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20th Apr 2008, 19:38
Some fat bloke was whinging because nobody at a RAF base 'ABC' was prepared to listen to him.

Thread disappeared.


Were you that fat bloke?

20th Apr 2008, 19:50
You mean the one started by 'Tubby Linton', which asked:

Etiquette at RAF stations

Is it correct etiquette for an RAF officer to ignore a civilian airline senior first officer and only talk to the civilian Captain when they meet? I had this happen to me recently at RAF ABC.:*

I suspect that Fat Boy deleted it himself. But it has been safely stored for those who may wish to refer to it.....

20th Apr 2008, 19:58
Thanks mate, and yes!

It was getting good.


Fat bloke! Come back and fight!

20th Apr 2008, 20:00
http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=323548 if it resurfaces....

20th Apr 2008, 20:07
No show.

Bring it on Tubbs.

Why exactly is it, given your bulk, members of the public must deal with you, given your likelihood of fat arse explosion?

It's like smoking.

You cost us all money,

Because you choose to feed your fat face.

First Officer.

Cpl Plod
20th Apr 2008, 20:09
Senior First Officer, we must remember our manners!

20th Apr 2008, 20:11
Well I was just about to compose a reply to the slightly rank conscious SFO, when I discovered the thread had gone.

I have found that a k**b is a k**b, most rank conscious people (of all ranks in the RAF) are k**bs, some are also pri*ks.

What it comes down to is the individual. By the sound of it the RAF Officer was a k**b for being ignorant, but the SFO was a k**b for taking ignorance and making it into a rank issue (which as a Senior FO he is not entitled to do), so at this stage I would say they are of equal ranking (both being k**bs).

The Captain was a t**t for allowing his colleague to be treated this way but the SFO was a t**t for not bringing the RAF Officers attention to his own ignorance, I certainly would have. This complicates things because now both Civilian pilots are t**ts. I am a Civilian pilot, does that make me a t**t?

...No because I'm not ignorant.

Here we have three d**kheads, two k**bs and two t**ts, like I say it's down to the individual and one thing I have noticed is that the more rank or status orientated people are the bigger to$$er they are.

Cheers w**kers

Green Flash
20th Apr 2008, 20:12
I'm still not important ..... :\

20th Apr 2008, 20:12
Can't believe you are all being so disrespectful!

Shame on you all....

20th Apr 2008, 20:12
Soz, you're right

Senior's a higher weight band!


20th Apr 2008, 20:22
Fat bloke.

Stuff your site.

Why are you pissed off by being dissed by RAF mates at RAF ABC?

Was it ATC, DHE, or WXYZ, you f*cking no hope spotter who knows nothing about military life.

Get back to your xbox. Loser.

20th Apr 2008, 20:25
...manners gentlemen.

20th Apr 2008, 22:13
Most disappointed it has gone..... I suspect the original poster may have deleted it when he realised that he was perilously close to disappearing completely up his own derriere....

20th Apr 2008, 22:24
Oh and as a point of order Gentlemen, he was/is a Senior First Officer. All personnel are to be meticulous in the paying of compliments.


El Mirador
21st Apr 2008, 06:24
Stercus-accidit...If only others had your eloquence! A great post by you and fair!

21st Apr 2008, 06:30
stop being rude, there's a good chap.

Old Fella
21st Apr 2008, 06:40
Methinks Monty77 must have a chip bigger than the Scotsman's caber on his shoulder, judging by the inane posts he makes. Life is too short to be so unhappy Monty77. :rolleyes:

21st Apr 2008, 08:27
Maybe SFO thinks size matters!

Not in this case fat bloke!

21st Apr 2008, 08:30
Just remember kids, it's all good fun :)

21st Apr 2008, 09:11
Unless you're the SFO;)

21st Apr 2008, 10:50
Stop it! You're all being fattist - or is it sizist? From wide(!) experience I can advise that there's one sure way of losing weight and that's to stop f*cking eating! :ok:

Mrs Ex is pleased to report that I'm now having to buy new trousers to fit my reduced waist line which is now down to what it was when I was 17. Any improvement in my looks is unfortunately far outside our budget...

I found that one sure way of wrong-footing a male Civil Serpent was to greet his female colleague first. It's all to do with perceived worth, you know; stercus-accidit is absolutely correct.

Brain Potter
21st Apr 2008, 10:57
A much-missed mate was once rebuked by a larger woman who accused him of being "Fattist" and was thus given the golden opportunity to respond with:

"No love, I think you'll find that you're fattest" :p

BTW - I dream of being a Senior First Officer :ok:

Green Flash
21st Apr 2008, 11:10
Is a Senior First Officer more important than a Junior First Officer?

21st Apr 2008, 11:18
Depends which one is/has the biggest tit(s).

21st Apr 2008, 12:35
Do man boobs count?:E

21st Apr 2008, 13:46
Ahh Scribbler

What a figure you must cut now! The waist of a seventeen year old and man boobs as well:} No one left to fill Danny La Rues shoes (high heels), could be a good second income:ok:

21st Apr 2008, 15:33
Times is 'ard for pensioners. £81 and a bus-pass...

Sticky Vicky strikes again.:ok: