View Full Version : Need advice how to study for Bristol ATPL

8th May 2008, 06:10
hi there,

I just purchased Modular 1 and I just thought using this website to ask my fellow coworkers how to study and get it done in 6 months. Should I purchase the question bank right away, or should I wait until I get done with mod 1 and then buy it?

Some people has being telling me to buy it as soon as posible and go through them? any advice please....

I currently fly for a company with a good schedule (fly early in the morning, stay in a hotel all they and fly at night), this means that I can study full time.

Any info please would be nice


8th May 2008, 06:21
How can you fly commercially without having a commercial licence? If this is because you already hold an ICAO licence and are converting, then your study technique miht be different from someone who is starting from scratch; you should have covered most of the subjects before.



8th May 2008, 06:45
sorry for invading your topic, im starting my 0-atpl frozen (oft)
in a few months and i wanna be ready for the exams and the whole flight training in general.
Shall i focus on my PPL first or start reading that heavy atpl material?

ps. I recently purchased "pilot's handbook of aeronautical knowledge"

8th May 2008, 07:04
How can you fly commercially without having a commercial licence?

Anonymus6 never said he/she was a pilot!

cant be botherd looking through previous posts but I bet your cabin crew?

8th May 2008, 13:06
sorry guys, I should be more specific, I'm converting my FAA ATPL to JAA.

If anyone out there that has done mod 1 and 2 in 6 months and know how to get it done please PM me. My concern is when I should start with the question banks???

thanks guys

8th May 2008, 13:56

I did in 9 months distance learning - doing it in three sittings - 5 + 5 + 4

I used the oxford books + britsol question bank

In general I didnt look at the bristol question until I had gone through the books, concentrating on the chapter questions instead

However for some exams for example air law and op proc i did consult the QB to try and get a feel for the type and depth of questions i might get for a particular subject

Then once that was done .. used QB for revision - to highlight areas where I was weak and need some extra work

Final few weeks 100% QB

This worked for me ... with an average of 96% over the 14 papers

Good luck anyway ..

Best cheer Neil

12th May 2008, 08:07
Finished Mod 1 in almost 3 months (including written exams). My sincere advise, LEARN Gen Nav, Flight planning and M&B, hit and MEMORIZE the QB for the other 5 subjets.

13th May 2008, 09:06
Warlock1. What about learning and/or memorising the QB for Mod 2.... and how accurate is it really?