View Full Version : Saga of IDG, Ltd.

6th Apr 2001, 05:24
Latest rumour is IDG's 2 B-727's are grounded in Texas, USA under liens from creditors. The flight crew (with the exception of a London Based F/A) has been released with massive wages/expenses still owed.

A warning to everyone!!! IDG will be looking for a contract crew to move one of the a/c's to Jeddah after the liens are paid.

Anyone considering working this flight should know that a previous F/E who was released last Sept has written a letter to the FAA alledging all sorts of maint and FAR violations, so the assumption would be that the Fed's will be watching this a/c very closely. Two of the recently "downsized" crew (the Capt and F/O) were mentioned by name in this letter, being accused of doing all sorts of "illegal" flights.

This is just rumour and speculation, but if anyone is asked to fly one of these B-727's they would be well advised to ask some probing questions, and GET YOUR MONEY UPFRONT!!!!!

6th Apr 2001, 06:14
Wonder if the crew that have not been paid have filed liens as well? This is rather easy to do and, a Federal restraining order can be obtained preventing the movement of the concerned aircraft until a legal action can be adjudicated. Have done this with an aircraft leasing company with good results.
Not cheap but it works.

6th Apr 2001, 15:41
My understanding is the crew did have legal representation but was unable to lien the a/c because under Texas law they weren't covered as "service suppliers", rather the only claim they had was "breach of contract", i.e.-not getting paid for work performed.

Sounds like this IDG is a real scumfield outfit.

mr blue sky
7th Apr 2001, 09:16
could you publish the registrations ?
It may help others

7th Apr 2001, 15:27
N766JS and VP-CMN.

Anyone asked to ferry and/or work on these a/c would seem to be putting their licenses and financial well-being at risk.

7th Apr 2001, 18:54


7th Apr 2001, 20:07
I am seething at the comments passed by FF in another topic re the IDG crew, I will however bite my tongue and refrain from turning this in to a flame war. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

I know the guys flying the IDG 727 and would call them gentlemen, I’m disappointed that things worked out this way. I sincerely wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors and hope that they can take up my offer of a cold beer some day.


8th Apr 2001, 15:19
You see JJ,

Some people do think you're ok. (just joking)

Mad-Dog: Are you working for the outfit that had the need for an a/c on New Year's Eve? If so, I have most enjoyed working with you in the past, and look forward to it in the future...

8th Apr 2001, 22:35
Mad-Dog...the same outfit that was trying to help you guys out. Didn't pop my first top until after 2200L when we were released...If that doesn't clue you in, I was also trying to help you out with a Bejing trip last Sept.

Cheers, and thanks for your kind words...

9th Apr 2001, 00:35
Don't hide it very well, do I...?

Anyway, if you know that, then you know I know what I'm talking about re: the scumfield operation I was working for...my e-mail is on my profile. How are things going over there?

I saw one of your crews on the road a few months ago, and understand the top man now has my C.V.

So I think you know I mean it when I say I hope I'll be using your services in the future...(dispatch services, I mean.)

9th Apr 2001, 10:29
Guess who he kept calling every 5 minutes on that dreadful evening...


9th Apr 2001, 12:47
Roger that, MD. By the way, are you guys still using the services of that F/E (and I use the term loosely) that you had down in HECA that night?

Herc Jerk
13th Apr 2001, 14:47
JJ, are you still heading south? Or has DI3G talked you out of it?? :) All going well, i should start on my namesake in mid-June. See you there... maybe.

Sorry to interrupt, fellas- as you were...

13th Apr 2001, 14:51
Still under works as we speak... Where you now... Need a beer, itīs on me.


Herc Jerk
14th Apr 2001, 03:19
Had to wait for my permit in country- YUK! Same place now, 1.5 weeks till freedom bird, 3 or 4 at home, then sim and back in- all things going to plan that is...

14th Apr 2001, 22:02
Scumfeild is done in this business. The Captain is a good man. Hope he finds a good left seat with a real operator soon and makes some good bank. Looking forward to another Sid and OJ with you someday!! I've got your number man!!!


17th Apr 2001, 19:36
Hello MrJD, long time no see...just kidding...

I know the Capt also and I agree...especially about the "green" part.

Anyway, welcome to the prune...and I got your number too, man.

17th Apr 2001, 19:42

Can you confirm this one? One of my sources in San Antonio just asked me if I knew anything about IDG trying to do a charter with one of their 727's out of SAT around May 8th. I said I thought the a/c were grounded, but I'd try to find out.

Just thought you might want to know if you've got 'em leined you may get paid...

I didn't think IDG had an AOC...hope the Feds don't find out.

18th Apr 2001, 20:37
I am so appaled to this. I could not resist to post one more time.
Why is it that IDG is not let alone to do business as usual and it have to continued so long with this conversation. Yuou have been all paid yes. If not then you need to be. but that is it. this is very bad for reputation for Saudi as employer

[This message has been edited by Flyingfarouk (edited 18 April 2001).]

18th Apr 2001, 21:40

For your uninformed misinformation, my source in SAT has said IDG is attempting to charter the US registered B-727 (N766JS) to a 3rd party for a European trip on May 8th.

So they are apparently trying to conduct business as usual. However, even in Saudi Arabia, it is illegal to charter an aircraft without an operating certificate.

That, I think is what people want to prevent. By saving costs and not paying the crews, suppliers, etc., they can undercut the bids of legitimate AOC holders and lure unsuspecting customers onto their aircraft.

