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View Full Version : Surveiliance Australia Bonus for finding pilots

13th May 2008, 02:42
I understand there is a bonus which is payable to SA pilots who find a pilot from outside who is acceptable and passes training etc.

I heard a rumour this bonus has increased significantly - I was wondering if what this figure is and who within SA runs this program etc - how it all works etc.



13th May 2008, 03:05
Is that dead or alive pilots?
Do you get extra if they are cleaned and skinned?

Triple Captain
13th May 2008, 07:09
By the abrupt way i was treated on the phone when i said thank-you but no thank-you i'm not surprised the need pilots

13th May 2008, 07:36
Last time i checked it was 2500 for an FO and 5000 for a Captain.

They must be checked to line, and then you receive a cheque, minus tax of course.

Thanks very much!

Green gorilla
13th May 2008, 07:39
I hear it was 5000 dollars any way its going to be harder to get aerorescue pilots to go to SA the base for captains in aerorescue is now 120000 and FOs 72000 add to that an hourly rate of 60 dollars an hour things are starting to look good.

13th May 2008, 11:05
All the money, fruit, cars, lesbian bellydancers in the world, wouldn't get me working for that pack of playground lawyer, beancounter bullies in Adelaide.

There is a very real reason these jokers can't keep the good folk of this game!


Green gorilla
13th May 2008, 11:39
I talk to the guys all the time who have been with them from the start and have left all have said they would have to more then double the money to go back.

13th May 2008, 12:46
lesbian belly dancers???
t + c's are getting better

Capt Wally
13th May 2008, 12:54
There wouldn't be a single employer out there that are paying what we ought to be getting if any of the threads in here are any indication. It's just a matter of whom yr comfy to work for at the time 'till something better comes long for the individual.
I believe SA had hired a few DEC recently from another country, well so be it, I say good luck to them if they suceeded but I wonder how long they will last before they too realise any wonder they couldn't get home grown boys to join & or stay for too long!:bored:

lesbian belly dancers hey, hmmmmm me thinks I best give 'em a call, well being Lesbian am sure we can just watch!:E