion on a such a tough topic and situation...and we started with 13 and now only 10 of us are going to Final Interview, the last stage. But no more elmination until we get the "Golden call" from Dubai...so we are all going to the final interview under a different schedule. We are only 4 males and 6 females...and I encounter my ex-collegue among the 10 finalists!!! What a coincidence!!! Both of us are in, and we have passion to be flight attendants...and now seems like the reality has become true, well quite a bit. I am looking forward to hear from Dubai after the final interview, and hopefully not having to wait that long like others. I have to take more pictures tomorrow to complete the profile as they need to take some photographs back to Dubai for HR's filing purposes. They asked 1 full length, 2 casual and 6 passport sized photos in business attire...after that if I pass this final stage, they will require 24 photos more...incredible!!!:cool:

Good luck for all wannabees! will keep you guys updated about my final interview. ;)

31st Jan 2008, 20:35
Hi guys,

I was scheduled for assessment here in Dubai last Jan 15 through email, in which I confirmed attendance. Unfortunately I couldn't attend the said date due to an emergency, hence I sent an email to them the day before and asked for a reschedule. They haven't replied to which. Earlier this week, I sent another email regarding availability for another assessment schedule, and still no response.
Does this mean there's no longer any chance for an assessment? :(


1st Feb 2008, 02:43
Hi everyone,
Finally, I finished the final stage which is the final interview with one of the recruiter. The whole interview lasted for about 35-40 minutes with only 4 or 5 questions which were quite specific on talking about your previous working experiences with customers...she wanted me to provide as much detail as possible on the situation ocurred, however I could handle them quite well...at the end of the interview and after she checked all requisitions and photograph were gathered then before I leave she made me a question like this: "Marlon, have you been searching for information about Emirates Airlines and Dubai over internet so you wouldn't get a shock when you arrive there?" And my answer was YES! and actually I participated in this forum to get a better understanding on the whole process and also the life style in DUBAI... Do you guys think that this might be a positive signal? I felt really excited when she asked me that...hopefully I can get this wonderful job as to start building up a new life :)

Give me your opinions please...

Thank you all :ok:

1st Feb 2008, 11:59
hi all,
my DOJ is on the 15th of February meaning in 2 weeks' time but until now i haven't received any confirmation concerning the medicals...
has anyone been in almost the same situation and did he/she finally succeeded? i'm really worried.... :confused:

2nd Feb 2008, 10:15
Anyone going to the open day in London tomorrow?
Any tips?
From reading previous posts think it may be advisable to turn up really early, about 7.30-8am, does anyone think this is unnessesary?

3rd Feb 2008, 17:26
Anyone out ther who made it all the way to the interview (Day 2) in Stockholm? Saturday 2008-JAN-20 and 21
What happens after the interview? How long does it take for EK to process your application? What will the next step be? :confused:

3rd Feb 2008, 18:15
Hey buddy,
You should have read the previous post I uploaded...I assisted an Open Day in Costa Rica and I went through final interview successfully. I did specify what happened on the 1st, 2nd and final interview. Just don't want to rewrite again, sorry to tell you this but there are so much information to rewrite again. I definately invite you to see my posts. Good luck to you!!! :D

Best regards,

3rd Feb 2008, 18:15
Hi there I am in teh same situation and I am really worried, my doj is on the 22 feb and I sent the medicals in the end of december, such a looooong wait, I don't know what to do :confused:

3rd Feb 2008, 18:19
Usually after you have done with the final interview, it will take 2-6 weeks to give you a call regards to either you are successful or not. Have you done the english test? Or the second round of group discussion? That is another elimination to have only few people to join the final interview.

3rd Feb 2008, 18:22
Hi italiaboy,
You should give them a call to find out what is the current approval status of your medical result. They told us that we can call them to find out when the waiting time is taking so long...good luck!!!

3rd Feb 2008, 18:44
Thanks I will defo give them a call tomorrow to know what is going on with this , would you call Joanne or the general office ??

3rd Feb 2008, 20:12
Hi again

What does EK ask for if they approve you - after the golden call - except for doing the medicals?
Does anybody know if EK offers the possibility to do your medicals in Dubai? I have read on the EY thread that EY offer it if you are ready to leave on short notice. Does anybody know if EK offers the same?
Anybody else out there who made it all the way in Stockholm???

3rd Feb 2008, 20:24
:ok:Hi got a call for Feb 10th. check with me on
[email protected]

4th Feb 2008, 01:10
Hello everyone,

Just wanted to find out what are the main differences between Open Day conducted by an agency to that of an Open Day hosted by Emirates.

The thing with Open Day by an agency is that you can walk in anytime between the time stated which would probably eliminate group discussions <?> and the recruitment video. Does that mean that they will then call the shortlisted applicants back for the activities and discussions the next day?

LeeMarlon, was your Open Day hosted by Emirates or a recruitment agency?

Anyone out there who's been through and succeeded with an open day by an agency? If so, would you be so kind to share your experiences with us here? What are the process and how long will the whole interview take from start to final interview, if any?

Thank you.

4th Feb 2008, 04:50
Hi Italianboy,
Congrats!!! what are those medical test? Could you please provide me an idea how many medical tests I might be asked to take?

Thank you,

4th Feb 2008, 05:09
yeah they gonna send you a massive email explining everything that you need to do and all the medical reports must be in english, you need to undergo a hearing test , dentists x rays, chest x ray, hiv test, blood group, blood count, optical test, about 9 vaccines and a report from your doctor. that's why I call MADicals . good luck :ok:

4th Feb 2008, 10:43

I went through the selection process of Emirates Airlines in Munich and was also invited for the final interview the day after! I gave them 1 full lenght photo, one casual full-lenght photograph and 4 passport sized photos! Today in they called me to send them new photos becasue the photos I gav them recently were the same as those I had given to them in 2006!!!

Do you think this is a positive sign? The lady in Dubai told me after that that they need the photos immediately to proceed with my file!

Sh ewas very nice and ended the calli with " See you"

I hope that this is a good sign!! is somebody here who was in the same situation?????

