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5th May 2008, 21:02
More budget and aircrafts promise for Argentine Air Force (http://www.defencetalk.com/forums/ext.php?ref=http://www.mercopress.com/vernoticia.do?id=13313&formato=HTML)

Argentina’s Defence Minister announced on Thursday a budget boost and promised a significant increase in the number of aircraft for the Air Force during the celebration of Malvinas War Fire Baptism Day. “The budget boost will represent a 54% increase over 2007, for training and for the recovery of Air Force equipment and material”, said Defence minister Nilda Garré.

Addressing the Air Force Chief of Staff, officers and personnel Ms Garré recalled not only the courage but also the capability and skill of Argentine pilots and combatants during the Falklands war. It was precisely on May first 1982 that the Argentine Air Force became involved for the first time ever in combat with the British Task Force sent to recover the Falklands Islands.

“Argentine Air Force pilots inflicted the Royal Navy the greatest damage in combat since the Second World War”, added Garré.

The minister pointed out that “Malvinas was also evidence of the lack of organization and joint functioning of the Argentine Armed Forces which led to serious mistakes at the moment of coordinated military operations”. And the price paid in any war “is always very high and is measured in human lives”.

Garré then praised Mr. and Mrs. Kirchner administrations saying that they have created the institutional foundations for the reorganization of the Armed Forces and planning defense alternatives. “This included creating the Operational Command for the Armed Forces and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and amending its structures”.

More specifically on equipment and material Garre promised that the Air Force “this year will have a display of operational aircrafts significantly greater than in previous years”.

“We are recovering the workshops and technical support for Air Brigades I, II and IX as well as material recovery in Rio Cuarto, Quilmes and logistics in Cordoba and El Palomar. All have approved budgets and are on course”, said Garre.

She also revealed that Argentina together with “friendly countries” from the region was in the process of an ambitious initiative to recover the manufacturing capacity of the Cordoba plant.

Finally she said that in the pursuit of greater efficiency and transparency the Ministry was in the process of creating a Defence Logistic Agency.

Maple 01
5th May 2008, 22:54
And I seem to remember the RN (with a few Crabs and Pongos) destroyed 80+ Argy aircraft - or most of their front-line strength, did he mention that?

So "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough...."

5th May 2008, 23:22
And I seem to remember the RN (with a few Crabs and Pongos) destroyed 80+ Argy aircraft - or most of their front-line strength, did he mention that?

So "come and have a go if you think you're hard enough...."

Lets see now....

4 F3
1 tanker
? Helicopters
few soldiers
1 patrol ship (P*ss poorly Armed)

.. I think they could probably have a square go AND WIN with their current strength. :(

Mind you PM Brown would probably appreciate it at this difficult time :E

Maple 01
6th May 2008, 00:26
Ah! But you forget the F-4 gate guard and the mighty FIDF! Hells Teeth, fully armed Bennies, er Stills, er Andies, OK, locals are not people you want to mess with

6th May 2008, 08:32
in the pursuit of greater efficiency and transparency the Ministry was in the process of creating a Defence Logistic Agency.

No worries then, that's them fecked, right there.

6th May 2008, 09:22
Just had a wee look on wiki

The FAA (Air force) can boast 632 aircraft,
The COAN (Naval Air Arm) has 40 various front line Aircraft.
The Army - 63 Front Line (mainly rotary)

The Air force now has an in-flight refueling capability, but they are still using the same Combat jobbies that they had 26 years ago. The other bit of good new is that 6 out of 8 Super Etandardes are Hanger Annie's

... if you can call that good news :(

Online ACM
6th May 2008, 11:00
Talking about what are strengths and weeknesses are on an open forum is neither clever or funny. It may also ultimatly lead to the loss of british lives. You my think it is common knowledge but your knowledge comes from job where you have signed the official secrets act! so shut up about what we have and have not!

Doctor Cruces
6th May 2008, 11:23
I don't think the Argie will have to read it in this forum.

I've been out of the RAF for many a year and even I know we have p**s all down there, so where's the harm of bringing this gross negligence to the attention of all and sundry.

Talk specifics and I will call for summary execution without trial, but complain about stuff that I've read about in aviation mags here and there and I will laugh at you.


Doc C

6th May 2008, 11:31
I don't think the Argie will have to read it in this forum.

I've been out of the RAF for many a year and even I know we have p**s all down there, so where's the harm of bringing this gross negligence to the attention of all and sundry.

Talk specifics and I will call for summary execution without trial, but complain about stuff that I've read about in aviation mags here and there and I will laugh at you.

Doc C

... Agree with the Doc's prognosis! - I got this stuff from the www - I haven't served for more than 14 years. Try the RAF Website. The only thing that's going to get people killed is HMG's lack will to bolster the defences down there.

... Online ACM - Your not "Norman" from Rum Ration are you?

6th May 2008, 11:33
The FAA (Air force) can boast 632 aircraft

No. Adding up the aircraft in the table they provide, you come to a figure of 270. Out of those, 19 Mirages III and V are "in storage", 1 Boeing 707 is "retired", 13 IAI Daggers are "in storage", half the 8 C130s are "operative", and the 7 Su-29 (eh?) are "in storage", for a figure of 236.

18 of those are C182s, plus quite a few Fokker Friendships and VIP runabouts; 195. Then there are 12 Saab 340s and Twotters and 72 operational trainers, leaving 110. 32 of those are helis.

