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View Full Version : Suas

23rd May 2008, 16:52
Hi All
Some questions about Atlantic FLight Centre in Cork. I'm new to the game and want to start flying in August, was considering Integrated course with, PTC, Sigmar or Cabair. But Cork is closer to home. Can you tell me if they run full time courses, do they run atpl, how long does each of the courses (or all together) take, roughly. Any other info you have about them would be great.

23rd May 2008, 17:36
Cabair run a full time course that lasts 13 months:

6 months ATPL groundschool, 7 months flying.

you'd leave with an fATPL.

You might want to change the title of this thread to get more views, and therefore more input from people with considerably more experience than myself.