If what you say about your qualifications is true, and you can do the job for much less, then I suggest you contact IDG in either JED or RUH and offer your services.

22nd Apr 2001, 17:47
I am getting slightly annoyed that these scumbags are not paying in a timely manner. Guess it is time to teach thme a lesson that they will never forget :mad:

JJ :mad:

22nd Apr 2001, 19:26
JJ and anyone else affected by these scumbags...NOW'S YOUR CHANCE!!!!

My sources in Texas reveal that IDG's US registered 727, N766JS is being prepared for a "charter" (didn't think they had an AOC) from the LA area to Europe and return.

I know the previous Captain isn't invited because he has initiated legal action against the D.O., and the F.E. won't be there because he hasn't been paid for March yet, or past per diems and expenses, so I guess that leaves you JJ.

My gut feeling is any pilot who succumbs to IDG or Scumfield's promises of whatever to do this trip is putting his/her licenses at risk, as I feel there will be strong FAA presence around the a/c at departure time.

And I hear IDG all ready took the money...hope they can find a crew....

Smiling Knife
27th Apr 2001, 15:41
I donīt know where your info is coming from Mr. DI3G, but I was contacted to fly one of those aircraft on a charter and it was cancelled at the last minute.

I did ask to see the AOC and there was a lot of waffeling about and finally it was admitted that there was an exemption, or something like that.

The pay I was quoted was $500 per day plus hotel for F/E.

Seemed like an ok operation. I must admit however, the guy couldnīt answer me when I asked him who the Captain and F/O were going to be.

[This message has been edited by Smiling Knife (edited 27 April 2001).]

27th Apr 2001, 15:49
Get your $$$$$ up front Knife.

Smiling Knife
4th May 2001, 18:26
They keep asking me to come to work...is the pay situation really that bad?

9th May 2001, 15:26
Mr. Knife,

Donīt hold your breath...My sources in SAT tell me the D.O. of IDG went to where the planes were last week sometime to operate a "charter" but since the maint had not been paid for on either a/c, the maint shop wouldnīt let them go. This D.O. (who doesnīt hold a medical anymore so therefore has no license to lose) apparently put on a good show of ranting and raving for an hour or so and then left town as quickly as he came.

If it had gotten under way, I think there might have been other problems as I know the former Capt and F/O will not let those planes move until they get paid also.

Re-read this thread and then decide if you really want to risk your licenses working for a dodgey outfit like IDG...

[This message has been edited by DownIn3Green (edited 09 May 2001).]

12th May 2001, 05:41
Smiling Knife,

I have followed the IDG saga with great interest, I have learned that its an operation best avoided unless you are willing to spend the next 6 months of your life chasing your salary.

Unfortunately it creates a bad name for Middle Eastern aviation.

Keep looking around, there are better jobs out there.


[This message has been edited by mutt (edited 12 May 2001).]

12th May 2001, 16:58
You got that right, Mutt. If the Knife is truly qualified in the International Market he should have no trouble finding a job.

(unless of course he is a clone of some of the other septagenarian F/Eīs that IDG likes to hire)

14th May 2001, 15:14
Iam now so upset that you have so bad thing to say and no good. why you work here if you dont accept the local way of life?

go back home and work there. you know the risk when you start that maby there is problem and now you complain so much.

14th May 2001, 23:15
Pardon my pronunciation but...
Tel has tiis. Hope I got it right.


15th May 2001, 16:40
I think youīve upset your buddy Farouk, JJ, saying things like that to him...Did you guys get your pay yet?

Smiling Knife
22nd May 2001, 15:45
Ok, Iīm finally a believer!!!

Against the advise of the posters in this column, I went to San Antonio at the request of IDG to conduct a flight, and most everything said here is true.

I said I wanted to be paid in advance, before the flight, which IDG said No Problem.

The problem was there was no flight, so I went back home 4 days later with no money, airfare, etc.

They said they would wire it to me.

I feel really stupid now. Can I sue these guys?

[This message has been edited by Smiling Knife (edited 22 May 2001).]

23rd May 2001, 07:50
Smiling Knife,

I just hope that others in this forum refrain from saying "I TOLD YOU SO"

Aviation is a wonderful world, we just continue to live and learn!

Mutt :) :)

23rd May 2001, 16:45

I understand a lawsuit on behalf of the Capt, F/O and one of the F/Aīs is in the works against the DO personally, if he doesnīt pay up by the end of May.

Hope they get interest on the overdue money.

18th Jun 2001, 18:14

Just thought I'd regenerate this thread so everyone can see the "rest of the story" regarding your recent thread about these scumbags...Good Luck.

21st Jun 2001, 01:47
Well, it's official!!!

IDG scumbags have moved VP-CMN out of SAT headed to JED. Only prob with this is since they are well known for not paying the crew they apparently couldn't find any Cayman endorsed crew, and have a crew who have apparently submitted their endorsement apps to the VP CAA, but they haven't been issued endorsements because there was "some information missing" (A current PC, perhaps?)

In any case, I don't think anyone likes the idea of an uninsured jet (and that's what it is, if the crew is not properly endorsed, the insurance will be void) flying around in the same airspace. Not to mention the high ranking VIP who may be on board. (It's not this guys fault because he knows nothing about the problems.

Good luck scumbags.

3rd Jul 2001, 14:21

Is it true that some of the crew have been paid now (finally) but that this was only after an appeal to the US Embassy in Riyadh?

Also I heard the pay packet was not quite what was due, i.e.-several thousand $$$ short.