View Full Version : Bmi Regional Holding Pool

28th Mar 2008, 11:53
Just wandered how many girls and boys are in the Bmi Holding Pool.

How long they have been in the pool?

Does anyone know if their is likely to be any movement soon?

Any info would be appreciated thanks,


28th Mar 2008, 16:48
They started calling people who had passed interviews last year to have sim checks this month!!

Still over crewed....

Under airframed....

but hey....maybe they know something we dont...

any takers? Lufthansa anyone?:ok:

29th Mar 2008, 20:55
Is there nobody else in the pool?
Mybe people are being called forward for sim rides to top up the holding pool. After such a long wait I suspect many have obtained other employment.

Paper Lad
30th Mar 2008, 19:35
The only person who thinks that we are over crewed is the Ops Director:ugh:, ask any of the peeps flying the line (Captains or F/O's) and they will tell you that they are all working v. hard. There is also quite a bit of roster disruption creeping back in to our lives despite the Lifestyle Agreement and the summer schedule hasn't even started yet.:ooh:

The company is still on the lookout for more aircraft but I wouldn't hold your breath on that one! Additionally several people are going through the process of transfering to BMi mainline with the possibility of additional transfers to Baby later this year.

So, all in all, it shouldn't be too long before you see some movement.

Come and join us the EMB145 is great.:ok:

Wilton Shagpile
31st Mar 2008, 17:39
Yeah, it won't be long.....

The company are (AFAIK anyway as I don't work for them but know people that do) no longer over crewed. Should be FO spaces available soon as a few people have handed in their notice...

1st Apr 2008, 18:45
Brace yourself for an interesting ride, beware of the basing policy, it is not transparent and you could end up in Scotland long term.....

The 145 is nice though, but too small.

Mungo Man
2nd Apr 2008, 18:32
Brace yourself for an interesting ride, beware of the basing policy, it is not transparent and you could end up in Scotland long term.....

Indeed basing policy is not working for some at the moment but it will improve once there is a turnover of crew. If you want Scotland it could be just for you.

The 145 is nice though, but too small.

Too small for what? Do you get an inferiority complex on the 145? Hehe! I kind of know what you mean but its well kitted out with equipment and goes just as fast and high as most airliners, but payload can often be heavily restricted and there is no autothrottle which would be nice but keeps you on your toes.

5th Apr 2008, 20:38
Scotland would be just fine after waiting so long !! Been in the pool since June and can't wait to get started.......soon I hope..

7th Apr 2008, 12:25
Likewise, I have also been in the pool since June. Not bothered which base, just looking for a start date.

18th Aug 2008, 20:33
Anyone got any updates on when things might get moving. I believe they have been doing interviews and sim rides lately. Is this just to top up the holding pool or are there going to be some courses starting soon?

10th Sep 2008, 12:58
I See there is another post on the T&E page regarding Regional. Have the guys in the pool started on this course of 6? or is it due to start later this year? I see there were at least two swimmers having been in the pool for a while. I have heard of a guy getting an indication of a possible interview soon. :ok:

11th Sep 2008, 10:58
With the news of a course of 6 new F/O's starting with bmir, are you guys who have been swimming for a long time on this course? Does anyone know if the pool is now empty or are there still guys treading water? :ok:

28th Sep 2008, 10:42
Hi Guys,
Just wondering if anyone has any info on whats expected in a bmi regional interview. As I have one next week.



flying macaco
28th Sep 2008, 22:08
hey, I'm off for the interview too...looks like things might be moving in the pool...good luck you guys who have been waiting. if you have any tips for the interview/sim ride would love the hear them...

ed - maybe see you there. best of luck!

29th Sep 2008, 12:43
cheers flying macaco, and if you hear any info about the interview, i would be most grateful if you could pass it on.

good luck

flying macaco
21st Oct 2008, 23:38

I'm a new entry to the pool! Any news from those at the surface?!

Rob's Dad
22nd Oct 2008, 05:58
I'm also a new swimmer - how many is that now? Hoping we all hear good news soon.

22nd Oct 2008, 08:09
out of interest, you guys treading water, are you low hours or 500+?


Rob's Dad
22nd Oct 2008, 18:19
Hi Nick

Both I suppose. About 900 hrs (had just over 500 at time of app) so still consider myself very much 'low-time' in the great scheme of things.

22nd Oct 2008, 18:32
Well done on your applications chaps, especially given the current climate. I have a couple of friends with bmiReg, a good job awaits you there. Take your winter woolies though if its ABZ base, it gets very VERY cold in the winter time!!

22nd Oct 2008, 18:57

guess im not standing much chance at 211 hrs then, oh well, at least im trying :E

good luck guys

flying macaco
23rd Oct 2008, 10:33
Hi Nick - have around 700 hours (500 jet) but there was a range of experience through to the sim check stage so definitely keep trying :)

23rd Oct 2008, 12:46

I will, my mother says I can be very trying at times:}

Looks like its back to the flying club for me, going to go build some twin time and get 100 hrs PIC then have another look around.


23rd Oct 2008, 14:09

are you managing to keep current?


23rd Oct 2008, 17:57
Any more news re courses. There was rumour of 2 more before xmas. Has the first course of 6 guys started on line yet? :ok:

super ted123
27th Oct 2008, 07:34
Hi scratchingthesky,

I believe most airlines have a three month notice period but I am confident that the next bmi course will be run with far less than three months notice.

Its then up to you if your going to accept the job and give your present employer less than the required notice.

If you feel its a significant step up, then you have to look after yourself and your career.

Tough decision I know, I am debating it with myself at the moment :bored:

Fingers crossed for some news soon

Best of luck


flying macaco
27th Oct 2008, 10:27
wish my last airline gave me 3 months notice ;)

28th Oct 2008, 17:40
Application form

I received emil from BMI Regional to fill application form,which i did and sent back to them.Is anyone got same e-mail?I would like to that how much waiting time for response.I have more that 500 hours.



Rob's Dad
28th Oct 2008, 18:27
I was 3 months from filling in specific form to attending interview (1 weeks notice) then 2 months before sim (2 days notice) but suspect that times vary.

flying macaco
29th Oct 2008, 12:53
BBC NEWS | Business | BMI being taken over by Lufthansa (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7697261.stm)

Any ideas what's going to happen to BMI regional??? In particular, to us swimmers?! :confused:

flying macaco
30th Oct 2008, 11:06
Anyone heard anything direct from BMIr HQ?? I'm guessing this news is more of a surprise to us than to them so not necessarily bad news for the pool...that's what I keep telling myself anyway!

Fingers crossed everyone!