View Full Version : UAS Hours Towards a JAA PPL

8th Apr 2008, 20:27
Hi all,

I'm trying to find information on the process of counting my partially completed EFT syllabus towards a JAA PPL.

I've read LASORS which deals a lot with credits for other types of training towards other types of PPL but is otherwise not helpful. I've also tried searching the forum but since I cannot search for "UAS" or "Log", it is a bit frustrating.

There must be many chaps out there who have done this so I'm surprised there is not more information out there on the net.

I'm not at my Squadron anymore so no chance of asking an instructor!

Any help greatly appreciated.


8th Apr 2008, 20:38
Any flying training with a RAF QFI current on type and any solo flying will count.

'Air Experience' flying with a non-QFI is regarded as passenger flying and will not count.

8th Apr 2008, 20:52
Wow, thanks for the amazing speed of your response!

What is the process (is there one??) for getting my hours recognised?

Do I...
a. simply copy all my hours into a nice new PPL logbook and turn up at a flying school?
b. perform some form of manipulation to credit some fraction of the hours?
c. apply to the CAA in some way to get the hours recognised?

Apologies for sounding completely unintelligent, but I am otherwise at a loss as to where to find this information without writing directly to the CAA.


8th Apr 2008, 21:06
You can email the CAA's licensing team at [email protected]

8th Apr 2008, 21:19
Just transfer the totals to a PPL log book.

The CAA doesn't require anyone to countersign the hours - it simply applies severe financial penalties to anyone suspected of falsifying hours ( IIRC, it's £5000 and 2 years in clink playing the role of girl friend to Big Ron of 'E' Wing...:eek:). But you will also be required to submit your old UAS logbook when you apply for your PPL.

There is no need to write to the CAA!