View Full Version : cabin crew training tests...

20th May 2008, 23:07

Im considering applying for cabin crew with some airline (not yet decided) but i was just wondering about the training. My concern is that of the swimming side of it, i know you are required to swim which i can no problems i was wondering if airlines still test this in public pools? Im not a fan of public pools as im allergic to chlorine :*i was just wondering what would happen in this case?

thanks in advance

21st May 2008, 10:09
The training does take place in public pools, other than letting your trainers know that you have an allergy to Chlorine I don't know what they would do about it other than try to have you in the pool as little as possible. Its one of those catch situation as you have to do it and I don't think there is going to be any other way of them completing the training other than in a pool as I really can't see them taking you to the beach for a day!!!!!!!! :}

21st May 2008, 14:14
Hi Scott, with most airlines I know about, the pool session is a single, one-time event.
It might be yearly if your airline is very thorough, but even then it will not entail multiple sessions in the pool.

Unless your allergy is extremely severe, you should be able to cope with this. Have a look at this (http://www.squidoo.com/al37) website for some tips, and also consult your doctor.

There is no need to let your allergy scare you off from becoming a Flight Attendant. :ok: