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View Full Version : Nick Lappos headhunted by Bell

Rich Lee
14th Mar 2008, 18:21
Perhaps, if the rumors are true, Nick can get Bell going again......

From the Ft. Worth Star Telegram (http://startelegram.typepad.com/sky_talk/2008/03/rumors-bell-to.html) (the Startlegram)

Rumors: Bell to hire Sikorsky ex, V-22 critic

The rumor and gossip mill at Bell Helicopter has been running at warp speed the last few days over reports the company may hire a former top official of rival Sikorsky Aircraft Co. to take over as senior vice president of engineering and head of Bell's Xworkx research and development lab.

The suggestion that Bell may hire Nick Lappos, now an executive with Gulftream Aerospace but formerly an engineer, test pilot and head of the effort to sell Sikorsky's S-92 to the U.S. armed forces, has stirred up a tempest among old line Bell loyalists.

Some Bell employees and former employees have reportedly written letters to senior management at the company urging reconsideration if Lappos is indeed being considered for a Bell post.

Bell and Sikorsky have long been competitors and rivals, at times less than friendly. Lappos, who is well respected by many in the helicopter world, has earned the enmity of many Bell loyalists because of his past criticisms of the V-22 Osprey and Bell's other tilt-rotor aircraft development efforts including the BA609 civil tilt-rotor.

Lappos has not returned telephone calls and e-mails from the Star-Telegram. Bell officials have declined to comment on "any personnel matters."

Bell has hired several other former Sikorsky officials in recent years including Mike Blake, now executive vice president of the Fort Worth company. One industry official said Lappos is an excellent engineer and works well with other people and would have little problem renouncing his past criticisms of the V-22 to go to work for Bell.

- Bob Cox

Brilliant Stuff
14th Mar 2008, 18:38
Well that sounds to me like a fantastic idea IMHO. :ok::ok::ok:

After all noone I would have thought would want to see Bell flounder.

Keep us posted Rich.

14th Mar 2008, 19:14
Now what the heck....."renounce his criticisms of the Osprey"?

Sheeee...it Doc! Rich sure found a good way to start a rumour.

Considering Bell's recent track record vis a vis Eurocopter.....they sure need to weed out the Bell dead wood and get some fresh air into the experimental design shop.

As Nick probably couldn't fit into a Jet Ranger anymore....it might forbode the end of the 206 series finally!

If this were true....I would run out and buy some Bell Stock as it is bound to improve from what it is currently.

Flying Lawyer
14th Mar 2008, 23:05
One commentator had this to say about the Ft. Worth Star Telegram story: Technological skepticism -- when well founded -- should not be a disqualifier.
Frankly, the last thing companies need in their R&D labs are mindless cheerleaders.Intelligent thinking IMHO. :ok:

If I was a helicopter manufacturer looking to headhunt someone to help my ailing company, Nick Lappos would be the name at the top of my list.

SASlessIf this were true....I would run out and buy some Bell Stock .....
Run out and buy some Bell Stock. ;)


Rich Lee
14th Mar 2008, 23:14
After Nick was seduced by the dark side (dare I say it aloud: planks!) I believed it was a loss for helicopters. One can only hope he returns to the light.

14th Mar 2008, 23:24
Hmmmm, I wonder how long this has been in the pipeline? Was Gulfstream just a convenient 'staging post' all along...? :suspect:;)

(A similar tactic of using a neutral 3rd party has been used in plenty of player transfers between rival football/soccer teams.)

But congrats to Nick and Bell. Interesting times ahead! :D

Flying Lawyer
14th Mar 2008, 23:43
Was Gulfstream just a convenient 'staging post' all along...? :suspect:;)
No. Definitely not.
Gulfstream made a determined effort to headhunt Nick from Sikorsky, eventually succeeding by making him an offer no sane person could have refused and, as is the nature of the man, he put his all into his role at Gulfstream.