5th Feb 2008, 02:40
Firstly congratulations on your progress through the selection progress. I have found your info very useful.
I have a global assessment day in melbourne this weekend. I was hoping if you, or anyone else who has attended the assesment day, can enlighten me as to what topics were talked about in the group discussions. I understand I would unlikely get the same topics, but if i could get an understanding, that would be great!

Look forward to your responses!

5th Feb 2008, 04:02
Hopefully you are well prepared for the assessment day! :)
In fact, we went through 2 rounds of group discussio and the topic we were given was: 5 items to be able to survive on an island, does not include water nor food. the whole group must discuss and come up with 5 items that EVERYONE AGREED WITH. And the next day's group discussion (we were 9 persons only...most of the people were dismissed the day before) our topic was: in a pretigious restaurant in London and unfortunately the head chef got ill and can't come to work, the chef assistant has very limited experience...now there are 10 tables waiting for their food, 5 waiting for the desert and 3 waiting for their starters and 2 for their drinks...if you were the restaurant manager, what would be your inmediate plan to resolve this issue?

For reference only, but please remember this tip: You don't have to talk a lot, don't try to be a leader, respect others opinion, don't interrupt the conversation, SMILE, pay attention to others talking, never and ever say I DON'T THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA...that means you are rejecting people and you can't be a team player. They are looking for people who can work together and not obsessioned of his/her own ideas.

Hopefully this might help you on preparing yourself, please be yourself and there is nothing to be worried. Be positive, well grooming!!!

Good lucks!!! :O


5th Feb 2008, 08:22
thankyou that is great info and advice. Until the next questions pop into my head, good-luck and be sure to post your progress as i have been following and find it very helpful! :)

5th Feb 2008, 16:37
Has anyone ever attended an Open day in Canada? I plan to go to Toronto next month, and I've noticed that their preliminary screenings are done by Konexion. Any info would be lovely.

6th Feb 2008, 20:59
Has anyone ever attended an Open day in Canada? I plan to go to Toronto next month, and I've noticed that their preliminary screenings are done by Konexion. Any info would be lovely.

Emirates uses an angency in cities where the turn out for the interviews is high. It helps them eliminate candidates who do not meet the minimum requirements.
Show up well dressed, smile, be professional and be ready to answer questions like "Why do you think you would be an ideal candidate for the position".
It was a fairly easy step to pass last year. I got cut out throughout the selection process with EK later on during the week. However I'll be trying again in Ottawa next month :)

Good luck!

Gone U/S
6th Feb 2008, 21:05
Hey guys

This might seem strange but know there are alot of people on here that have been successful and made the move over to Dubai.

I'm in the same position and just wondering what kind of things to pack? Aprt from the obvious clothing etc. anything you guys recommend.

Oh and more importantly considering we get issued with an EK Delsey suitcase, did you bother packing suitcases for the move over, or, did you guys do boxes.

I thought i may ask now and see what you all come up with.

Happy Flying and to those wannabes... Happy Interviewing!

6th Feb 2008, 21:54

does anyone knows how long does it take to get called by emirates after sending ur medicals???!!

6th Feb 2008, 23:13
Hi there,
Congratulations!!! I was given a cabin crew Linen & starter pack list during the final interview...don't you have one? That paper indicates what Emirates will offer you in the furnished apartment so you don't have to bring anything in there. Cloths, shoes and personal items...that will be all. Remember that you can only carry 50 kgs for baggages. I am still waiting for my Golden Call...btw, I have a question regarding to the DOJ...when did they give you that special date to join? the Golden Call? or after medical results approval?



7th Feb 2008, 01:07
YUL: Thanks again for the info. Good to hear its pretty straight forward. Good luck in Ottawa next month!

7th Feb 2008, 05:12
Hi Marlon

They tell you a preliminary DOJ when you get the Golden call.

7th Feb 2008, 23:31
Hi how are you doing?, a few days ago I read that emirates will have a couple of open days in Canada soon, does any one know by any chance if emirates will do open days in the US? if so, does anyone know if would happen any time soon?, Iīll be looking forward for your answers.

Thank You

8th Feb 2008, 01:42
Hey, the trend that I've noticed is that Emirates likes to make an appearance in Canada and the USA every 6 months. So if you know when they were in the USA last, then chances are, they'll be back 6 months from that date. There are plenty of Open Days in Canada this month and next, why not try for one of those? I plan to go to one next month, maybe I'll see you there! Good luck with everything!

9th Feb 2008, 18:09
Hi guys and especially my friend midoy! I am in and I am joining Emirates on 29.03.2008!!!!! I cannot believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The medicals are sooo extense!!!!!

Ophtalmic Report
Tuberculin Skin Test and BCG Vaccination
Dental Health and X-rays

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How long will this take?????????

In the guidelines it is mentioned that they spectacles cannot be worn and only contact lenses are acceptable!!! hmmmmm I have tried with contacts but it was so difficult for me to get them in!!!! But for Ek I will do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10th Feb 2008, 02:09
Hi Midadi,
Congratulations!!! :D
How long did EK take to give you a call after you assisted the final interview? I am still waiting...they told me 2-6 weeks...what about your case?

Thanks for advising,

10th Feb 2008, 20:14
Hi guys,

I currently work for a low-cost airline in the UK and am thinking about which airline to move on to. Although it's a 3 year contract, Emirates does appeal to me with being based in Dubai.

I'm just wondering about actual monthly pay, and whether accommodation is included, and things like that that they don't tell you until you are already 'in' with them.

PM me if you prefer. Any info is a great help.


12th Feb 2008, 17:15
I just registered for anen day near me... I uploaded one passport and one full length picture of myself as required but I was wondering if I should redo them as they are not the best!???? Do they look thoroughly at everything or am I gonna get invited to the open day and then they become strict??? I was thinking that I could get some pictures professionally taken for the open day...or is that too late??

Do most people get to go to the open day or are a lot of people eliminated at this stage already...???

Thanks :)

12th Feb 2008, 17:43
Hi Emirates wont invite you as long as you dont hav eprofessional pictures in your online application! I remember when I had normal pictures attached to it and they did not seem to answer and when I decided to do new ones and which were professional and very very expenisev and see there....2 or 3 days later when uploaded the new pictures I received the invitation from Emirates! Soooo my friend it is worth it to do professional pics! YOu will use them for Emirates and even for you! You will not believe what a professional fotographer can do and how amazing the outcome is!!
So good luck and do your thing! If you need advice PM me! Its my pleasure to help!!!

