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View Full Version : High hopes at MAS

2nd Sep 2001, 09:47
Well I see there's a new team in flight ops handpicked by Pygme himself. Looks like a dynamic pool of staff. Wish them all the best. Thank GOD Blackie, Joseph were kicked out. Now lets see whether they are "brave".
I bet you my last korean won they are the epitome of coward hypocrites. Maybe I should apply for a position in MAS. This team will bring flight ops back to it's old glory.
So those without BALLS forever shut your mouth because you had you chance. :)

3rd Sep 2001, 11:37
Cav..... there's nothing new in the lineup except they have gotten rid of blackie, CP (T) and joseph and reduce the management.
To talk about bravery..... i have my reservations there coz' pyg holds a tight rein on them esp on the chiefs. Nobody talks unless pyg consents to it, ask the chiefs and they can attest to it.
Behold the new management coz'looks can be deceiving. It's a new circus alright but the same clowns are running it. :cool:

3rd Sep 2001, 14:33
Cav and all..

This team bring back flt ops to its glory days?? I dont think so. Looking at the scenario, the person to bring the glory days must have integrity, vision, wisdom, personality, charisma, ability and skills. And this is vital, the leader must be loved (minimum liked) and ACCEPTED by the people he's leading. Dont see it in Pyg or his sidekick the taliban kutu. Furthermore and more importantly, the company's not in a situation for glory days.

Loosing money. To rationalise, cut routes and sell planes, the easy way out. What do we do with the excess pilots. Second them? Unlikely now cos most airlines are not taking in pilots. And, its not easy flying for another airline, seconded or not. So, we end up with not much flying and therefore little productivity. Most pilots get depressed when there's little flying. The bulk of us depends on flying for income to offset morgages, car installments,kids education costs, expensive wifes, etc..the list goes on.

Generally dont like to judge a book by its cover. I'd like to see what's in the book, but in this case, I dont like the cover, dont like the contents because I know the contents are trash from the word go.

I feel sorry for the guys like AZ, MS and KK, the new chiefies, who joined a sinking ship with a hopeless skipper. They'll be busy mending the damages caused by the skipper and will have little chance to show their mettle.

Nonetheless, flt ops management I await your deliverables, whatever they are.

Joli, tapi berhati..regards..

Shintaro ;)

3rd Sep 2001, 18:23
Guess what?? MAS is just another government body in Malaysia. No matter who run the company, it will be the same. Don't believe, just wait and see........ ;)

4th Sep 2001, 11:46
I don't know how much you guys know about those glory days. I do, I was a very happy second officer with one "balak" on my shoulder. Flight Ops treated pilots (capt and co-pilot) like a pilot. Not just another worker. The other department (HR,Eng,Transport,etc..) are not allowed to bully the pilots. If the pilot/s screwed up something, it is the Flt Ops decision. Transport got no say, if transport is required, they must provide. Not the other way round. Capt H (former DFO) may not be the smartest guy, but no one tell him what to do. I believe he's fair in most cases, no "revenge". Sadly, today's and recent bosses know how to please the Biggest Boss and sometimes he don't mind hitting his own "army" for extra mileage. Worst is, the Boss himself listen to Transport driver more than his own pilots. I have seen this happened and he's still in there.

5th Sep 2001, 08:51
Fellow Pilots,
Now that Pygme is in control he can't apportion the blame on anyone. Lets give him a chance as we did with the Doc. Now, we know what the Doc did.!!!!! Sad display of management.
Correct it's the same circus but just maybe the performance might get an Oscar. As for the Taliban, well we have to live with them. As long as they do their job and do not impose their belief or oppinion. We all have our own way of doing things, it might not please everybody, but the end result is what's important. MAS deserve a place among the top airlines in the world and can ONLY achieve this by treating the Pilots and Cabin crew as an asset and not a liability
Be patient.