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View Full Version : spearfishing ?

8th May 2008, 18:54
hello everyone. what do u think about spearfishing ? is it harmful for airline pilots?

8th May 2008, 21:22
Not dangerous if you are not the prey...

9th May 2008, 09:45
Probably not a good idea whilst flying the plane.

9th May 2008, 14:49
Ud never get the spear through security either :}

If your talking about "action" hobbies i guess its no different to playing rugby in that respect ... or walking down some stairs in a hurry haha.

Or were you thinking more specificaly?

9th May 2008, 17:48
Or were you thinking more specifically?

Maybe the original question was about respiratory efficiency ? Pilots are not advised to go rapidly from one pressure extreme to another, for example by deep scuba diving immediately prior to operating at a normal cruising cabin altitude. As I understand it, spearfishing is traditionally done without the luxury of scuba gear and the like, and involves some pretty lengthy breatholding !

To be honest, I'm not really sure what I would advise on this if asked. Anyone else any ideas ?

16th May 2008, 11:52
Caught any fish yet?

Breatholding underwater does seem to enhance one's athletic ability.

This was suggested to me by an ex-diver, I'm not sure about the physiology involved, but swimming 25m underwater, does increase surface swimming speed.

(He went on to have a stroke unfortunately).