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View Full Version : Farewell Astraeus crews

27th Mar 2008, 23:18
I'd like to wish all those cabin crew who are leaving the company, either by choice or by redundancy, the very best in whatever you do.

You've been a great team in the 45 months I have been there. Whatever you do, do well and enjoy.

28th Mar 2008, 11:22
I'm sure we'll meet up again in some bar somewhere in the world - it's a very small world this flying one!

28th Mar 2008, 17:13
Hi Guys,

It is a shame that the team is being split up! You have looked after us all very, very well..... Thanks to you all. Thanks for some great FNA/ACC/BJL trips in the past and look forward to hearing all your future success stories...

All the best


28th Mar 2008, 17:19
Yes ive also been extremely well looked after and enjoyed every minute of it (almost) even SSG... self catered brekkie!!
Great bunch of people in the cabin absolutely fantastic. And Ive worked with alot of you in some difficult situations and wish you ALL the very best wishes and luck.

We will meet again soon.

I keep in touch with quite a few of you and I believe there may be a gathering soon in creepy crawley area.

Take Care til next time

28th Mar 2008, 18:38
BOAC et al... I heartily concur!

How it has turned out is a very, very, sad shame but wherein I have nothing but praise and admiration for the folks whom have worked in the cabin & supported us in the FD (during the 73 months that I've been in AEU).

If you'll excuse the pun... there have been some real 'Stars' ! :ok:

28th Mar 2008, 19:39
May I also add my thanks and best wishes to all those fine crew I've worked with over the last 18 months.

A finer bunch of people I could not have hoped to work with, the cameraderie in the crew room, on the aircraft and downroute has been fantastic.

Not too many comments about my landings either as I felt my way in my first flying job! (well, maybe just a few!)

I wish you all the very best in whatever path life takes you down, and please keep in touch.

Thanks guys.

4th Apr 2008, 07:26
slf here, but my daughter is cc for Astraeus, and is of course affected by the changes.

My daughter has had excellent training and experiences that I sure she will remember for the rest of her life. Everyone at Astraeus seems to work together and I know the team spirit is excellent and all of the people are great to work with.

From an outsiders perspective it really does seem that Astraeus have been able to combine having fun with the serious operational and safety requirements of running an airline - quite an achievement it seems after reading threads on other airlines on here!

I echo previous comments, it really is a shame its ending this way.

From a personal point of view I have suffered the trauma of redundancy and would like to pass on my best wishes to all at Astraeus and wish you all luck in your future careers.

18th Apr 2008, 09:34
Updated to add best wishes to the great ladies and gents from Sweden who are (on !current! plans) leaving us in May. Good luck to you all with your careers and thanks for the year you have given us.

18th Apr 2008, 10:00
Are they bankrupt? I can't see anything online to confirm that.

My sympathies with any crew being made redundant.:(

18th Apr 2008, 10:15
Not as far as we know! I suggest you update yourself on 'Astraeus-2' (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=245715&page=5), starting at post #87.

Romeo Zulu
26th Apr 2008, 13:31
Just in case no one knows the adios astraeus leaving do is on the 29th Jar Jar and then onto bar med