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View Full Version : All UK Airside workers please sign this.

18th Mar 2008, 22:16
With Government planning to force All Airside workers to be the first to have the National I.D Card. It is important we fight the proposals. You will not have a choice with the threat of dismissal hanging over your heads. The rest of the country will not be forced to have them. They will not replace any Airport ID system. You can read the threads in the 'Rumours and news' and 'ATC issues' threads to catch up on the argument.
A Petition has been started and can be signed here....
Aviation workers should unite against this discrimination. Please publicise the petition and the fact that this is going on.:ok:

18th Mar 2008, 23:47
This is one area where your local (airport news paper) can assist. Brief them, then the national blurbers will pick it up.

The National ID is a hot topic, so use all means possible, get your local airport reliant service providers to hassle.

This is posted on another Forum, post it on other Airport/Crew related sites.

Use the available media, and your staff/union associations to lobby.

This is George Orwell come to life, though a tad late!


PS. Once some many years ago in the original 'Sandpit', I held 7 passes for one location. Terminal, apron, national airline Flt Ops block, Hajj terminal, Royal ramp, military ramp & MX. Add a further 3 airports + a couple of Air Bases, no wonder I'm a few inches shorter now!!!!!

Good luck

19th Mar 2008, 00:35
How many airside workers would not comply with regs?

19th Mar 2008, 07:53
With 38 years airside I fail to see the reason in objecting to it. It is unlikely to prevent the threat to aviation and will be as ineffective as the CRC checks have proved to be. It is just another hurdle.

19th Mar 2008, 15:31
I dont object to the idea, although I think it may be a problem for new employees gaining airside passes.

19th Mar 2008, 15:34
With 38 years airside I fail to see the reason in objecting to it. It is unlikely to prevent the threat to aviation and will be as ineffective as the CRC checks have proved to be. It is just another hurdle
Maybe you should get up to speed with the facts about the NEW national ID before you fail to see reason. It is not about carrying an ID, it is about the whole National ID data base and the Government plans to track everything you do. Also, for aviation workers it is the fact that we are being made to have these with the threat of dismissal for non compliance.
The rest of the country will only have one if they want one. Even when you have one it will not replace the Airport ID sytstems we currently have. In fact once you have been forced to have one it will not be compulsory to carry it at all. We are being singled out to kick start the Governments insane plans.
Read the other threads suggested and get more of an insight into the whole thing. Don't get tricked into sleepwalking into this. If you want one for the right reasons then fair enough but approach it from an educated point first.

19th Mar 2008, 18:25
I have looked into the proposals and I still dont object I have nothing to hide and I comply with airport and company rules.

19th Mar 2008, 18:34
had a national id card in europe for years .. useful in banks as proof of id when withdrawing cash in the old days

all my other details are tracked by my social security number.

note for airport i.d where i am,as well as filling out a detailed questionairre including on whether you ,the applicant ,is an alcoholic,a drug user or in financial ruin, also provide a copy of your police record a mandatory 3 hour course in security awareness(payable) and a deposit on the card in case lost
also required

no objections from anyone- its the law..

19th Mar 2008, 18:41
The main thing I would object to is the way the Government will use our data. They can't even keep simple things safe! How long before someone loses this data and you have frauders producing lots of counterfit ID cards!

19th Mar 2008, 20:47
I have looked into the proposals and I still dont object I have nothing to hide and I comply with airport and company rules.MMMmmm, Bet you are fun.......:mad:

had a national id card in europe for years .. useful in banks as proof of id when withdrawing cash in the old days

all my other details are tracked by my social security number.

Nothing like what is being proposed in the UK.:ugh:

merlinxx All the suggestions in your post have been or are being done...BALPA has already issued press statements opposing the plan. The other trade unions are expected to follow soon.
Letters have been received from MP's also opposing the plan..:ok:

19th Mar 2008, 23:05
Not happy about this. It was recently quoted in the national media that these cards will only hold a "thin amount of information". Nothing to do with finances, health, past or present records of any kind including any criminal offences. SO why bother introducing them?

The government wants these things in place. Not only is in financialy terrible for the tax payer but theres a huge civil liberties issue here. If its such a "thin" piece of information on these cards and to get an airside pass i have already cleared my work history and a CRB check BY the government ... i dont see the need for these?

Pure exploitation of the aviation industry and the "sensetive" issues surrounding it in the public eye. This is introduction by stealth. Next it will be "well airport workers have them...." then everybody does. Whether its a biometric passport or an id card id rather keep my civil liberties thanks :ugh:

I like my job and i dont plan on giving it up! Ive happily given my details to those concerned to prove myself safe and able to work airside and do so on a daily basis. I have nothing to hide either... but just because i dont doesnt mean i will concent to being branded with a serial number and compelled to carry my government "this is me" card so i can be beeped through life like a bag of carrots at a checkout... :sad:

20th Mar 2008, 23:33
Well said!:D

Phil Brockwell
21st Mar 2008, 06:37
I don't quite see why this is an issue? Like a national DNA database, I just don't see why an aid to law and order could be considered a bad thing?

I don't fancy the additional admin hurdles, but I'd happilly carry one.

21st Mar 2008, 07:26
I have an EU (read UK passport) and an airside pass.
My last pssport was issued to me in person at my local office.
I am CRC checked and passed.
Through a drink drive conviction, that shows up on my CRC, I am on the DNA database.

