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View Full Version : New Qr Memo..........best Of Luck Everyone

22nd Mar 2008, 19:02
This new memo issued by QR GMHR and addressed to all the Staff


Please be reminded that the Qatar Airways Security Department is fully empowered to perform random alcohol and drug testing at any time on any Qatar Airways employee, when entering or exiting any Qatar Airways premises.

Qatar Airways Premises means, but is not limited to:
Premises, accommodation, facilities, car parks, airports, vehicles and aircraft belonging to or used by Qatar Airways.
This is not restricted to the State of Qatar, it includes all countries where Qatar Airways has a presence.

Rosemary Fagen

Best of luck to all of you staying at company Accommodation.

22nd Mar 2008, 19:06
So you are not allowed to have a drink in your own apartment then? :ugh:

Goat Liner
22nd Mar 2008, 19:17
...to be fair the Memo has been ammended to read 'while on duty'.

22nd Mar 2008, 19:30
...to be fair the Memo has been ammended to read 'while on duty'It must have been written clearly the first time.
Managers have to know what they write (Memos or emails) is not for their own reading:ugh:. They need to write to be clearly understood. Very few do it...:mad:

Cloth Ears
22nd Mar 2008, 23:04
Er hello ?? Rosemary.. hello ??

so what you are saying is that if you are in a hotel (clearly not Doha!!) you can't have a drink ?? plus if you are in Paris, Leeds, Cheltenham, Slough, Singapore or Edinburgh or.... - all in the countries that QR fly too you can't drink .. oh behave !!

Think you are kidding yourself my love !!!

ps: who put you up to that memo ???

23rd Mar 2008, 05:51
cloth ears...........

Get a grip of reality! There's no WAY known that mercurial little prick (Wacky Acky) can (and should be able to) assume that he can (and will) get away with that sort of gross invasion of ANYONE'S civil liberties outside of Doha, irrespective of what he likes to think that he can do!

Fair enough in Doha................anything goes, I'm afraid, but away from Doha forget it!

Time someone in the Emiri Dirwan REALLY started to take some notice about the antics of this poor excuse for a three-ring circus, and its retarded ring master I reckon.

Smirnoff N21
23rd Mar 2008, 08:32
Not a chance while on stby at home as it's an intrusion of one's privacy. Calling the individual to the office is OK. On the outside station let alone other countries the only one having any kind of "limited" executive authority is the commander. Short, without his/her consent nothing happens while within the jurisdiction of the state of Qatar which the aircraft clearly is. To overrule the commander either local police or CAA must get involved. Always the same story.

Don't take it personally take it on the rocks!!!:ok:

23rd Mar 2008, 09:13
It must have been written clearly the first time.
Managers have to know what they write (Memos or emails) is not for their own reading. They need to write to be clearly understood. Very few do it... :=:D
Has there ever bee a memo issued by QR HR that was did not require amendment or further clarification 5 minutes after issuing?

From EID holidays to THA nothing comes out clear in the first place:ugh::ugh::rolleyes:

Cloth Ears
23rd Mar 2008, 13:58

I was being facetious ! :)

23rd Mar 2008, 16:42
There's simple but effective remedy against intrusion of rights JUST CALL SICK. The moment you call sick automatically dismissal from duty must follow therefore being no longer on duty the eligibility is null and void.

23rd Mar 2008, 18:30
Or better yet, just dont consume alcohol during times that prohibit you from complying with the rules and regulations laid out by your employer...and yes we do have testing at GF, and so do EK..and most others..subject to such testing downroute as well...(in our case anyway)

Johny Walker
23rd Mar 2008, 19:21
no one is against the checks. It's the way the did it once again. This is a wind up from new HR manager orchestrated by the goats king once again. Same same once again goats king lets new chick look stupid and bleed. Smart move Mr.AAB this is the beginning of your END Mrs. Rosemary. remember this moment. :D

23rd Mar 2008, 19:56
Rosemary is fairly new, isn't she? Didn't she used to work at QF?

23rd Mar 2008, 21:39
Hmmm, from some of the comments, perhaps a few at QR have a tad of an alcohol 'problem'...:rolleyes:

24th Mar 2008, 05:21
411A..indeed i think you are right...

