View Full Version : MAPA tergiversates!

3rd Mar 2001, 06:36
Same old apostasy! They have done it again. Lied to all and sundry for their own dirty little needs!

Example, nomations of expatriate contract representatives on MAPA have amounted to nothing! It is suddenly very quite from the executive about this, since the failed vote of the buck hunting for house vote, dismal failure. How dispicable, how deceiptful, & how typical. Status quo! Why even bother. It is obvious they weren't interested, stop pretending.

When will you ever learn. Seperti katak di bawah tempurang.

Trust us, trust us. NOT! Not only do you sucessfully alienate us nationals, who also are part of the declining membership, you do the same to the expatriates with your contemptious hollow offer, It just goes to show the lack of fibre MAPA. Why bother with a self serving assosiation of the elite. Boys club!

It's time more members left MAPA, and let the boys club pay of their little play house.
Vote with you feet, you have been sold out on key issues in the MOU, and now they are deceiving the expats, with pretensious particpation, they will only do the same to us. Do you think it will change? I don't.

Marcellus Wallace
3rd Mar 2001, 16:27
I doubt 100% satisfaction is achievable. My concerns...at least we have an FTL now. I get paid RM30/hour compared to zilch a couple of years back. We have an MoU that I am not 100% satisfied about but it's something. Yes I was ready to pay RM700/- for the MoU fund and the shoplot. And I think it would have been cheap for me, less than the initial amount suggested and definitely very cheap for a lot of the misers we have out there (imagine backpay for WB crew) - to have some individuals(Exco) do all the dirty work for me. I certainly would not have sacrificed my time and energy for such a thankless job.

Put it this way...the Sun is blazing, you need to wash your car. Shall I toil in the hot Sun washing and waxing it later or just pop over to the local carwash , pay RM40 and spend the afternoon watching my favourite programme on Astro ,sipping lemonade in the comfort of home and collect the car later - washed and waxed. How much are we willing to pay? Some may say RM40...too expensive!! Some miser may only pay RM5. In life , I have learnt there is nothing cheap and good ...only Cheap and Awful.

The Exco's silence lately? Well I don't know about that. Neither do I have any knowledge about expat issues.

Needless to say I am quite satisfied(80%) with the "car wash" service. Exco, apologies for lack of a better analogy.