Why do I need a National ID, useless for anything, I have the passport and ID I need, 100% legit!

Hell, my pic on any of them aren't sexy, but the documents are / records are authentic.

Do I get a national ID automatically?

Why not just ask me to carry my passport airside? It has been (I hope, vetted) not just use aviation as a soft target for red tape.

As an Idea, why not flag UK airside badges 'Qualified' as in UK national. then start a National database to stop all the hassles of cancelations when one moves to the company next door with over a year to run on you current pass!

Absolutely nothing to hide


21st Mar 2008, 11:56
If all airside workers refuse to apply for these ID cards what could the governement do? They can't sack every single one of us.

21st Mar 2008, 15:57
does this mean that when we are the holder of one of these super dooper id cards,that prove who we are.....the next time i am loading a plane from isral and the non english security guard says i have to check you....does this mean we can tell him to take a hike......other wise its not worth the bother proving you are a nice trustworthy person..is it......no change there then!!!

21st Mar 2008, 16:08
why not let the church of england take over running all the airports...it will have some benefits......first....i have never heard of a church of england suicide bomber.....second...the airports will be closed on sundays and most bankholidays......and third....you would get xmas off like normal workers........just an idea.....ho ho ho.

STN Ramp Rat
22nd Mar 2008, 07:39
I wouldn’t mind if I thought it was going to replace the Airport ID card or would act as a UK Airport ID card allowing access to all airports, but it will just become another card that will have to be carried.

Remember the changes to the driving licence ….

We had a perfectly good paper based system however the paper licence was large and not really suitable for carrying on a daily basis. Everyone thought it would be much better to have a credit card sized licence like other countries. What did we end up with in the UK…. A credit card sized driving licence and a paper licence neither of which is valid without the other.

Don’t trust the civil service to come up with good idea!

22nd Mar 2008, 23:28
I don't quite see why this is an issue? Like a national DNA database, I just don't see why an aid to law and order could be considered a bad thing?

I don't fancy the additional admin hurdles, but I'd happilly carry one.This is not an aid to Law and Order. I Suggest you do some more research. It's already been stated that the National I.D card would not have prevented the London bus bombings. Issuing it only to Airport Airside workers is hardly solving the UK crime problem.
Once issued it will not be a requirement to carry it. It will not replace your airport I.D.
The issue is not with having an I.D, you need to read more on the subject..... Research...have a look at this sight..
Come on Airport workers.....Wake up.

23rd Mar 2008, 10:56
As ive said before... its just introduction by stealth. The aviation industry is a rather paranoid world and in the public eye its deemed very sensetive.
The government knows these things are deadly unpopular so there just exploiting this issue and all things connected with it to "get their foot in the door" if you will. Really really simple yet effective tactics.

Once these are compulsary for airside staff there slightly embeded into society meaning other people are more likley to accept them! There usless pieces of plastic trash ... expensive ones that i might add everyone is going to have to pay for in some respect. Nothing gets replaced, nothing gets more secure nothing changes aside from the fact your monitored. WHY? Its just another control mechanism the same as the 3 million odd security cameras in operation in this country. The government is trying to provide the illusion that these things (like CCTV) make you more secure. Ok CCTV cams do prevent crime and are a deterant but theres still too damn many of the things! The argument for ID cards is 10 times less plausable!

All these things are, are cattle brands nothing more nothing less and airside workers should not be the guniea pigs for the slow introduction of these things into our lives its just well and truley bent! Even they can't properly justify them!

9th Apr 2008, 08:31
This is how ID cards could end up being used:

http://aclu.org/pizza/images/screen.swf (http://aclu.org/pizza/images/screen.swf)

Don't like the idea? then sign the petition:

http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/airsideid/ (http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/airsideid/)

9th Apr 2008, 13:28
Nice to see someone actually gets it....:ok:

9th Apr 2008, 13:35
That is a bit of a stretch.

I do have some reservations however I would support the issuing of ID cards to airside workers if it met 2 basic requirements:

1. Replaced the current CRB/Disclosure Scotland check and stopped the need for priodical renewal of the CRB check.
2. It enabled owners to use their ID at any UK (and potentially EU) airport if required, instead of the current multiple CRB checks to obtain airside passes - unless of course, you are air crew.

(2) for me would be the most advantageous thing to happen. Currently it is almost impossible to maintain ID's at multiple UK airports.


12th Apr 2008, 19:44
Sign the petition

http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/airsideid/ (http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/airsideid/)

Lets make our voices heard

14th Apr 2008, 18:35
I do have some reservations however I would support the issuing of ID cards to airside workers if it met 2 basic requirements:

1. Replaced the current CRB/Disclosure Scotland check and stopped the need for priodical renewal of the CRB check.
2. It enabled owners to use their ID at any UK (and potentially EU) airport if required, instead of the current multiple CRB checks to obtain airside passes - unless of course, you are air crew.

(2) for me would be the most advantageous thing to happen. Currently it is almost impossible to maintain ID's at multiple UK airports.

Unfortunately neither is going to happen. Also don't mix up the campaign against National ID's with airport security ID's.
The Government has the intention of eventually following your every move through the ID system.
It has nothing to do with anti-terrorism.
Airport employees are being discriminated against so the government can introduce them by stealth. We will not be given a choice as the rest of the country will have.