View Full Version : A Medical Opinion Please

23rd May 2008, 15:43
I am putting this here as it is a lot easier than trying to get into see my quack.

About 3 or 4 weeks ago I was leaving the pub (sober I might add) and was driving up the road when I started struggling to get my breath a little. You know when you beath in deeply and at the end it's like your breath goes over a ledge (hard to describe really) but it wouldn't. It was that I couldn't get a really deep breath. It went away after a couple of minutes but since then I have been having the same problem along with getting out of breath doing things like runnig upstairs, things that I did before without a problem.

In addition I also now have copious amounts of gas, from both ends and when I eat a big meal I feel bloated rather than full up, again was ok before leaving the pub that night. Otherwise I am fit and healthy although i do smoke I have cut down by half recently.

Any suggestions what is wrong?? Thanks

23rd May 2008, 15:46
See your doctor. He's medically qualified, most of us are not.

BTW congrats on cutting down the smoking, mega congrats if you manage to give up.

23rd May 2008, 16:40
Going to see the doc is a great idea. However if I was diagnosed with something really nasty and given less than 2 weeks to live, I doubt it would be my own quack telling me!!!!!!!

In addition to aid the diagnosis, my stomach area is a little tender as well


24th May 2008, 17:14
Going to see a Doctor should be your first and only course of action.

Whatever the cause better to know about it than leave it to internet medics (!)

24th May 2008, 18:11
It's unlikely to be anything really nasty, but a lot of really nasty things start out treatable and become untreatable - so please go see your doctor!

24th May 2008, 21:48
I am in the medical arena. It sound like you MAY have either reflux, or a hiatus hernia, however getting a 12 lead ECG done should be a priority of yours , to rule out cardiac ischaemia/infarction.

Bad medicine
24th May 2008, 22:51
Ok, enough lay advice here all saying the same thing. Your symptoms MAY be indications of something serious. Go to the doctor and get checked out thoroughly.