My medicals will be finished neyt week:-)))) Ok I hope that my teeth will be ok but i think that the doctor would like to earn some extra money by doing some fillings:-(((((( I hat the dentists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12th Feb 2008, 18:17
Hello! tried to PM you but your inbox is full:-)

the pics I have taken are in business attire but you still advise me to get professional ones taken?! Guess I will try to find a photographer....:)

Do I get an email inviting me to the open day if i am successful?

Also I'm a little confused on what to bring... The website (as far as i recall) state that one should bring and updated CV, full length and passport size photo.. However looking through old posts it seems that one should bring referneces, casual photo's, diplomas etc. is this necessary?

Congratulations on making it and thanks for helping out;)

12th Feb 2008, 18:59

you dont need an invitatoion for an Open day but Emirates does recommend to send an online application as it is the easiest way for them to hget bacl to you later etc.

You only need the last mentioned files only if you are successful for final interview! Than you would need one further fulllenght photo in business attire and one causal photo, 4 passport sized photograpgh, passport copies and if you are selected to relocate to Dubai you will have to take 24 more passport photos in sky blue!!! and I also had to bring 2 reference letters with me but some posted that they do not require them anymore so it is better for you to prepare them anyhow.........

last but not least my inbox is no empty and ready to welcome other messages:-) CU

13th Feb 2008, 16:45
Hey guys.... what a cool tips that you guys have been posting out there.

I'm going for Jakarta Open day on March, however i will only be 21 y.o this coming May, will it be a problem?

I really want to join the company.


13th Feb 2008, 17:56
evogear! In my opinion go as it sometimes takes more tha three months until they whole procedures have been done for joining! So go for it and they will relize it! Until may it only 2 months if we do not count the short February:-) So it wont be a problem, go for it and do it!!!! It is really easy as long as you are relaxed, very ver yvery and again very confident and friendly and have that special skills they will check by several tasks:-)

Good luck and make sure you will be ready when they come calling!!!:ok:

13th Feb 2008, 20:19
Such a nice feeling to know that they do recruit in Indonesia now ...

As Midadi said, it shouldnt be a problem as the whole process will likely take some few good months. However, my understanding is that the recruitment in Jakarta will initially be done by SAS so I think it would be best to make some enquiries with regards to this matter to them direct.

Goodluck with the whole process and keep up posted!


13th Feb 2008, 22:00
Hi,... I finally got the golden call after waiting for two months since my final interview,... and I was wondering if their is anyone else here from Toronto/Canada going to the UAE too?

My DOJ is May 2nd,... anyone else with me????

13th Feb 2008, 22:21
Hi there,
Congratulations!!! that you finally got the golden call. So you waited for 2 months...and your DOJ is May 2nd...now I am wondering how long is gonna take in my case? I did my final interview on Jan 31st 08 and this is just the second week...does anybody know if they really take 2 months to give us a call or that defers from one country to the other? Being that said, May 2nd is your DOJ and when would be mine...in June or July? OMG, did you choose the date or they gave that specific date to you? :confused:

Anyway, if anyone can answer my questions I really appreciate it a lot.


13th Feb 2008, 22:55
Hi guys, I was wondering since their gonna have open days in Canada soon: does anyone know about a possible future open day in the US?? , ( the problem is that they told me that Iīd need a canadian visa... ) so, I donīt know if I could attend... , any news ? anyone? , Iīll be looking forward for your answers.


14th Feb 2008, 01:57
Marlon,... it usually will take 5 weeks on average. So if you are being impatient NOW as it is only 2 weeks,... i cant imagine what you will be like in week 5 or 6. HAHAHAHA.

My waiting time took longer as I told them I won't be available until end of April. That is why they took their time. They give priority to those who are able to leave immediately.

I requested that date to leave, so I am sure you'd be able to leave in March or April. You seem so anxious,... just take a deep breath and remember that if it is meant to be,... it will happen! If not,... keep trying buddy! There are ENDLESS opportunities out there. :-)

14th Feb 2008, 02:56
Guys, thank you for the encouragment.

Yes it is done by SAAS Atlantic, and they have been recruiting in Indonesia for quite sometimes now.

Can you tell me how to pass the 1st stage since it is conducted by agent?

I am so nervous.

Anyone going for Jakarta?

15th Feb 2008, 10:15
Hey all of U

I am in. I am joining on the 18 April. Anyone else out there who is joining in or arround that date?
Does anyone know how strict EK is concerning the 2 weeks completing your medicals. They told me within 2 weeks from the day of the call.

15th Feb 2008, 15:07

does anyone know when the next manchester recruitment days will be held.?

15th Feb 2008, 19:09
Hi all,
I read somewhere in a blog saying that "Once you reached the final interview stage in the selection day, the Recruiter Staff will then mention that you will hear from them in 30 days. This means that you pass the final selection of the Recruitment Department." is this the way how they give you a YES signal? Anyone that got the golden call had the same experience and did they mention that 30 days to you as well?

Thanks for advising. Regards,


16th Feb 2008, 18:09
Hey everyone, just checking in to see how things are on here, looks like I will be seeing a few more of you around Dubai in the next couple of months, welcome on board :) Training is finally coming to an end and my first supy flights are to Dacca & Alexandria - can't wait.

Just to let you know, and I do not know how much there is in this but I was told this during training...if at anytime you display the "Emirates Smile" at your Assessment or Open Day...you are half way there. So...Practice those smiles :)

20th Feb 2008, 12:28

Can anyone give an roster example ? Some say it hard to work with EK, some are happy. I think giving example of the charge of work can help the joinners (like me) to have an idea.

Thanks :O

20th Feb 2008, 13:50
I am a joiner too, but I grabed this one from a EK's flight attendant's blog for reference only:

Hopefully this helps. ;)

20th Feb 2008, 20:27
That looks fantastic (the roster). I wonder if new joiners get those cool destinations like Melbourne or Osaka straight away or would we need to fly to near by countries first. Would any one know the answer to that? Im joining on March 21st, so excited.