It's not surprising Nick has been headhunted again, by another manufacturer seeing the value of having someone of his calibre on board.

I wish Nick well, not only on a personal level because we've been good friends for some years but because, as Brilliant Stuff says, no-one would want to see Bell flounder. If anyone can reverse the trend of recent years, Nick is the man to do it.


15th Mar 2008, 01:06
As this comes as no surprise to me.....I am only too happy to finally offer my congratulations to Nick. I am sure he will continue his contributions to the advancement of techology in the helicopter world in his new employment.

Having watched him talking about helicopters and future concepts, I know he is dedicated to the improvement of the industry. It is an amazing sight to watch him become the Professor, his eyes light up, and you can see how into his work he is.

The amazing thing is he can translate engineering prose into plain language easily understood by we mentally challenged folk.

For an Army Warrant Officer Cobra pilot who couldn't remember how to tie his combat boots....he has come a very long way!

Good on ya, Nick!:D:D

Avnx EO
15th Mar 2008, 01:22
Unfortunately, Nick is likely to be as hamstrung as those who preceeded him. Bell mgt. will expect nothing less than miracles from Nick, and then they'll tie your hands behind your back. And even when you give them miracles, they will not be happy with the style of bow you wrapped them with.:ugh: But someone's got to stick a brick in the revolving door that has been on the office of every VP and above at Bell fopr the last 12 or so years. The list of two-year-wonders goes on.... each one thinking the bus needs to be driven in a different direction :ouch: Nick may straighten that out - but fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

15th Mar 2008, 03:06
Thanks to all for the kind words, and special thanks to the pprune moderators, who allowed me to make the transition without fear as one heartless and witless ppruner tried to saw off the limb I was on before the next limb was within reach!

Yes, Gulfstream is a great place to work, and I honestly planned to work there for years, until retirement, but the opportunity that Bell offered was just too grand to pass up. The advancement is wonderful, but so is the promise of working with some of the industry's finest on projects that make my head spin. Research and Development was my dream on the first resume that I prepared back when I graduated from Georgia Tech (Go Jackets!) back in 1973, and is now an essential part of my career.

Yes, Avnx EO, the challenge will be to make it work within the confines of today's corporate America, but I do think the team Dick M has built is a powerhouse - I am willing to bet my career on it! I am also betting on a group of very dedicated engineers and pilots who only ask for someone to get them the resources, constancy and support to make things happen. I believe loyalty goes up and down, and that a leader owes his folks to work as hard as possible to get them what they need to make new things happen. I know that some doubt my desire to develop tilt rotors. To them I say that we must please our customers, who demand more speed than we now deliver. I know that, and I stand ready to learn what those grizzly professionals want to teach me about flying at 300 knots.

I also think that research lies in smaller things, systems and technologies that do not stun, and don't make the Sunday newspaper. Sometimes we feel compelled to develop the better blade, and better transmission, and we forget that a failed microswitch, a missed approach or blown oil seal can spell financial disaster for our customers. Our technological progress has big leaps and small victories, and I would like put together a team that can hit both chip shots and long drives.

15th Mar 2008, 05:55
The very fact that Bell initiated the offer confirms that they recognise the wealth of expertise, professionalism and respect that Nick Lappos has and will bring to Bell.

Congratulations to Bell, and to Nick Lappos.

15th Mar 2008, 06:19
This should be an exciting day for all Bell aficionados. Nick's knowledge and experience in developing Sikorsky's proven product lines will be a shot in the arm for Bell, whose development of new products has seemed somewhat stagnant in recent years.

Congratulations Nick!

15th Mar 2008, 06:21

Congratulations on your move.

It must be satisfying to return to the industry that you obviously love and know so well. No doubt it will also be interesting and stimulating to tackle relatively similar objectives and projects from a different perspective.


15th Mar 2008, 12:21
Wish you all the best.

I will be quite interested in seeing how the product range of Bell evolves in the next years with you on board.


