View Full Version : I Got the ATPL Exams now what? :)

28th Apr 2008, 18:42
Hey guys,

First of all appologies if this has been asked a million times.

Id like to start training in order to obtain a Frozen ME IR ATPL.

I have all the relavent hours and a lapsed South African ICAO CPL ME IR.
Which basically as i understand it means effectivly all i have is the hours.
I also just compleated the UK ATPL exams.

I dont want to go back to SA and renew it because it has lapsed by more than 3 years and id have to do all the exams again :*

So it looks like ive to do everything.

What will it take me to get a PPL and where could i do it? would non Jar be ok?

Is it true that the cheapest way about this is to do the CPL SE in the UK and the ME IR in somewhere like spain?
If so any suggestions where and idea of cost?

or can i do the CPL elsewhere because its sooooo expensive in the UK

ok i think thats enough for now :O any info at all would be great

Thanks Guys :ok:

28th Apr 2008, 19:14
Why not go and do the FAA route and convert afterwards. You have the hours, you have experience,

28th Apr 2008, 19:25
hey Coodem
i hadnt thought of that... what type of cost would i be looking at and would i have to do the exams?
what would i have to do to convert it from an FAA to a JAA?

28th Apr 2008, 19:43
I just found this post so back to square one :*

"No point considering the FAA route if you want to go back to the UK though, and definitely not worth considering if you haven't thoroughly researched US immigration requirements if you want to work there as acquiring a work visa is no easy task by any means, and can be a very long road."

28th Apr 2008, 21:46
If the SA CPL/IR wasn't lapsed, you would simply need training as required to pass a JAA CPL skills test, which you could do in a twin and get the ME at the same time. Then a 15 hour JAA IR conversion course and IRT.

Instead, you'll have to do a JAA CPL course and ME/CPL test and a 55 hour JAA IR course and IRT.

You can price it out yourself at the schools of your choice, but after you do, I think you'll give second thought to renewing in SA then doing the conversion route here. On back of a fresh SA renewal, the JAA CPL/ME would be a breeze and the IR 15 and test would be too and the saving will probably more than fund the SA refresher and renewal.

If you don't go back to SA for renewal and instead do the full JAA CPL/ME/IR, look at doing the CPL in the States because there are a lot of FTOs there that do JAA CPLs.