View Full Version : Flybe Waterford

9th May 2008, 08:22
Hi all........ I am just after some information or experiences of waterford pilot training in Ireland. I am going for an assesment and hopefully an interview with flybe. Has anyone else do the assesment or interview. Do they really give you a job at the end of training? What about a type rating do they then pay for that or is that an additional expense? And lastly is it straight onto your type rating or are you put into a holding pool and have to wait for months? If anyone can answer these questions or give me some advise I woild be greatful. Thanks for you time in advance.:ok:

Chesty Morgan
9th May 2008, 08:35
I haven't done the interview or assessment but to answer your other questions:

As far as you're concerned your job starts at the beginning of your training, so once you've completed everything you'll be straight on line.

The type rating costs you nothing but you will be bonded for 3 years.

As far as holding goes probably not unless you are given a choice of base, which is doubtful if you are applying for a First Officer position, as some bases are more popular than others and do have a waiting list!

Hope that helps.

9th May 2008, 10:02
Thanks for that mate it helps alot. I just hope I get through now then.:ugh:

9th May 2008, 10:54
:ok:Been reading the other threads on this subject. Has anybody got any feed back from doing the assesments, like what sort of Maths and Physics questions are asked...... This bit is worrying me as I am only average intellect. Any help would be appreciated.

Maude Charlee
9th May 2008, 11:36
Then you'll fit right in bonny lad! :} Gotta be at least a partial loony to work here.

10th May 2008, 17:57

I was in waterford on fri for assessment and was lucky enough to be put forward for the cadetship, back on thurs 15th for interview with flybe. I only have 3.5hours flying in C172 and many hours on flight sim. The actual test is tough, but they are not looking for top of the range scores. I got just above average in each section and was put through ahead of other people because i was consistant throughout the areas. You then do 30mins in a flight sim where they look at your ability to take instruction and look at how comforatble you are behind the controls. Also there is a small interview which is quite informal but with some probing questions. My advice is not to get worked up and enjoy the day.

11th May 2008, 06:53
Thanks for that. Well done I hope to get through, as the sim i am not worried about that as i have about 230hour and a ppl. Just worried about the assesments. Hope to see you soon in the airways.:E