View Full Version : Fixed wing or rotary

26th Mar 2008, 15:56
Hi all. I'm thinking about starting my B1 licences in the very near future but am unsure of whether to go fixed wing or stay rotary, (I curently maintain helicopters in the military). Is there more work available for either type or any financial advantages? Would appreciate the opinion of those who work in the industry. Please advise.

29th Mar 2008, 00:08
Try starting the other way around - Is the work where you live (or where you want to live) Fixed-winged or Rotary?

I have type ratings for 737's and helicopters and, in my experience, if you find the right employer the wages are not too different.

A CAA Surveyor once told me, as I was leaving the RAF...
"Big Jets have big money and lots of hassle.
Pistons are run by penny-pinching pilots who quibble over each rivet.
Helicopters are labour intensive and complicated to manage.
Business Jets have good money and good conditions - If the owner wants a new Radar and you ask what type - he will say "Colour!"

Big Jets will get slightly more money - Commuter Airlines are 'generally' Crap! But many helicopter operators don't have the current hassles of Airport Security and have much better working 'environments'.

The choice is yours...and you can change your mind if you want to.

29th Mar 2008, 13:33
Thanks for the advise Rigga. Looking forward to seeing if the grass is greener on the outside, although reading some previous posts it aint necessarily so. i think i'll stick with helos until i've attained a licence by type and hopefully wil have a better view of the industry by then. Looks good when you see £500 a day for working off rigs.

EGT Redline
29th Mar 2008, 14:58
Looking forward to seeing if the grass is greener on the outside, although reading some previous posts it aint necessarily so.

It's a damn sight greener than life in the RAF I can assure you. Knuckle down, get your ticket and watch the £££'s role in!!