View Full Version : Kampuchea

6th Mar 2001, 21:22
Saw four TriStars with Kampuchea Airlines logo in Amman, Jordan the other day. Any ideas?

6th Mar 2001, 22:23
I would guess that they are having maintenance done while waiting for the outbound Hadj to start on Thursday.

9th Mar 2001, 11:41
Two of the aircraft are back in Jeddah parked at the Hadj terminal.

The Guvnor
10th Mar 2001, 19:20
They are doing the Indian Haj, and will shortly be joined by an ex Delta L1011-1.

12th Mar 2001, 16:18
Thanks Guv, i was wondering who had replaced Tower Air on the Indian Hadj. It just goes to show that there is a shortage of B747's around.
