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View Full Version : Calling for HELP! Flight Sim project

8th Apr 2008, 22:33
So here's the situation! Bought a fuselage of a Piper Tomahawk, Cleaned it, mounted it on a mobile platform. Intention is to turn it into a flight simulator for my ATC (Air Training Corps) Sqn. 3 screens mounted outside the real windscreen to provide visuals, PC running FSX, Sim Kit (real USB analogue instruments) fitted in the real instrument panel, Real controls used to operate 'modified' USB yoke with one hell of a pc. Project run on pennies right? WRONG! We have just had one hell of a lottery grant to fund this project! Thousands (under 10K, just, to include a trailer to transport this thing to events). I am looking for real advice, expert advice on getting this right 1st time, It's not my sim, it's the cadets and I have a real obligation to get this correct for the sake of those who funded the grant! If you can help, or someone you know, please post, PM me, spread the word...

A real Aluminium tube driver asking for real help from those that really understand the computer sim side of this industry.

9th Apr 2008, 11:30

Cant really help on the cash side, but i will drop some hints to some people when i got a a RAES event, especially the sim one coming up...

I can help technical wise, i have done electronics and interfacing at Uni, learning c code, and know a think or two about physics "Mech Eng Degree" student.

I think its a good project, as i say, will mention it at the event to people i talk too, however, there is a fair deal of red tape in these companies.

There are a few atc squadrons with these flight sims on wheels...

For example...

One has a bull-dog fusalage, on a trailer, started off with just a basic tv and joke/throtle, they have added and added to it and its got some working instruments, the joke i mean stick, is the real one, etc, etc...

I noticed another ATC over the east that has the same setup with a Bull-Dog and some screens etc...

I think the first funded the developments by local funding for PCS in turn for advertising, they charged for 10 mins in the sim, think it was £2,

The BA sim on wheels is a good example, however, the screen they use bugs the hell out of me :)

Some of the best times ever i had in the ATC, loved every minute, flying the real bull-dog was the best, these new things they have, grobs are they? where rubbish in my memory... Remember doing some loops and rolls in the bull-dog...

I recon some local funding could be a good idea, as i am sure a i read about a Jetstreem prop sim, where it was all donated by local companies, and fund raising...

9th Apr 2008, 21:27
Thanks for the feedback! Bulldog? My ATC years were spent in the Chipmunk initially!! Then the Bulldog and then the grob! I couldn't leave I loved it that much :ok:

Money isn't an issue here, we've just been given £10K where we stand is that we have the fuselage, we have the cash but we have lots of questions?

1) Do we use a 'Triple head' splitter to spread the image over 3 screens using 1 graphics card or do we use 2 sli cards and use 3 of the outputs (i.e 1 feed per monitor) ?

2) Analogue instruments are available. These are USB fed from the main pc. How much performance drop will we see when using these? i.e will the CPU take a kicking?

3) How do we wire up the real controls in the f/deck to operate the USB yoke?

Thanks in advance :E

10th Apr 2008, 08:27
Its a bit long winded to post in the forum,

PM me you email or MSN handle?

A typical setup would be 2 pcs, high spec three head graphics, and mid/low spec for instruments...

10th Apr 2008, 08:33
Its a bit long winded to post in the forum,

PM me you email or MSN handle?

A typical setup would be 2 pcs, high spec three head graphics, and mid/low spec for instruments...

Google home flight simulator, or similar

There are loads and loads of project out there from small Cessnas to B747's, the same technology and setup applies to screens, and getting yokes/sticks to work, throttles,and pc setups...

BA use a concaved screen in their mobile sim, well they did last time i was in it, and its not too good for the eyes in my opinion, i found it very of-putting.

It could be deemed by you, good enough to use a single projector.

see this setup


i think this is very similar to what you might want, but on a trailer, obviously you restricted to 7-8 foot wide? but its possible to make a system that expands for the screen, or use a non-fixed screen?

However, you'll have issues with sunlight unless is enclosed using a projector...

I so wish i was still in the ATC... I am too old thought =( could be an officer, but wouldnt know how, or could be a civi instructor, but we used to cause them endless problems and windups as they was the civis, so would have to be an officer i think, or NCO...

10th Apr 2008, 18:30
I used this;


Converts analogue potentiometer input to usb that Microsoft Flight sim recognises as joystick inputs.

Can use a maximum of 3 which gives 10 analogue and 12 switch inputs.
Use 1Megohm linear pots, which will = 250kohm over 70 degree turn for elevator/aileron/rudder and engine controls. As 1k seems to = 1 count on Microsoft Flight sim setup.

better still:


More than enough inputs for the that 4 engined behemoth if you string them together.

11th Apr 2008, 17:41
You may also find this useful.


Hope it does.

Any thoughts on getting two computers to deal with different bits of the prog? Would love to share the load over a home network.

16th Apr 2008, 15:15
Hi All,

rada76 and I are both working on the same project and I have been the one dumped with all the electrical stuff given my job.

I have just bought the BU0836 joystick controller for the project and should get it soon.

Just to add some more background info about the project, we are going to purchase USB Mechanical Instruments which use servo motors to actually move the dials etc on the instruments.

The currently website is at www.flightsim38.co.uk, sadly the gallery crashed recently and we haven't been able to restore it yet.

17th Apr 2008, 18:50
If i can find out how to post a picture, i can show you how i rigged up the pitch roll pots for my desktop sim.

Originally it was full size using a PA38 yoke and shaft.
But was a bit cumbersome so i rebuilt it into a 40mmm high box so a laptop could sit on top.

If i had the time would have liked to try and use a lcd screen behind a shadow mask to replicate the instrument panel and projector for outside.

17th Apr 2008, 19:40
might be worth talking to these folks at Liverpool


to get an idea see