21st Feb 2008, 03:54
The roster that leemarlon has mentioned above is all flights with layovers .. its not always the same.
usually you get a mixture of longhaul- medium and turnaround flights.

21st Feb 2008, 08:49
Thiruvanthapuram and Chennai are both turnaround flights.

It's a fairly typical roster - well, slightly better than average, (I'd be happy to see that roster, others maybe less so) but it must add up to a lot of hours, probably over 110.

New comers can go anywhere - my first ever flight was to Kuala Lumpur, although your supernumerary flights (2 only) will be turnarounds.

Don't stress too much about having all the medical stuff in order, it does make it a bit more straight forward having it all set, but mots of trainees have to get stuff sorted after they arrive in DXB.

21st Feb 2008, 10:26
How strict are EK about the medicals?
Do you really need you to have perfect medical reports and results?
Any stories out there about people getting final approval with not so perfect medical results?
PLZ PLZ some feedback PLZ:)

21st Feb 2008, 12:16
I registered 10 days ago for the EK open day in Copenhagen the 15th March and I haven't heard anything back.. Am I not supposed to get a confirmation email? Have I not been selected then? And if so can I try to sho up anyway??

21st Feb 2008, 12:49
Open Day is a free access day where everyone can assist and not by invitation. Therefore just get there on time! Be well groomed, prepared, be positive, show your passion and enthusiasm all the time. SMILE of course! Be nice with the people around you, and not make negative comment at no circunstances. Hopefully these tips might help you. Good lucks!!!

Marlon...waiting for the GOLDEN CALL...;)

21st Feb 2008, 13:27
hi...i'm finally confirmed and i'm moving on March 21st. what i would like to know is how should the 20 passport pics and the 4 ones be taken? should them be taken in business attire or casual wear?

thank you

21st Feb 2008, 13:38
Even though it says limited places, but if you have done registered your resume on line, that's fine. You don't need any email confirmation or invitation to join the Open Day. I registered my resume on line and went to the Open Day without email confirmation nor invitation. Open Day is unlike Assessment Day which does require invitation only. Don't worry! Just go and do your best! :O


21st Feb 2008, 22:46
all the best!!
have great time!!
enjoy every minute of your training and of your stay!!:D

i just pass the first day interview and tomorrow i've the face to face..
what can you suggest me?

and to those are going attempt the Opend Day i wanna say you:
my enplish is not good (i can understan but when i speak i make many mistakes), i've not experiance as cabin crew; there was a lot of people with a high english nivel a cabin crew experience but then they have been bossy during conversations.
Say what you think one time, it's enough. Be clear and no repeat things.
Smile a lot!! Be nice with everybody, as you always be in your life: be nice with the receptionist, with the waitress, with the cleaning staff.. youe are like in the Big-Brother: don't forget this!!
Be natural, be genuine, be modest!!
Relax, take it easy: it's important for you, but not vital, is it? Think that if you don't relax and get confident with your-self, you won't have the job!!
It's a intensive experience from which you can learn a lot of your self even the answer is negative!! So ask you: What i can improve?????
And then FEEL IT..
Maybe tomorrow they will say that i'm out but i won't mind because i felt so much yesterday.. it has been so amazing.. never had such a pleasant interview!!

Good luck everybody!!

22nd Feb 2008, 07:23
You seem to have a very nice attitude. You have already mensioned most of the things you should think about.
During your face to face interview just remember to have a warm smile. Keep your answers informative and within the subject. Dont say bad things about your former collegues or employers.
If you have made it to the face to face interview they think your english is on the right level.
Stay positive, know your CV, be natural and try to get some rest before the interview.

Wish you all the best.
Good luck.

22nd Feb 2008, 10:43
Hi Midadi and friends.

Less than one week to get the final approval, that was quick.
Concerning the online corporate induction form you are reffering to, I had to complete something like that within a couple of days after the golden call, but it is called On-line Joining Form. Did you also do this one?
If it is the same one, there is nothing to worry about, just a form about personal details as permenent adres, family members, smoker or non smoker........

24th Feb 2008, 10:28
Hi my name is stacie and I'm also booked to start on the 18th April, but i'm currently in the process of doing my medical and I don't think I can get it down in two weeks, what about you..? have you completed your medicals?


24th Feb 2008, 12:27
Hi Stacie

Cool that we have the same DOJ. I my self didnīt think I would be able to finish my medicals within two weeks, but I managed. From what I have read they are not that strict, they say try to get them done as soon as possible. Tell your doctor and dentist that you are in a hurry to have your medicals complete. I had to have some minor dental work done and my dentist didnīt have any reasonable time slots for me, but I told him that I could take some canceled ones and that worked out just fine - this is how I managed to get mine done on time. Now I am waiting for that final approval.
Keep in touch.

24th Feb 2008, 12:43
For the last two posts...

I am 'starting' on 28th March, after being told to complete medicals in early Jan I have only just sent my medical on last week. As long as you send what you have completed straight away then it keeps them in the loop and shows that you are trying.

Also if anyone else can help me with this, I have been requested to provide a seprate Haemoglobin report. How it this possible when the doctor only dashes the blood on a stick and a small computer gives him a number then writes this on the medical form? If anyone can give me a hint of what I need to ask the doctor for etc... that would be great.


24th Feb 2008, 14:00

You could ask your doctor to write a report with all the necessary details about the heamoglobin test conducted and results/level, he should sign it and get it stamped. In my case the doctor took a blood sample and sent it to a lab, after that I got the report from my doctor with the doctors stamp and signature. Just tell the doctor that a report is required.
I hope this answer will help you.

24th Feb 2008, 14:21
what is your DOJ ?
what is the coast of medicals??
how do you pass the interview ???
give me the detail ........:cool:

24th Feb 2008, 15:58
Hi there from brisbane,

I am aslo starting on 28. march but I will fly out from Zurich:-)

Midoy: Hi I can only tell you how much it costs in Euros! I had to pa< for all investigations (blood tests) 135€, for all X-Rays including Dental X-Rays I paid 85EUR and the other things were born by my insurance:-) All together it was 220EUR! It is very expenise though! But it is worth it:-)

Ahhhh and I had to pay for the fitting of contact lenses 20EUR!


