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View Full Version : Special Forces Fight in Sadr City

5th Apr 2008, 08:33
Recent footage of the Iraqi army and US forces engaging the Mahdi army. Note the AAA being fired at a, presumed, AC-130 to show the level of armament they have.

Special Forces Fight in Sadr City (http://www.blackfive.net/main/2008/04/special-forces.html)

Al R
5th Apr 2008, 10:01
I was going to ask them what connection there was between firing as many rounds as possible from within a Humvee and being labelled 'Special Operations Forces'. But when I saw pictures like this on their site, with the strapline '.. they consider you one already, so why not make it official?', I thought that complicated questions might be a little too much for them.


5th Apr 2008, 10:47
Watched it a couple of times to be sure. My impression? Large volumes of random, indiscriminate fire; no attempt at fire control. No apparent regard for collateral damage and civilian cas. But then, I wasn't there...

5th Apr 2008, 11:06
If they are special forces then I spent six years in a wrongly-named regiment :ugh:

5th Apr 2008, 11:19
Watching them at work, I don't care what they are called they are doing ok in our eyes. One small criticism, shoot more.

5th Apr 2008, 12:24
That was more Special needs than Special Forces. Bunching, no fire control and doubt they cared or knew what or who they were shooting at.

Special Forces are the Scalpel, that was more blunt rusty spoon.

If a bunch of yahoo's like that were operating in my country then I think I'd soon find myself joining the local freedom fighters.

5th Apr 2008, 12:32
Was that a British accent as they go up the stairs? Shouting something like:"Get on the roof top".:suspect:

5th Apr 2008, 12:38
Two sides to my thoughts one serious the other not, the first serious one being the potential for a lot of collateral here. The second is that I did LMAO when i saw the amount of lead they were letting go. They certainly have all the kit!

5th Apr 2008, 12:40

"That was more Special Needs than Special Forces."

Concise, succint and incisive. I am now looking for an opportunity to plagiarise that!

(Posh journo talk for steal).

5th Apr 2008, 12:51
Erm, these were mostly Iraqi "special forces" operating in their own country with a couple of non-locals along to help.

From the comfort of the cosy internet I can safely say that I'd have done it all much better. But then, as aluded to be one poster above, "I wasn't there" so what would I know?

It's a bit tricky to pass judgement on men in combat based on a couple of minutes of edited together of youtube footage designed solely to whipp billy bob and his fren's back home into a war-lovin' frenzy.


PS> love the t-shirt, ordered one. Brilliant.

5th Apr 2008, 13:10
Well, there is probably one thing you can be sure of, if that had been 'real' 'Special Forces,' as we know them, from the UK, (21,22,23) you would still not have known anything about it. What I saw was an ambushed patrol.

El Grifo
5th Apr 2008, 13:45
And yet there are still people around who cannot or will not, figure out why the iraq fiasco very quickly went to hell in a handcart.

Some of the comments posted underneath the vid should help that process :confused:

5th Apr 2008, 14:26
Level 6 of COD 4 innit?

I think they are using the 'peace through superior firepower' fire control.

Over kill? Who knows. Op Banner may have been a bit shorter if we'd used the same philosophy up The Falls. :D

But youre right. Clips like that just serve the millions of armchair rambos here and in the good ole US of A.

Modern Elmo
5th Apr 2008, 17:00
Was that a British accent as they go up the stairs? Shouting something like:"Get on the roof top".

I agree. That was an English accent, quite noticeably so in the pronunciation of "roof top." Nothing wrong with the the man or his accent, except that he probably wasn't American.

Report Line
5th Apr 2008, 18:54
I am not sure what can be done about the situation but IMHO if you want to develop home grown terrorists let them see more of the same. The indescriminate nature of the 'fire' and the 'gung ho' nature of the participants does begin to make the blood boil. The fact that these SF have a camera man and the film is posted on the internet cheapens the whole effort. It just comes across as being 'bottom draw soldiering'. I know that we do not know the context in which the film was taken but then the film should not have been released without the background. This just looks like a bunch of cowboys 'out playin'. Perception is reality - an all that.