But without trying to defend anybody, and in my humble opinion:
This thread looks to me like a storm in a glass of.. Water:ooh:
There is a simple rule in our OM regarding consumption of alcohol before being on Duty..Is it so difficult to respect it,just respect it and there is no reason to be worried at all...That's it!
It seems that it s like traffic rules or the non smoking rule in Doha public place..nobody is able or want to respect it...:\
Just wish Q.A. could be concerned on inflation and devaluation of our salary as well on the same way they seems to be very concerned on alcohol problem.
Happy Eastern!

Smirnoff N21
24th Mar 2008, 19:58
Dear Loc,
despite QR not bothering about any kind of legitimate proceedings it's paramount to understand the possible implications of such carelessness.
Legal grounds for random alcohol testing are clear: It's exclusive prerogative of law enforcement officers unless it's promulgated and set forth in legal format like under FAA 14 CFR Part 121, Appendix I, V, .iVB and 14 CFR Part 121, Appendix J, III, C ; no one else may conduct such tests. Security department of QR has no legal grounds to perform such test as such program isn't governed by QCAA, my friend. Apart from that, testing involves blood probe which must be evaluated by officially approved lab. Pilots in general can be tested in two ways:
1. Randomly as mentioned above governed by associated with QCAA program, if there was such.
2. if their behavior arouses suspicion among airline officials or law enforcement officers. In other words anyone suspecting the pilot being under influence of drugs or alcohol must involve law enforcement officer to serve public interest of safe transportation. Of course pilot must be on duty. If it was that easy we'd have random tests performed anywhere in the world at any security gate. As you may recall it's not the case.
Furthermore the subject pertains Tokyo convention governing the jurisdiction of contracting state while outside the territory of the state of registration. In other words as long as the aircraft is on the ground other than the state of registration with doors open it's under the foreign jurisdiction thus QR's security personnel once again has got no legal grounds but they can involve local police.
If QR indeed wants to tackle it once and for all it certainly must be done not halfhearted way. Relatively easy escape path for a drunken pilot, don't you think? Too scientific .... maybe that's why QR prefers to buy their way out. Does it come as a surprise, of course not, another best example is seen on daily basis in the City Center where security personnel is delegated traffic police's functions without even having a slightest idea about traffic rules. Truly remarkable indeed.
Don't take it personally take it on the rocks!!!:ok:

25th Mar 2008, 05:14
Smirnoff if you are still thinking that AAB cares about the official FAA,JAA apppendix whatever ...law.....you must be very naive!
Sorry to tell you but unfortunatly in this company there is only one law:The AAB law! Isnīt it?:\

25th Mar 2008, 10:36

it all makes sense mate but you start to sound like one of our good old friends POPAY....

Related in any way?


25th Mar 2008, 10:43
well , as johnnie walker says.... keep walking!

Smirnoff N21
26th Mar 2008, 09:32
Loc No point to indulge on who cares about what. I, for myself, would like to see the outcome of the process from the Iranian F/O after being dismissed unlawfully. He'll probably get paid 6 months compensation and that only underlines the statement "QR buys it's way out". That's all it matters.
QR 515 no mate I'm his neighbor in the new compound we gotta do the blow job after Gestapo knocks on our door! Rush boys they'll check your moral and ethical compatibility with QR's clean concept on the MORALMETER.
Don't take it personally take it on the rocks!!!:ok:

26th Mar 2008, 11:52
Tell us more about the FO. Not heard about that one yet. Which fleet?



26th Mar 2008, 18:23
At times, trying to read and comprehend this thread is like a kindergarten infant trying to read and re-enact the works of Chekov!!!!!

Guys - remember the following:

1) You are in the Middle East, so anything goes;

and.....more importantly.....

2) You are employed by QR. So, anything goes!!

It alarms me that you are alarmed by this memo. Isn't it actually "tame" compared to some of the other QRBS that perpetually occurs?? If some of us are still phased by such nonsense, then we should't still be in the State of Qatar.


hairy plotter
27th Mar 2008, 17:07
Come on ladies everybody knows about the f@ck up in JNB where the local dumb-arse nearly crashed the airplane after he took the controls from that Iranian FO. It was all over the last safety bulletin. Methinks that's the one Mr.N21 is referring to. Poor bugger got sacked for the local tosser. CP 330 and GM played dirty game with him and set him up. Hope he gets it straight or at least makes them pay.

