View Full Version : Flyglobespan - Hold Pool

9th Apr 2008, 18:46
Anyone out there currently in the hold pool for 737 self sponsored cadets? Or has anyone recently been interviewed/type rated through this route?

That busy time of year is fast approaching and just wondered if they were making any moves to start any low hour guys?

9th Apr 2008, 21:30
Lots of interesting info about Globespan on some other threads. Also some info in todays papers thats worth a read.

9th Apr 2008, 21:37
Well do tell, not everyone has access to the UK Media every day of the week.

9th Apr 2008, 21:50
try this


Callsign Kilo
9th Apr 2008, 22:41
From my experience low houred cadets (non 737 rated crew / GECAT SSTR scheme) are no longer part of the plan at GSM - well they weren't when I was last in Colinton in January this year. At that time getting people with 737 time through the door was top priority. It seems that the airline were looking to source rated crew from 3 main contract agencies.

For what its worth, I had been in a hold pool for the 737 SSTR scheme for over 8 months and was recalled in December to come in for a futher chat by the now departed fleet manager. Unfortunately that chat led to a 'thanks, but no thanks,' by the new man in charge. Shame, as I had felt quite confident about it all and was really looking forward to flying for the company. But that's aviation for you. Get up, shake yourself off and move on!

Not sure if there are any recruitment plans at the moment. Think they may have picked up the numbers that they require as there is no real shortage of 73 guys out there. Have a few friends who fly for them and despite some of the problems, by in large, they enjoy it.

Goodluck :ok:

10th Apr 2008, 00:07
For what its worth:
The new guy in charge of recruitment is well known for having some strange ideas on recruitment, and for being very keen to stamp his authority as it were on the whole process. I know a lot of ex colleagues who are now at GSM and they all let out a collective groan when this person was promoted. At Log his methods were very cloak and dagger and we could never work it out.
In other words don't allow your hopes to be built up if he interviews you, but more importantly those who may be in a hold pool from before his elevation would be wise to consider themselves overboard!!

10th Apr 2008, 18:47
Thanks for info chaps. What you've stated just verifies what I already suspected but couldn't get GSM to confirm.:ugh:

Callsign Kilo, you seem to have had an almost identical experience with GSM as I have.

I can handle it if they don't need/want me any more, fair enough it's a business not a sponsorship scheme for low hour pilots. All I ask is that they take 2 minutes to pick up the phone or write an e-mail to confirm their change of plans. That way I wouldn't have been out of pocket £1000's by knocking back work to keep myself available, plus knocking back other interviews under the belief I had a job.

It's a shame as I was really looking forward to it. Possibly for the best in the long run, who knows???

10th Apr 2008, 20:52
The reply I received couple of months ago was "sorry, TR guys with min 500 hours only". They had ad's in flighglobal for some time looking for contract guys matching those requirements.

They werent at all interested in local guys(ce'st moi est callsign kilo!!) who were on the doorstep for EDI or GLW, albeit no 737 TR.

On a slight change of note, im glad to see Logan have gone back to favouring the local lads and lasses. Plenty scottish FI's and cpl/ir's getting interviews and jobs.

10th Apr 2008, 23:23
The advice i'd give you newbies is dont waste your time applying to this loss making calamity that made a significant number of experienced capts, fo's and cabin crew redundant last year. They couldnt arrive and depart on time if their lives depended on it.

If you want to fly a 737 join Ryanair a company which for all its so called faults is serious about hiring 200hr cadets. And for all the locals North of the border you got the option of PIK base and EDI opening September 08.

Make time and go to an FR Cadet open day at EMA.

11th Apr 2008, 08:10
I contacted them too, I hoped my 757 TR would help, did it diddly. I was told in no uncertain terms it would take too long to line train me as the 757 sectors were too long, second, they took people from the 737 onto the 757 normally. There was a slight "why are you bothering me you insignificant loser" tone to the conversation. I also hope my accent and house not far from both bases may give me an edge as I understand retention was an issue, not at all. So bugger them!

Callsign Kilo
11th Apr 2008, 11:10
IRNBRU - to be honest, forget it and move on. I personally don't think that they are in the position to be able to take on low houred cadets at the moment. My word of advice would be, whether it is GSM, BMI, BA or whoever, never actually convince yourself that you have a job with someone until you are actually doing that job - NO MATTER WHAT OR WHO LEADS YOU TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE. I too have been bit by that mindset.

As LAX said, try Ryanair. The rating is a bit more expensive however they are taking a lot of cadets on. I had a sim assessment with them on 6th March and started on the 31st. EDI opens in September with 2 aircraft so I'm putting my hat in the ring for that and PIK.

Goodluck mate, CK

11th Apr 2008, 15:12
Thanks guys. I actually decided after the change of personnel in the New Year that it wasn't gonna happen. So moved on, forgot about it and was lucky enough to get 2 offers, one being Ryanair. So as it happens it's looking like it worked out for the best.

Originally posted out of interest to see how many others were in similar situation or if it was just me. Unfortunately it wasn't just me!

11th Apr 2008, 17:01
Im going to retract my statement slightly and say the management are a calamity, otherwise a pretty decent group working for gsm and i hope their jobs are secure if they choose to stay.

Reading between the lines from the few I know who are still there they have to recruit experianced crew onto both fleets as they cant afford to train people from scratch.