View Full Version : NZ Airline Prep Course

19th May 2008, 22:13
G'day team...
Would like to pick your collective brains. I see that CTC Hamilton are offering an APC (Airline Prep Course) that, if passed, virtually guarantees* you a job at "Eagle".
Has anyone done this course, and if so, is it worth the $15k bond?
I have about 50 multi and over 1400 single, B-Cat, SPIFR.
What I need to know is, would it be worth doing the course, or putting that 15k into getting another 40 hours multi?

*yea, I know there's no guarantees in aviation :bored:


19th May 2008, 22:27
Dude, with those hours I would have thought you could pretty much be applying direct to eagle and saving yourself all those fun vouchers. Having said that I wouldn't be surprised if the imbeciles who are eagle management have that course as a pre-requisite to getting in. It would surprise me even less if, of your 15K, a not insignificant percentage went straight back to eagle anyway.

hot tuna
19th May 2008, 23:25
YM..No guarantees from www.ctcwings.co.nz (http://www.ctcwings.co.nz).
Am I guaranteed a job?

We can not guarantee you a job. However, with our experience of supplying our global airline partners with qualified pilots, CTC will point you in the right direction and do our best to facilitate your route into an airline.
As at May 2008, 100% of CTC Wings graduates had gained immediate employment with one of our airline partners, so we have a great track record of success helping our graduates obtain employment.

fly real fast
20th May 2008, 00:34
ym, why not have applications in with all the link carriers? Not sur if they still do them, but what about doing a metro rating with airwork? Probably get change from that 15k.

It's been a while. I may be out of touch these days

20th May 2008, 02:46
with those hours..being so close to atpl requirements, you'd be a godsend to eagle at the moment..just call them..or better still, go into the office and force them to hire you:E

20th May 2008, 05:49
Would like to pick your collective brains. I see that CTC Hamilton are offering an APC (Airline Prep Course) that, if passed, virtually guarantees* you a job at "Eagle".

Not quite what I heard, might guarantee an interview BUT not a job.

From somethings I have heard CTC are not averse to embellishing the facts. Good marketing you might say.

Keep yer money in yer pocket.

Money better spent on getting multi IFR time if you are hell bent on spending 15K.

As at May 2008, 100% of CTC Wings graduates had gained immediate employment with one of our airline partners, so we have a great track record of success helping our graduates obtain employment.


I thought that most went into a holding pool which the airlines took pilots from as required. Wouldn't call that immediate employment.

20th May 2008, 08:59
... might just keep multi-IFR current and slowly add to the multi-total 'n see what happens.

blue skies!

Got the horn
20th May 2008, 09:19
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. No point paying for for an interivew when you've almost got the requirements.

Head down, bum up! And keep networking.

20th May 2008, 09:23
I dont understand why you would want to pay for multi hours. :ugh:
Go and GET PAID to fly a chieftain or similar.

Wyle E Coyote
20th May 2008, 20:41
Being able to tie your own shoe laces Guarantees you a job with Eagle (and that's not meant as a crack at those driving for Eagle)

Spend the 15K on beer and girls, and give Nelson a call (If you're hell bent on the NZ regionals)

20th May 2008, 20:42
There is a lot to be said for staying MEIFR current, I know it's not easy if paying for the hours. Keep that money, don't line someone elses pockets with it. You aren't too far from the mins. Good luck.

20th May 2008, 20:56
Well, that topic alone would probably start a fairly long thread. Let's just say that I'm currently in a pretty well-paid job, and the cost-benefit analysis favours buying some multi time. :)