Smirnoff N21
28th Mar 2008, 07:07
H.P said it already. You'll know it when the time is ripe. All I can say is that the airline will always try to play the SAFETY card and the opponent stresses on lawful proceedings. One thing is for sure not only in QR but everywhere else: a company can dismiss anyone at any time with or even without prior notice. All depends on the reason. If there's no just reason company has simply to pay. That's the case here as no reason has been given for dismissal thus it's unlawful and two solutions are the options either hire the guy back or pay compensation.
AB6 always to blame others for own impotency isn't ever gonna change anything.
Don't take it personally take it on the rocks!!!:ok:

28th Mar 2008, 09:38
Smirnoff N21.............

...as no reason has been given for dismissal thus it's unlawful and two solutions are the options either hire the guy back or pay compensation.

Just curious, but how do you propose to go about this ...........ummm........suggested course of action, especially when you're going to be up against a dangerous, unstable, and pathological idiot (wacky Acky) as an opponent?

Black Stain
29th Mar 2008, 06:00
Snap 515!!!!

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Village idiot Popay returns in silly disguise.

Smirnoff N21
30th Mar 2008, 06:31
SIUYA, I can lead a horse to water but I can't make him drink. Read the signs my friend, it usually says legal consultation office. I've told you everything you need to know the rest is up to you.
As for you B.S. still chewing on the old bone? Come on get over it. Barking and bulling ain't concealing impotency.

Don't take it personally take it on the rocks!!!:ok:

Black Stain
31st Mar 2008, 11:26
Hey Popay I'm glad you're back. Although the arguments ramble on and on, often lack relevance and defy non-germanic logic, we all need a laugh now and then.

The question is why? What do you expect to happen? Do you expect Interpol and ICAO inspectors to be waiting on the 9th floor lounge in the morn?
This ain't Kansas Dorothy and all your ramblings about JAR, FAR and what would happen in the civilized world amount to nothing here.

The Goat does not care about it's own staff, never has. You are just a noisy disposable commodity, like a Land Cruiser with a broken exhaust. The only thing these awful people care about is their international reputation and $. If you want them to listen, attack with relentless, honest, destructive critique on a forum over which they have no control.

Smirnoff N21
31st Mar 2008, 20:59
I hear you B.S. We're back to the initial stage, I guess. Who believes in what? That will determine further course of actions. At this point I have nothing left but to say; have faith my friend. Nothing lasts forever. Never did, never will. No point to rock the boat we're all sitting in just to prove the superiority among the mortals. As usual, aim the target and pull the trigger.
The bullet is never wrong! Isn't that what they say in Texas? That's of course only in abstract meaning of getting one's right. In other words we all have our ways, you certainly believe in yours. Good so.
Don't take it personally take it on the rocks!!!:ok:

31st Mar 2008, 22:10
CEO just signed another memo : SMOKING IS NOT ALOWED and braking this roule can lead to TERMINATION actions !

Its nice that word TERMINATION is invented in Sri Lanka and transported to Doha with QR staff .

2nd Apr 2008, 06:30
OOh is see ...:hmm:the new ministerial job for Mister AAB: Qatar Authorities have probably engaged AAB as the non smoker ambassador in Doha, in order to force all this careless(or blind) people who intoxicate others in public place in Doha(despite the non smoking rule placarded everywhere!) to respect once for a while the law in this country!

3rd Apr 2008, 20:30
AAB will most likely never disappear from QR! But, what a great relief it would be for many people if he did!

And, smoking could lead to termination? As much as everything else!

Johny Walker
4th Apr 2008, 08:55
That's about it toomuchwork. Very well said. In fact no one ever gave a damn about all those silly brainstorms from the office. The only chance this intimidation+fear politics succeeds is if you guys let it blur your mind. Some CC due to the fact of being young and wet behind the ears still raise to the bait. Let it be said to you dear girls. Simply ignore this monkey office and once the door is closed enjoy it. Don't give this clowns a chance to screw you.

7th Apr 2008, 07:34
:ok:Johny Walker!