24th Feb 2008, 22:46

I got the golden call and now I am working on the medical forms. When I asked the lady who called congratulating me, I asked what the final confirmation is based on, and she said it is based on passing the medical and being able to obtain a security clearance pass. Then I will get another final call.

But what is worrying me is that I was charged with something last year, but I was never convicted and the charges were dropped and withdrawn. But my record will show that charges dropped. Is this something to worry about? Like anyone can be accused of something, but I was never appointed guilty.

Kind of worried and if anyone could help,.. i would appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

25th Feb 2008, 00:21
Hi everyone,
Any one there can answer the question of the meanining of Chocks on and Chocks off...as it is the way to measure the per diem. How to earn the monthly flying hours...

Thank you,

25th Feb 2008, 02:27
Chocks on is when the plane lands and hits its parking point and chocks off is also known as push back when you are departing. From point to point is the time you get paid. That is how you build up your flight pay.:)

25th Feb 2008, 21:05
Correct, and the only way for the crew to know the flight time is to listen to the First Officer once we are on the bus (in DXB) returning to the Crew Briefing Center, aka C.B.C., and write down the time, at the end of the month you need to add up yourself all the hours and minutes and you get the total flight time, it's very easy, don't worrie !!! :ok:

25th Feb 2008, 23:29
Thank you so much for those who answered my questions, now i understand how EK's cabin crew get paid for those flying hours! Btw, will the water/electricity expense in the apartment be covered by EK? What about the house keeping? We need to cover that? :eek:

Thanks again, Marlon

26th Feb 2008, 05:08
Hey Guys,

Congratulation to those who make it to the final,

i just wanna ask a simple question, if im going to the open day, what is the best time to be in the vanue? morning? or afternoon?
will it make any difference if i was there early in the morning?


26th Feb 2008, 05:24
Hey Marlon, it's all paid for, you won't worrie about a thing habibi, didn't they give you a couple of photocopies on the interview?, I thought that they explained quite a bit.

Evogear, the open day usually starts at 09:00, you have to check it up, then make sure that you are there at least 08:30, so that you are relaxed, nothing worst that get stressed out over traffic or rushing for you "big day", good luck !!! :ok:

26th Feb 2008, 09:45
i got a call about 3 weeks ago after an open day from one of the recruiter saying that i will get an email for an assessment day for march 3rd in london but i still didnt get anything!!!
i gave them a call today but that was an answer machine!!!!

im gettin very worried:(:(:(

26th Feb 2008, 09:54

Donīt worry. Just keep on calling them, they will answer eventually.
Many of those who came to the assessment day in Stockholm didnīt get an invitation, but they went anyway, and some of them made it all the way to the final inteview.

26th Feb 2008, 11:20

I want to go to an open day in my country on the 15th of March but if I click on the day and country under venue it says postponed until further notice....does that mean they have postponed the open day or is that just them not knowing in which hotel its gonna be held yet?

Also, any tips on writing a good CV?? Do i only add education or work history or also interests? Does it matter about the layout?


26th Feb 2008, 21:31
hey leito,

u r working for emirates now!? congratulation.
did u get a call after sending ur medicals or they only sent u the ticket and visa before 1 week of joining date?

27th Feb 2008, 04:18
1 Dubai Is A Racist Place
2 Just Look How The Pilots Feel
3 Managers Are Only There For Their Personal Gain
4 Roster Bidding Doesnt Work
5 Traffic On The Roads
6 Money ..inflation Against Your Increase Not Correct
7 Duty Hours And Rest Onboard Not Realistic
8 Jail Like Conditions In Your Company Provided Flat
9 If Your A Female Beware Men Will Treat You Like A Hooker

harry the cod
27th Feb 2008, 05:03
Aren't there normally 10 reasons in a list?

Well, in answer to your nine points,

1)Yes, Dubai is racist, no doubting that. Unfortunately, though, so is my 'home' Country. But NOT in favour of the 'locals'!

2) Don't base your decision to join on Pilots. Pilots are professional moaners and proud of it.

3) And aren't we all? I'm sure you didn't join just for Emirates benefit.

4) Learn to bid properly and be more flexible. You are going to get crap in your bottom months.

5) Show me a major city that doesn't have traffic on the roads. At least they're building new roads and bridges to cope.

6) Can't disagree with you on that. A big problem that's getting worse and people should be very wary!

7) Yep, you do work hard but at least you've got curtains on the Perth now. Or is it still 'being looked at'?

8) Too many 'sleazy Lebaneze' being brought back to girls apartments and parties at 4 in the morning while crews trying to rest. Behave like kids, get treated like kids. Besides, you're obviously not tipping the security guard enough. 1000dhs a month doesn't go far in Dubai as you already know.

9) Only by the Lebanese stewards! Having said that, one or two of our female crew discovered a way of supplementing their meagre income and starting earning a little bit extra on the side. When I say little, just enough to run an audi soft top and buy a few diamonds.

Like to keep things balanced and in perspective. still awaiting your 10th point. ;)


27th Feb 2008, 06:51

After you have sent your medicals, how does EK contact you. E-mail or phone call?

27th Feb 2008, 10:30

maybe things have changed at HR since I joined. I don't know. I, personally, never ever could reach HR during the joining process, they never ever answered to me for my e-mails. (That would have been nice to know that I could carry 50kgs, I only got to know that when I picked up my ticket in VIE. I really, really hoped it was going to be there...) They promised to send my contract as well but I saw it in Dubai the fist time.

Beleive me, they will contact you if they are not happy with something. No worries.

Good luck!

Harry, euro became 5,8 dhs today. Dollar keeps falling. I'm curious when UAE will finally become independent from the US dollar. This inflation is getting unbearable...

27th Feb 2008, 12:18
hi there its my 3 to 4th week now since I had my final interview...does this usually take so long? had my interview in london.....anybody else?

27th Feb 2008, 12:48
So what are the rules when you are in your accomodation?? I know that they are quite strict in qatar airways.. but I did not know about the "jail like" conditions with emirates..

Pls elaborate..

