View Full Version : Move over Darling!

4th May 2008, 11:02
Seen today in The Sunday Times -


Guess more Government forms and paraphernalia to fill up!

What next?


His dudeness
4th May 2008, 11:20
And I though the mad cow desease wasn´t an issue any more? What fore is the tax on fuel then?
Is this the true reason for trying to move all UK based airplanes to the G - register...?

I sure hope my superiors would not have bought that UK based company...I hate to go there in the meantime, the most bureaucratic state in the EEC by now...even Italy is less hassle...
The worst thing is, I am absolutely sure the german government will introduce this if the british does. They NEVER fail to introduce new taxes they learn about.

4th May 2008, 12:03
This is indicative of a Tax Tax TAX and more tax government that has made the Uk one of the Biggest Big Brother countries in the world and one of the most expensive and crippling to live in.

And we dont even get the services to match.

Jobs for the boys, something to do and no substance.
Our beaurocratic country.
I despair.
