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View Full Version : wannabee cabin crew lets stick together

500 miles
22nd Apr 2008, 19:02
Hi Everyone and hats of to you all.
After years of wondering and considering I finally decided to take at shot at applying to be cabin crew.
Wow I under estimated the whole thing.Reading through posts on forums and researching companies has opened my eyes .
I am very realistic and want to know what are the real statistics to getting in?
I know every single person out there has all that's desired so how do they really pick you for interview? your photo your experience or names in a hat.
I have heard of courses and books but these are very expensive and using a book to fill in an application or to get the answers to interview questions well that's not you is it!! and it would show up in an interview.
Although they might prepare you for whats to come ,but isn't that what training is for?
Researching cabin crew has opened my eyes to the length's people are willing to go to to get in.
The whole process takes over your life.
My friends and family think I am crazy counting down the days till I can re-apply but I know there are lot more people like me out there

23rd Apr 2008, 11:27
Second hand experience from slf who's daughter is cc.

When she first decided to apply she sent only one application (against my advice when I said you need to apply to loads!) against my expectation she got through first time! We spent loads of time researching the airline, and this paid off at the 2 ; 1 interview. I think it also helped that she met up on the day with 2 others who all got on and put them all in the right frame of mind.

Since then she has been rejected by 2 other airlines, completely illogically as far as I can see.

Dont think this helps you much, if we knew what these people were looking for we would say. Quite why there is a waiting period before reapplying makes no sense if the applicant didnt get to the interview simply because they were over subscribed, and rejected without consideration in the first place!!!

I do think many airlines treat CC applicants as cannon fodder!!!

It also seems that the turnover rate for cc is very high which in my view makes me question just how good the selection process is in the first place!!! Of 8 starters 9 months ago I think only 3 remain!

Be aware CC is very hard work, and many are not prepared for this and hence leave shortly after going operational.
Early starts, very long days (leaving home at 5 am and returning after midnight doesnt happen all the time but it does happen). Roster changes interfere with you social life etc Pax can be very difficult and rude and so on. Standards are high and typically you will be assessed regularly (about every 5 th flight in my daughter's case) and during the pre flight briefing you will be tested, and it is not unheard of for cc to be offloaded before the flight if they have insufficient knowledge.

Hope that doesnt paint too black a picture, there are many upsides and from what I have seen its a great job, just dont underestimate the demands of the job.

As stated this is only my view, one step removed, I hope you receive some good advice from CC as if you are determined to do the job I think you will love it - good luck and keep trying!!!!

500 miles
23rd Apr 2008, 17:14
I am very shocked at the fact that so many people drop out after such a short period of time.Maybe its the glamour they are drawn to rather than the actual job .Taking into consideration most of the time the only place you will ever see is another airport the inside of a plane complainers and of course the toilets.
On leaving school(13 years ago) I was offered a great job with good career prospects but being 17 and very stupid!! I turned it down due to having to work weekends.You learn from your mistakes!!!
I dont know about other mothers trying to get into this line of work but unsociable hours are great you are not working 24/7 like you are at home.
After having my children I decided to stay at home .Now I am ready to have a career of my own but the more I learn about the industry the more help I think I need but on contrast you can only do your best and be yourself.
"If at first you dont suceed try try again"