View Full Version : EK recruitment

21st Nov 2001, 00:55
What are my chances with EK?
Filled in web application last month when my Airline went bust.
I have 3300+ hrs of which 1200hrs on Jet not unfortunately not on Boeing or Airbus. With the pilot market now swamped with the above type qualified FD are any non Boeing or Airbus crew being taken on?

21st Nov 2001, 20:11
Another Job Site (http://climbto350.com/climbto350_aviation_jobs_board.cfm)

21st Nov 2001, 23:21
As dv8, I wonder what my chances are with EK. I've been standing still in the holding pool for a few months now and I would like to know what could be done as to improve my chances. I haven't logged Capt. time on jet yet so I wonder if I could get a call anytime soon. Are the pilots invited for the interview only the ones with a lot of Capt. time?


21st Nov 2001, 23:23
Thanks Glueball its about 4rd down on my AOL Favourite Places after PPRUNE,Flight Int and Aviation Job Search.

22nd Nov 2001, 11:50
Dont want to ruine your day but here is some info.Ek is recieving around 500 cv a DAY of which 10% are going in the hold pool.Then priority is given to the amount of hours you have , right or left seat.Jet time is important.You can expect a 6 months wait if you have around 5000 or 6000 hours lower than that takes forever...Yes there are poeple invited that have 0 hours left seat but their total time is high.There must be around 1300 in the hold pool and increasing.
Sory but this is reality ;)

22nd Nov 2001, 12:06

Sly'n Smiley
27th Nov 2001, 12:55
How many Pilots are required for 2002 and how many pilots are being interviewed each week? :) :)

28th Nov 2001, 15:29
DV8, As Fly fly76737 said I think they are taking High timers only. To give you an idea,I got rejected with close to 4000hrs mostly on Boeing/Airbus types and 2700hrs glass cockpit.

28th Nov 2001, 17:38
Thanks Autothrust
Just got mine today
Although you meet our minimum requirements, we are at present receiving applications from pilots with very high experience levels.
Malish, inshalla next year

30th Nov 2001, 14:27
Keep on trying they need poeple , patience is the word.

23rd Dec 2001, 10:53
of those called for interview can anyone give an average percentage of those who are successful. buying a ticket there is an investment like any other for a new job but it would be interesting to know what the competition is like relative to the criteria they set for calling people for interview. appreciate any replies.

23rd Dec 2001, 16:09
Patience my friend. You will get there in time if you are motivated. I waited almost a full year in the pool. Prop command, 6000+ hours, 37 years old, 2200 hours heavy jet. I travel down there and knocked on the door. Don't do that! There is only one way in....through an invitation to the interview. But if you are serious about it, you would already have visited Dubai. I understand you want to fly for them, but you must also like the place or else I would think you won't last. So my surgestion is go down there, spend an holliday on you and the miss. You will like it!

24th Dec 2001, 02:34
Just to let you know guys , i'm in the pool for 7 month
+4000 glass cockpit and 2000 Cpt.
Just be patient, they will call us in 2002....

good luck for all of you and see you in Dubai. :) :) :)