View Full Version : more EK questions

23rd May 2008, 20:00
How does sick time work? Is it paid ? Do you have to visit the EK clinic after calling in sick?

What does the Command assessment program entail?

When your seniority number can hold the left seat , are you automatically put in to the Command Program or do you have to be selected?

What is the policy regarding family emergencies when you are on a trip? Do they fly you back?

What is the policy if you get sick on a trip?

Do you have to get permission to leave Dubai on your days off?

thanks in advance

24th May 2008, 11:29
It's paid. Only need to go the clinic if sick for longer than two days.

Worry about getting a job offer 1st as the assessment will change by the time you get to it.

You're automatically put on a command course if you're selected.

Depends on the emergency. Emirates are very good at dealing with people in times of need.

You get bread & water and a cardboard mat for the street What do you think?
They have a contracted international medical service that arranges for medical care as required and then usually passenger you home when able.


Suggest that you keep up your vitamins, sounds like you may need them.

24th May 2008, 11:30
last time I was sick, noone gave me the carboard mat!!!:ok:

24th May 2008, 12:38
Actually, you don't have to get permission to leave Dubai. You should notify them but I don't think it is regulated, as I often 'forget' to do it.

24th May 2008, 13:42

when you say "automatically on command course upon selected" means there is no evaluation or command assesment conducted by selection board, ect. In another word aoutomatically sent to command course when the turn comes as per the seniority as per date of joining.

24th May 2008, 14:04
When your seniority number comes up, if you have the hours, you automatically get a chance of a command course. Before you even start the groundschool you have to pass a psychometric evaluation, a technical exam and an interview. There have been a number of failures recently, mostly on the interview.

24th May 2008, 18:49
When your number comes up they then look at your file . you would have to have a clean record and good ppc's and alc, it use to be 4or 5 's but thats gone. In some cases guys had to do command assessment sectors.