View Full Version : Europe Airpost and Hub AIr

17th May 2008, 00:33

escusez mon frances mai je ai vu un anoncio de hub air et europe airpost je voudre avoir infos


May 2008
Europe Airpost, former French Aeropostale, and Hub'Air are joining force to offer a unique airline training program for cadets.
After graduating from a selected integrated course including a type rating Boeing 737, the Europe Airpost Cadets will continue their training within the airline and will fly as first officer for 100h on the right hand seat of a 737-300.
The quality of a professional environment during the training and the experiences obtained from the line training will give a considerable advantage to those ab-initio cadets towards students from a regular flight school.
So, for the same amount of money required for a CPL/IR/ME/MCC, Europe Airpost cadets will get a type rating Boeing 737 and flight experience during line training.

19th May 2008, 11:36
Je pense que c'est une arnaque/ un mensonge a la hubair.

Si tu veux aller chez EAP tu ferais bien de postuler chez Air Contractors...:ok:

23rd May 2008, 22:53
si, pero es para una amiga que quiere sacarse la HT B737 o A320 con el line training incluido. En SWT solo se puede conseguirlo en el ATR o en el Emb 120. :cool:


(pardon pour mon francé)