27th Feb 2008, 16:02
Hi there,
Does anyone know people from your final group who got dismissed after their final interview? How long did it take for them to get such an email from EK? Did your group get called in the same week or some got call weeks later?

I am curious of other country's outcome...in my case, I only know there are 3 of us got teh golden call and 2 including myself we are still waiting for the call... :ugh:


27th Feb 2008, 19:41

I got the golden call and now I am working on the medical forms. When I asked the lady who called congratulating me, I asked what the final confirmation is based on, and she said it is based on passing the medical and being able to obtain a security clearance pass. Then I will get another final call.

But what is worrying me is that I was charged with something last year, but I was never convicted and the charges were dropped and withdrawn. But my record will show that charges dropped. Is this something to worry about? Like anyone can be accused of something, but I was never appointed guilty.

Kind of worried and if anyone could help,.. i would appreciate it.

Thanks! :)

27th Feb 2008, 23:30
Hey there!I got the call last nite and was told my departure date would be 2nd May if medicals etc are passed:)
Which stressed me out because I am currently in Australia/brisbane but am going home to Norway and rest of Europe next monday, gone until 1st of May 1!!Gosh...a day after I land in Brisbane im then off again..what can I say- the perfect start to this job huh?:D
Medicals seem to be time and money consuming...they said I could expect the forms in my email within 2-3 days (which Im sure everyone else was told too). I want to get this medical stuff outta the way before I go on my holiday home to Europe..so can anyone plz tell me how specific and broad this is?Just so I know what to tell the doctor today:)
Thanks a bunch!Good luck everyone!;)

29th Feb 2008, 09:35
hey marlon!

i went to the open day in bratislava. 9 guys from 51 made it to the final interview. 5 from "us" got called last week (on tuesday and wednesday if i am right). just 1 girl didnt get the call and was still waiting.. she called them yesterday and they told her, she will get an email.. they sent it 1 or 2 hours later (that thanx, but she wasnt successful and she can come to the open day after 1 year, if she wants). honeslty no idea why.. no one knows, what they exactly "want". she was nice, pretty, spoke perfect english, had experience as a cabin crew.. i was sure, she will get the "golden call" as well.. unfortunately not :sad:

its difficult.. i know also another girl who went to the final interview in viena. she said, she was sure, she will get the job, because the FI was great. they were laughing and evertyghing seemed to be "GREAT". unoftunately she got "that" email.. (but no idea after how many weeks). i also heard of a guy who went to an FI in paris.. he got also an email, he wasnt successful. i think, the psychotests are important for them.. but i am not sure..

btw.. the the lady who called me said, that if all my medical checks will be ok, i am flying to dubai in march. so i am waiting now for the result of the last check.. and after.. i am going to send them everything.. :)

anyways.. some of my friends work for EK and they said just good things. they are really happy.. of course, to be a CC is a hard work, but a great one..

hope i helped you a bit :) and cross my fingers for you :)

29th Feb 2008, 10:10
Hi, I had my final interview on 29th of january 2008 in Rome but I'm still waiting news from Emirates, we were a large group (more than 15 people and they told us was something unusual for them to have so many people at the f.i.!) I know that at least 3 of them were called the past week after 3 weeks of waiting, actually i don't know what's going on with my application, i wrote them 2 emails this week but no answer, is it a good sign or not?

I'm really nervoussss!! :ugh:

Ciao a tutti!

29th Feb 2008, 10:42
why would one email them if they CLEARLY told you they will contact you in 2 to 6 weeks! really stupid idea!!

29th Feb 2008, 12:32
Hi Everyone,
I got my golden call on Wendnesday night!!! My DOJ is April 18 :D, the same as the other 2 girls from my group. I am soooo excited!!! I will have to start all medical exams as soon as possible.

All worth it, the patience and positivism did help to get through all this process. For all those are still waiting for their golden call, stay cool and be patient. I got my call at the end of the 4th week...

Will keep you guys posted once I finished all medical exams.

Good luck everyone.

29th Feb 2008, 12:53
Maybe because I'm already a flight attendant and I have to know if EK is going to call or me or not because if I receive other job offers as cabin crew with other airlines I can't answer with "I'm sorry I can't accept because maybe Emirates is going to call me one day".
Of course Emirates would be my first choise but I can't stay without job for a long time...

29th Feb 2008, 14:22
hey harry ,
think you got to give a bit of credit to the 9 points of the colleague in here ...I agree with most of them (if not all of them) ...I have been in dxb with ek for almost 10 years and the only thing I have to say is : if you are looking for a first time experience as a crew, the airline is great and will show you loads of countries and allow you to progress quickly in your career...If you already you have some miles under your wings , dont trust the contract they give you....
As mentionned before, the salary ( cause we need to talk money first :} )is not great though you dont pay taxes...the inflation is not taken in consideration in dxb and standard of living is quite high ..
Accomodation is getting smaller and smaller compared to golden days of emirates , which tends to create tensions btw u and ur 2/3 flatmates. Very hard as well now for the accomodation department to cope with culture sensitivities as it used to do before .(trying to arrange smoking and non smoking ; or asian mixing with european/australian/south african ) .
Staff travel is non efficient cause ek flights are always full and if they are not ,the ground staff being paid peanuts (400 pounds /month/ no accomodation) will be so happy to treat you like :mad:...So if you come to ek dont expect the best welcome, you generally give to ur paxs...
For what regards the cosmopolitan city , you can forget about it as mentionned by AFCWXM previously and confirmed by Harry as well...good side , that new joiners will enjoy, crew get discounts everywhere !
Finally AND I get YOUR TENTH POINT HARRY : The medical is a joke ! You got to wait ages sometimes to see a doc ( not always professional ...)Now , group became so big pilots / their families most of times are priviledged to cabin crew who struggle to get appointments...

In regards to flying conditions / destinations/ interviews, will be happy to answer to anyone ....better be well informed than surprised... keep discovering !

29th Feb 2008, 19:41
Hi guys

im doing my online application form for open days and i was wondering about photos - how should i be dresses? have to have a cravat or is a suit without it just fine? can it also be a casual suit-like look or does it really have to be a (business) suit? any special postures?:-)

thx, cheers

29th Feb 2008, 21:35
You must provide 1 passport size pic and 1 FULL LENGTH (4''x6'') in Business attire! Along with your CV of course.