Shawn Coyle
15th Mar 2008, 12:48
I know that Nick will have a positive impact on Bell and I wish him all the very best of luck.
Is there some way we could start a list of things that Nick might want to tackle at Bell?
For starters Nick - how about getting WAAS approaches to a 50' hover like you and I flew nearly 10 years ago? Bell 429 would be an ideal machine for it.

15th Mar 2008, 14:25
Congratulations and all the best.

15th Mar 2008, 14:45
the only thing that would surprise me more right now would be Heli C admitting to being a Sikorsky fan, Congrats Nick

15th Mar 2008, 14:47
Congratulations Nick.

Met you at the Safety conference at HeliExpo. Maybe some of the technology that is presently in place at Gulfstream may find its way into the helicopters being offered tomorrow. So we can reduce a large number of the unnecessary accidents that happen in this portion of the industry.

15th Mar 2008, 15:50
Congratulations Nick,
Looks like your website about the V-22 got some attention.

Hope to see more tech talk here on pprune.

good luck

15th Mar 2008, 17:54
Nick many of us are bolstered to hear this news; for us it is a thrill to know we will have your leadership back in this part of aviation.

Congratulations :D not only to you but also to Bell :D

Surly this is the beginning of something profound for more than a company and an employee.

Brilliant Stuff
15th Mar 2008, 18:05
Congratulations Nick!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

If you get stuck on any particular nasty technical problems I am sure this lot here on PPRUNE are happy to solve it for you.:}:}:}

Exciting times ahead. Looking forward to them.

Old Skool
15th Mar 2008, 18:06
I don't want to sound selfish...BUT...i hope you still have time for PPRuNe, i do enjoy reading your posts and i think it speaks volumes about the caliber of people who contribute to these threads.

Congratulations to you, but especially to Bell.

15th Mar 2008, 18:12
Is there any truth in the rumour that the Mk2 tilt rotor will now have one big rotor on top, a tail rotor and two ruddy great turbines on the back end? :E

Good luck Nick! :ok:

Robbo Jock
15th Mar 2008, 18:19
Just to add my congratulations Nick. Now they've got you on the inside of the tent peeing out, shake 'em up a bit!

15th Mar 2008, 18:26
Nick L. the Iacocca of Aviation. What's Bell's stock at now? :ok:


Flying Lawyer
15th Mar 2008, 18:51
Some of my favourite Lee Iacocca quotes:

'We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.'

'I have always found that if I move with seventy-five percent or more of the facts that I usually never regret it. It's the guys who wait to have everything perfect that drive you crazy.'

Maybe Bell followed Iacocca's advice when they decided to try to recruit Nick:'In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words; people, product and profits. Unless you've got a good team, you can't do much with the other two.'FL

Blade Wake
15th Mar 2008, 21:07
Congratulations Nick. Delighted that you're back in the helicopter industry. Congratulations to Bell also for having the wisdom to choose you.

Brian Abraham
16th Mar 2008, 02:01
For an Army Warrant Officer Cobra pilot who couldn't remember how to tie his combat boots
SAS, even if that is still the case, at least Nick would be in good company. Some say Einstein never learnt how.
I would like put together a team that can hit both chip shots and long drives
Something that I’m more than sure you will achieve Nick……….In spades.
Congratulations from this side of the world. :ok: :D

16th Mar 2008, 12:17
Einstein also lived for seven years with cellaphane wrapped around an aortic aneurism, but I digress.

Congratulations Mr. Lappos, what luck, getting to exercise personal and imaginative initiative in such company.

16th Mar 2008, 13:51
Truly a great day for Bell Helicopter and the entire helicopter industry! Engineering at Bell has long needed a true champion and I think they will have that in Nick. There are many at Bell who share Nick's passion for vertical lift, and he will be the one to carry that passion in the leadership team.

Congratulations Nick!


