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View Full Version : CPL, ATPL theory and IR but no job

26th Mar 2008, 19:20
As someone just at the beginning of their training it would be interesting to see how many CPL, ATPL theory and IR holders there are out there, but who haven't been able to find employment?

P.s Idea stolen from one the fixed wing forums and it provided quite a discussion!

Camp Freddie
26th Mar 2008, 19:54
probably quite a few but then anyone who does any proper research before spending all that money will know that it is a high risk strategy.

if you want to be sure you will keep flying either have funds for an FI rating on standby or get the FI before the IR.



26th Mar 2008, 20:56
Every person I know who ended up with an CPL(atpl theory) and an IR, is now flying either corporate or offshore, including a number of low time (300hr) guys with no FI rating. It's all a gamble. You could end up spending £120k+ and have no job in sight and be one of the unlucky ones.

My personal view is that there aren't as many jobs actually available out there now compared to 12-18 months ago.

This topic has been discussed here before.

26th Mar 2008, 21:12
I am a low hour CPL (ATPL theory), but with no IR and feel the only place there is potentially work at the moment is the North Sea or Instructing.
And the only reason instructing is employing is because the pay is so poor you cant live on it !

I also feel that the North Sea are ONLY considering people with IR's and there seems to be a few people out there who have some how afforded to pay for an IR... so why should they look at anyone less?


26th Mar 2008, 22:43
There are still a few NS positions going from what I hear and see but it's hard going just getting that interview or even getting the pre-requisite IR.

There are 3 NS guys i know, sat at home on full pay due to lack of a/c. Now that's not exactly a way to build hours but if golf is your thing, then you'd be set. We can't all be that lucky unfortunately.:{

Bristows and CHC are still looking for pilots as far as I know but every man and his dog with an IR are chasing fewer and fewer positions.

Good luck to all in their quest.

26th Mar 2008, 23:04
Helimutt you are bang on.......

No "BIG money" in flying helicopters just alot of "BIG ego's".

............Only joking guys!