If you pass successfully to the next stage, more pictures will be required by the Recruiters.

Good Luck! Be nice with the people, do more research on the forum, there are a lot of tips to teach you how to be successful in your open day...(including mines...:p)

1st Mar 2008, 23:00

I have read somewhere that EK will give you Two suitcases during your first week of training. Is this true? If so, what size are they?

2nd Mar 2008, 09:59
I read about a girl on another forum who got an invite to an open day.. I have applied online too but have not gotten one.. Does that mean they dont find me suitable and I shouldn't go?

2nd Mar 2008, 14:10
Well, if its an open day, anyone can walk in with their CV and meet with the recruiters. If it was an assessment day, then you need an invitation. If it is an open day, you should definitely go for it!

2nd Mar 2008, 14:41
yes its an open day!!!!!!!!!!!! but still she got an invitation for it....and i havent.... i guess i will just go regardless..


does anyone know why under venue it says postponed???? (copenhagen openday 15th march).. Does this mean the open day has been postponed or does it imply mean that they havent sorted out the place for the open day yet???

pls help

2nd Mar 2008, 14:47
some of my friends got a call exactly two weeks after their final interview. I got mine after 35 - 40 days :). As long as you haven't received a rejection email, it means you still have a chance to be called. Also, you may email emirates after 30 days to follow up on the status of your application, that;'s what I did. I emailed them exactly on the 30th day, sent another email after 3 days..the following day, I got a call from them :). Goodluck :D I hope you'll make it. :ok:

2nd Mar 2008, 15:14
anyone here joining on March 28? PM me :)

2nd Mar 2008, 17:10
I posted before that I already got my golden call last week! My DOJ is April 18.

To onsite moderators:
I don't understand why you guys deleted some of my important posts since they are not only for me but for peope who can track and follow my agenda with EK! Thanks for understanding.


3rd Mar 2008, 02:34
To dazednconfused:

You should go to the open day! I received an invitation, which was from the recruitment agency EK has hired, and it basically said "hey, we're going to be here on these dates, come on down between 9am and 5pm with your CV." But you don't need to received one of these emails to go. Just show up, be prepared, confident, pleasant, and have your CV ready to go! Hope this helps!

3rd Mar 2008, 04:35
I'm planning to attend the open house in Toronto this weekend. They say to drop in anytime from 9-5. Should I go dressed in business attire as well?

Also I'm stressing over medical. I have Crohn's disease (currently in remission) and because of it I'm also somewhat anemic. I saw someone mention that codeine is frowned upon however I do sometimes rely on it when I get pains (due to certain foods). Anyone have any information in regards to having Crohn's and getting hired.

3rd Mar 2008, 10:26
Silkrose - if you rely on Codeine DO NOT COME TO THE UAE - it's illegal, and people have been jailed for a number of years (4 I think) for possessing it. (Genius huh?)

If you can use another med for pain relief you might be OK, btu check with an aviation Dr if Crohns disease will have an impact on getting an aviation medical. I don't think there is any restriction, but you might as well get someone better qualified to answer that.

If you do decide to go to the open day, definitely wear business dress.

Good luck.

3rd Mar 2008, 10:40
Please, anyone know about open day in Copenhagen/Denmark the 15th of March? It says venue postponed.... is that just the venue or the entire open day??

3rd Mar 2008, 12:24
They answer to my email and they told me that they need another full body photograph and the copy of ID of the airline I worked for, maybe it's a good sign?
I think that if I wasn't successful they could just send me the rejection email or not?

3rd Mar 2008, 13:14
maya I was stopped by the municypal police in Rome...do you remember?:p...anyway...I've finished my medical forms and reports and I send them to the ccjoiners mail box (with several difficulties due to the receipt limitation of the mail box - 5632kb)...How many days have to pass in order to receive the final mail saying is all right???I've send it 2 days ago....My leave date is 14 of march...I'm very excited about it...please if someone knows more about it tell me the times of receive the final mail after medical examination send...thank you..

Maya (please...anyway...biscotti e salatini):ugh:

3rd Mar 2008, 14:44
hey wanagana,

my date of joining is also march 14th, i am from lebanon what about u?
As i knew that they dont reply after u send the medicals expect before like 4 or 5 days they send u the visa and ticket thats it.

3rd Mar 2008, 15:52
People, a gentle reminder of what it says in the FAQ stickie at the top of the forum:

Posts in this forum MUST:

Be in English
Not use text message abbreviations.
Make sufficient use of punctuation & grammar to be readable.
Not be used instead of private messages. Not be used to tell somebody else about a private message.
Have a point (i.e. be relevant to the thread and not chatter)

Thanks for your help...

If English is not your first language, that is no problem. 2 of the Mods on this forum are not native English speakers, and nobody expects you to be perfect.
We do expect you to make sufficient use of punctuation & grammar to be readable (like using a BIG letter when you start a new sentence) and we expect you NOT to use text message speak.
Since we are from many different language backgrounds, it is is even more important to write clearly, so that everybody has the greatest possible chance of understanding what has been written.

If you can not or will not make the effort to write in a way people can understand, it is questionable if you will be able to make the effort needed to become a good FA.

3rd Mar 2008, 16:23
@ wanagana

I would like to ask you since what time Emirates has changed the minimum age for new cabin crew joiners as it is written on your profile that you are just 19 years old! Normally only those who are 21 or above and seen as potential cabin crew wil b considered.....just a little bit confusing in your case or did they change something recently?

3rd Mar 2008, 16:30
wanagana wants to thanks all of you..my official age is 23 but I'd like to stay anonimous:cool:...so thanks for your reply to my question...hope to see someone of you at the course...ps:I'm Italian------ITALIAAAAAAAAAAN:ok:

3rd Mar 2008, 16:40
People, a gentle reminder of what it says in the FAQ stickie at the top of the forum:

Posts in this forum MUST:

* Be in English
* Not use text message abbreviations.
* Make sufficient use of punctuation & grammar to be readable.
* Not be used instead of private messages.
* Not be used to tell somebody else about a private message.
* Have a point (i.e. be relevant to the thread and not chatter)

Thanks for your help...

