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View Full Version : Cabin crew salary/accommodation etc..

6th Apr 2008, 14:23
Hi all

I'm thinking of applying for cabin crew, but was interested to find out what the current starting salary is for airlines in the UK & abroad.

I was thinking of staying based in the UK, so if this was to happen do the airlines give you accommodation allowence & if so how much?

Thank you :O

6th Apr 2008, 14:40
Sorry, but if you are a UK resident, why would a UK airline give you an accomodation allowance to live in the UK? :confused:

6th Apr 2008, 15:00
Hi Getoutofmygalley

I didn't really know what you get with airlines when you join & believe the salaries are not that great...so I'm trying to figure out if I could move closer to the airports on the wage?

Thanks :)

6th Apr 2008, 16:15
Hello topicana,
It really depends what airline you work with. You need to do your research by looking on company websites and browsing the vacancy part.

Ive never heard of an airline giving you an allowance for accomodation. A girl i know has moved here from france to do the training and there after can commute. She has had to pay for flights and all accomodation herself.

Its hard work at first but once you get flying and you recieve your allowances you should be fine. i am with ba on ww and out basic is 11.450 and then dependant on what trips i get my allowances with vary month to month. i will always be recieveing above 500 extra a month unless on stand by then its unpredictable. I have been lucky to find cheap accom for 300 a month including bills. You can get accom for that but you really do have to look for it. get on lots of website and put wanted adds on them.

Agin i stress it really depends which airline & fleet you choose to what your salary an allowance will be.

Check out the ba website they may still be advertising!

Good luck :)

6th Apr 2008, 17:58
Thanks very much KellyMarie :)

I've had a look on a few websites & you've given me a good idea what to expect on that side of things.

I'll definitely do some accomm. reseach! You have really got a good deal there!

Thanks once again

7th Apr 2008, 13:06
i am with emirates as a crew... you'll get company provided accommodation (free water and electric bills) fully furnished.

basic starts at approx $1,000 with average flying hours of 80 per month

23rd Apr 2008, 06:48
Hi EK Nina,

Is the $1,000 you make reference to inclusive of the 80 hours flight time per month, or additional to? What would you say is the "average"/"typical" monthly salary inclusive of basic wage, flight time, layovers, etc. averaged over a 12 month period?