6th May 2008, 11:37
Talking about what are strengths and weeknesses are on an open forum is neither clever or funny. It may also ultimatly lead to the loss of british lives. You my think it is common knowledge but your knowledge comes from job where you have signed the official secrets act! so shut up about what we have and have not!

The information is freely and publicly available.

Do you think the Argies will read Pprune and make a decision to invade based on that info??

Having said that, Blair used some pretty dodgy sources to justify putting us in Iraqistan. :sad:

6th May 2008, 19:26
Argentine Air Force pilots inflicted the Royal Navy the greatest damage in combat since the Second World War”, added Garré.
What a load of Bo77ox.............The greatest damage done to the RN has come from Gordon Brown.

I've been to the FI's.....the Argies can have them....

Green Flash
6th May 2008, 19:30
They might put up a good show as long as the Argies are in the air before the Tomahawks are ..... :E

6th May 2008, 19:34
'cept there is no-one with the political will and b@lls to authorise the release of said Tomahawks

Green Flash
6th May 2008, 19:37

Bu&&er, I overlooked the obvious. You are right, of course.

Ali Qadoo
8th May 2008, 13:10
We could always offer the Argentinians Anglesey in return for dropping their claims to the FI - would certainly be less of a drain on the taxpayer.

8th May 2008, 13:35
keep your mouth shut

Talking about what are strengths and weeknesses are on an open forum is neither clever or funny. It may also ultimatly lead to the loss of british lives. You my think it is common knowledge but your knowledge comes from job where you have signed the official secrets act! so shut up about what we have and have not!

OK - a quick search of the net shows.... Military of the Falkland Islands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_the_Falkland_Islands)

Gave up looking for other sites after that one as it is pretty comprehensive. Accuracy of the figures might be a different matter.

8th May 2008, 16:26
Althenick wrote,

"The Air force now has an in-flight refueling capability..."

The Argentines had in-flight refuelling capability even before 1982. Their AAR aircraft were heavily used during the conflict.

All the early variant Skyhawks as used in 1982 have been retired. The Argentines use the A-4AR Fighting Hawk. Some of the (Daggers) Mirage Vs that they used and received after the conflict underwent a modernisation and are now named Fingers.




8th May 2008, 16:30

Image of Su-29 at the following. Used for training and aerobatic routines.




8th May 2008, 16:44
Online ACM

It is public knowledge what is stationed in the Falklands. For example the air component. Although a bit out of date in reference to who operates the Rapier from the MoD link. The Army took over all Rapier ops in the last few years.

'Falkland Islands

Mr. Harper: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence which units are stationed in the Falkland Islands. [89670]

Mr. Ingram: The units stationed in the Falkland Islands are as follows .........'



'The most recent purpose-built airfield in the RAF, Mount Pleasant was opened in 1984 to establish a fighter and transport presence in the Islands following the Falklands War. Currently based at Mount Pleasant are No 1435 Flight with 4 Tornado F3s, No 1312 Flight, with a single VC10 tanker and 1 Hercules C1, as well as No 78 Squadron with Chinook and Sea King helicopters. Ground units include No 7, 303 and 751 Signals Units and a Rapier detachment from the RAF Regiment.'



8th May 2008, 17:39
'The most recent purpose-built airfield in the RAF, Mount Pleasant was opened in 1984 to establish a fighter and transport presence in the Islands following the Falklands War. Currently based at Mount Pleasant are No 1435 Flight with 4 Tornado F3s, No 1312 Flight, with a single VC10 tanker and 1 Hercules C1, as well as No 78 Squadron with Chinook and Sea King helicopters. Ground units include No 7, 303 and 751 Signals Units and a Rapier detachment from the RAF Regiment.'

Nice to see that the RAF Website is innacurate in so many ways - or perhaps it's just part of a deception campaign (unfortunatley foiled as the formation of 78 Sqn as a Merlin HC Mk3/3a sqn is also on the website and the RAF Regt's loss of Rapier was well publicised).

8th May 2008, 17:58

What's not revealed is where the RN Subs are. And I don't mean subscriptions.
'Once bitten, twice shy' is still a good adage.

I'm not sure of the Spanish translation of it is though.............................

8th May 2008, 19:37
18 of those are C182sCessna 182s? At last; I'm qualified on a front line military Aircraft. Uh oh, what's their upper age limit? :bored:

8th May 2008, 22:40
Taxydual said:

'Once bitten, twice shy' is still a good adage.

I'm not sure of the Spanish translation of it is though.............................

"Una vez que mordido, dos veces tímido."

Pass that on to the Argies:E

Translation provided by www.freetranslation.com (http://www.freetranslation.com) so if it's wrong it's not my fault!!

9th May 2008, 08:27
I'm not sure of the Spanish translation of it is though.............................

Hmm, I seem to remember it was "Gotcha".

Postman Plod
9th May 2008, 11:04
Silly question then, if the helicopter detachment at MPA is no longer 78 Sqn, then what is it? And why was it ever a squadron when all the other units down there are flights?

9th May 2008, 12:31
It's returned to being a Flight again

9th May 2008, 17:24
So, whats the difference between a flight and a Squadron? How many aircraft do you need to have a Squadron?

Online ACM
11th May 2008, 21:42
So apart from the the newspapers, the internet, the government, the MOD and the Russians.............you could have given away some really big secrets away.

I stand corrected but I do get fed up with people saying things on this forum that should be kept quite. Yes many things can be gained from elsewhwere but to collate it, analyise it and stick it on this forum is just doing our enemys work for them......but i was wrong in this case so sorry....humble pie eating:rolleyes: