View Full Version : E M "Teddy" Donaldson - (auto)biography

15th Mar 2008, 10:00
I seem to remember reading, as a young lad in the 60s, a biography (or possibly autobiography) of Air Cdre E M "Teddy" Donaldson of RAF High Speed Flight fame. It was probably originally published in the 50s and would be long out-of-print but I can't remember the title.

I'm keen to locate a copy but Internet searches of various second-hand book sites using just Donaldson's name have, so far, turned up nothing. Can anyone help with the title and, if you perhaps have a copy, the publisher and/or ISBN?

I'd be very grateful for any help.


PS, I have noticed that there is a new biography of Donaldson ("RAF Top-Gun") which is due to be published in June this year but that will be too late for my purpose.