If English is not your first language, that is no problem. 2 of the Mods on this forum are not native English speakers, and nobody expects you to be perfect.
We do expect you to make sufficient use of punctuation & grammar to be readable (like using a BIG letter when you start a new sentence) and we expect you NOT to use text message speak.
Since we are from many different language backgrounds, it is is even more important to write clearly, so that everybody has the greatest possible chance of understanding what has been written.

If you can not or will not make the effort to write in a way people can understand, it is questionable if you will be able to make the effort needed to become a good FA.

Considering these prerequisites are considerably higher than the current requirements for EK crew aren't you setting the bar a little high?

3rd Mar 2008, 18:08
ok..someone of you can reply to my question please...how long does it takes to receive an email or a phone call after sending the emirates medical results and forms??:confused:

3rd Mar 2008, 19:29
The usual turn around is 1-2 weeks depending on your DOJ and notice period to your current employer (if applicable). if you just submitted them 2 or 3 days ago, then give them some time to review and get back to you. After final approval is granted, you should receive the UAE employment visa and eticket via email just 4 days before your official DOJ.

Hope this helps. Good luck! :D

3rd Mar 2008, 20:03
ok...the doj is leaving day isn't it??my doj is 14 march..and I've send the email the yesterday...do I have to wait a lot???:uhoh:thanks a lot...

4th Mar 2008, 18:44
:hmm:have you finish your medicals ?????
please your mail box is off delete some messages to receive my private ms:ugh:pm me:ok:

4th Mar 2008, 19:12
yes..I've finished my medicals and I'm waiting for the last call...sorry for the messages but I'm ready to go...medical forms send to ccjoiners the first of march....:sad:...hope it goes!!!thank all of you...see you soon..thanks midadi

4th Mar 2008, 20:01
Hey guys I have been waiting for just about 4 weeks, after my final interview and got an email this morning from emirates just to complete a residancy form just to confirm where Im based, as i have moved to the Uk About 2 years ago.....
when i saw the email i thought it was rejecting letter..... lol, but luckilly not.....so fingers cross :-)
so do u guys think this is a positive sighn?
im getting so nervous....

5th Mar 2008, 00:28
that happened to me 2 weeks ago when I got a call from EK asking about any body mole, scar and tatoo i may have (for identification purpose), then i was told "thank you, we will call you back."

then just last wednesday i received the official GOLDEN CALL and my DOJ is April 18th. I am about to finish my medical forms...

Don't worry I think that is a positive sign! Otherwise they wouldn't have called you and asked you those missing info on your application. You will hear something soon! Good Luck!

5th Mar 2008, 10:57
Hi everyone, this is my first post :) so please let me tell you about my situation a little bit.
I've attended an OD for CC, Emirates, on 16th Feb in Wellington not long ago. Got though to the FI and everything went very well.I've been waiting for phone calls for nearly 3 weeks now. I am a bit anxious about the results >u<".... lol... I just wanna share my story with you guys. I'll keep you guys updated if anything comes up :p. Tata for now~

P.S. Would love to know if there's anyone who have attended an OD in NZ recently as well? Cheers~:ok:

5th Mar 2008, 13:05
Hi there,
You should hear something soon! No news is good news! Here is my agenda by far with EK:

1/29 Attended OD :ok:
1/31 Final Interview ;)
2/19 Got a call from EK asking for more personal detail :rolleyes:
2/24 Missed 2 calls from EK (was 2:23am!) :ugh:
2/27 Received the Golden Call :D
....I am about to finish all medical exams and hopefully be able to send them by this Friday!

My DOJ is April 18th.

Wish you the best and be patient and possitive!

5th Mar 2008, 15:44
patience is the key with emirates. when you finally get to Dubai and see how everything is run you will see why they take so long to get back to you. My best friend had to actually call them herself and ask if she got thru after about 6 weeks and they checked and said oh yes, you have sorry we just forgot to call you. Also, anyone whos in training or new at the moment, are they letting you choose 380 or allocating it?

5th Mar 2008, 19:40
Hi Midadi

How did EK contact you for the final approval, via e-mail or phone call?
How long did you wait for the final approval?
Have a nice journey to Dubai

10th Mar 2008, 05:10
Got everything in my mail box this morning. Final approval, etc etc etc. DOJ is 14 March.

Kinda 11th hour but here we go anyway

11th Mar 2008, 09:32
If anybody is able to offer some suggestions in answering this question that is on the cabin crew application...

Why do you want to join the Emirates group???? max 4000 words.

Any suggestions or what other people that have written that have been successful would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

12th Mar 2008, 09:18
hi guys!

Thanks alot for your unique infos! I have a question; Im getting to OD at another city here, I booked a hotel for 1 night including the night of the OD starts(hotel is expensive :S)..Do you know how long would OD take?including FI? I got that after FI (usually the day after the starting of OD) , 3-4 weeks waiting takes place till the golden call and medical test stuff starts after that call which has to be finished in 2 weeks prior to DOJ..

I would really pleased if you can inform me about that..Thanks!
congratulations also for new EK recruits!! Hope I shall join u also!

12th Mar 2008, 13:16
Regarding to the question of why u wanna join EK?

You will need to do some research on the company, and to show why u think EK has been successful, and how great it is to be able to work for them. It shows the interviewer u are interested and know about the company, thus u may like to tell them how ur skills and experience can contribute to the success of the company.

Get prepared, smile a lot..and show positive Body language all the time..also make sure u ask question about the company/policy if there is a Q&A session.
we are having as many as 100 new ppl coming each week, in order to get ready for the A380s and other new Aircrafts..so it is indeed the best cahnce to get in. good luck!

12th Mar 2008, 13:39
How do I apply for an assessment day with EK?? I already applied online and was prepared to go to the open day in Copenhagen but the open day has been postponed.. I would now like to go to an assessment day in either London or Manchester. How do I get an invitation and show them that I would like to go to an assessment day even if it is not in my country?

12th Mar 2008, 15:39
as far as I know from emirates website u register for ODs..I did it like that then invitation came to my e-mail.