View Full Version : Jetstar pilot group

7th Apr 2008, 08:37
Apparently the existing JPG members want to vote in a NINE member panel -out of 13 candidates - as they are dead scared they wont get back in.

Brings to mind the last time they had a vote, where they decided on the number required AFTER the election result was known.

7th Apr 2008, 09:50
Probably getting electoral lessons from Bob Mugabe.:hmm:

7th Apr 2008, 13:03
Interesting conclusion drawn by feddup. The number of 9 comes from the rules of the JPA which provide for one elected representative for each 50 pilots employed by Jetstar. But don't let truth or logic get in the way of a good windup.;)

7th Apr 2008, 22:37

The JPC has no rules, is not a registered body and doesnt oficially exist.

But your answer to the second part of my initial post would be........

8th Apr 2008, 00:56

Please explain, what rules?

Are these the rules that when pilots ask to sight them, the JPC/JPA are unable to produce.

Are these the rules that guide the Association? Oh , that's right, it when from a council to an association, but still there is yet to be published to the pilot body any documentary proof of this.

8th Apr 2008, 13:28
feddup, if you say so. How is it then that J* management negotiates with a body that doesn't exist but whose name is littered throughout the agreement?
I have no answer to the second part of your question, I am not aware of the circumstance you have raised.

UDH, if you ask a question that you would really like answered I would be happy to answer it, if I can.

From the last part of your post I gather you have already a strong view and most likely a closed mind, so I don't see any value in responding other than to say when I asked to see the rules I was shown them.

10th Apr 2008, 00:31

How is it then that J* management negotiates with a body that doesn't exist? you ask

Quiet easily really. they negotiate with some carefuly selected (not all) individuals who make up the JPC which is not repeat NOT a legal body.

For the second part of my post - the bit you didnt answer - At the last vote they wanted SIX OR MORE members. When the results were known and the names they wanted were within the first six, they decided that six would be juuuussst right (no second prize for the candidates that came seventh or eighth).

If the right names were not in the first six then they would have needed seven -or eight or.......