View Full Version : CC in Canada

28th May 2008, 00:24
Hi eveyone,

I currently work in Dublin for a UK airline on a seasonal contract. I am looking into going over to canada to work for a canadian airline for their season being november to march. We use one of the canadian airlines planes so I am already trained to some of their procedures. Im just wondering if anyone has any experience of ever doing things like this and how difficult it has proved getting visas and the likes and also is it even possible to work for a canadian airline with an irish passposrt or do you have to have a canadian passport. Any information anyone can give would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers :)

28th May 2008, 10:52
Good Morning Michael,

I understand what you want cause I did the same work as you do. I take it you are working for FCA and Skyservice. I worked for MYT and Skyservice. I tried years ago after my first season to go and work for them in Canada. Tried every which way to go but they wouldnt take me cause I needed a visa. I know alot of the skycrew but from what I gather from them you do need the visa. Two years ago I got the chance to work with skycrew on the A330 for a few months it was fantastic. You still have plenty of time to get there in the winter. Talk to your pilots they know as best as anyone. Hope this helps a bits.


28th May 2008, 23:49
Hey myairways,

thanks for the advice, anything is of help! I was looking at my post afterwards and thought it wouldnt take a genius to figure out the airlines! lol. I know I will need a visa for it and I have worked in Canada before for a summer, not a flying job though, as far as I know once I have a job in canada to go over to I will be able to get a visa its just wondering how easy it would be to get the job!! From the SSV training I know someone on the recruitment team so hopefully she will be able to help me out. How di you get to work on the 330 if you dont mind me asking?

Cheers for the advice!

29th May 2008, 01:05
Hey Michael,

As far as I know, over here, the airlines in Canada wont consider you unless you already HAVE a work Visa, and I believe you need to have a Canadian passport. They most likely wont sponsor you. If you went on some of the websites for the different companies, under "qualifications" you would most likely see "Canadian passport holder and/or permanent work Visa." Definitely something to check out! Hope this helps! :ok: