View Full Version : any news from qatar airways??

6th Apr 2008, 18:28
any news from qatar airways??
i hope you guys know any good news about that interview that was held from 18-20 march 2008.
they told us they will return back to us within 6 weeks
please tell me if you heard anything from them
best of luck to everyone

7th Apr 2008, 12:32
ppl anything???

7th Apr 2008, 22:04
i think i'm the only one interested :)
wish me luck guys

13th Apr 2008, 10:06
Hi hghazoly

I would like to know more or less how is the interview and basically the questions that Qatar put more importance on your view,tks.:rolleyes:

14th Apr 2008, 12:59
the interview is very nice and the atmosphere is so friendly you will enjoy your time
1st they will give you short brief on the company and history of the company
2nd you will go through very simple and easy test, all about basics of flying (IAS, alt settings, ...)
3rd psychiatric test, which is really pain in the ass, u will never know what they want :) lol but just be urself
finally personal interview, which is the most fun part, they will ask you about your life and what u achieved, it will be very nice and friendly talk no technical Qs, all they want is to know ur personality and c how u talk and act with ppl
plz feel free to pm me if u need more details

14th Apr 2008, 13:14
n then tell u that theyd get back to u in 6 weeks... waiting out the 6 weeks is tha hardest part of the intervew..keke

16th Apr 2008, 13:46
Tk u guys and best luck for all.:cool:

4th Sep 2008, 10:24
Hello, I have just been called to attend an assesment for QR.
I´ve been reading what is posted, it is normally the same on how the interviews are handled ?


10th Sep 2008, 18:27
Pretty new on the site and due for interview in Doha in October.
Anymore info would be really appreciated
Thanks in advance

23rd Sep 2008, 02:39
Hello guys, can u tell me your flying experience?