16th Mar 2008, 15:01
nick, great news! look forward to meeting you in person. will you be involved directly with the 429? also will you be spending time in mirabel? we are currently working on the flir camera and searchlight mounts for the 429, so maybe we meet soon

16th Mar 2008, 16:12

Genuine best wishes for your new post at Bell. Your sound words of wisdom have taught me (and many more) a lot both about helicopter design and about the nature of the industry. I have no doubt that there will be many young engineers who will relish the advice that you give them, and whose designs will benefit from the experience you offer. I am always amazed by your approachable manner for such an accomplished pilot and engineer.

Warmest regards,


16th Mar 2008, 17:39
Nice to know that all that talent isn't being wasted with a bunch of plankers anymore.

Oh, and by the way Nick, if you get your way and get some of the high-tec toys that will help make helicopters easy and safer to operate don't forget that the training world will be waiting to do their bit to ensure that, unlike the situation hitherto, where we were all expected to climb in on day one with a copy of the 'Owners Manual' and expected to teach ourselves how to work it!!

All the best and please don't desert us. It's folk like you that make PPrune Rotorheads worth visiting.

G: ok:

16th Mar 2008, 18:54
This must be good news for Bell future customers....
What will be the first task Nick? replacement for the JetRanger maybe?
A new small single engine 5-7seater,that performs equall or better than AS-350 is what Bell needs and Nick without doubt is the best man to take Bell tech and desing to new heights

Congrats on the new job:ok:

17th Mar 2008, 00:11
AFAIK the current Sikorsky president was from Bell (reference: http://www.pprune.org/forums/showpost.php?p=205243&postcount=1). Now Nick, a former Sikorsky guy, is going off to Bell. Why didn't they just stay where they were? Clearly, they are both high caliber people, and should have been good choices to promote from within. Maybe our corporate society is changing, where the default place to look for answers and change is from the outside.

Regardless, Nick, I wish you all the best of luck in the next phase of your career, and hope you will stay with us on pprune. Your sparring, teaching, and plain old helicopter talk is both entertaining and enlightening.


17th Mar 2008, 00:25
After 20 years of plank flight, I had to get rotor-rated because I wanted to see if I could handle the challenge that I had always heard about helis. It took much time and money and was more than worth it. Although I'm still a low-time private pilot, helis fascinate me to no end. I've learned and laughed with many here, but none more than Nick.

From a selfish standpoint, I hope Nick still has time for my favorite forum. I'm am greatly looking forward to new rumors of new technology. Even though I can't fly the slick toys, I get to in my mind by reading your posts. Hurry and get on with it, already!! Congrats to Nick and Bell.


17th Mar 2008, 00:37

Thanks so much for the support! I do treasure our conversations here, and will try to continue them ad nauseum!


The bad guy was certainly NOT you! The guy goes by "Vertiflight", he posted in about 5 sites, even after the mods asked him to reflect on how he was compromising my position. I have no idea how someone just figures his little patch of knowledge makes him empowered to screw up someone else. There must be a job working as a celebrity reporter in Vertiflight's future!

17th Mar 2008, 02:33
Congratulations !

About time someone shakes the tree(s) there.

Apart from the Tilt Rotor project(s), nothing new happened at Bell since the time that the Shah of Iran financed the 214 series in the late sixties....

17th Mar 2008, 03:57
Should Vertiflight get busted....he can always apply for the coming Chief Pilot job at Wackenhut/Aiken, SC. He would be a form fit for that job it appears!

Dan Reno
17th Mar 2008, 11:21
Congratulations Nick!

It was refreshing to see someone at Bell has some sense and if anyone can get them past their sedated H-1 mindset, you can.

Good luck and hope you have enough time to drop in on us now & then!

17th Mar 2008, 11:22
Nick, many congratulations

Hope the Bell 429 and associated programs will excel with leaps and bounds!!

All the best:)
Chopper 2004

17th Mar 2008, 11:42

I have been worried about Bell's direction for some time but now you'll be a the helm of R&D, I think we may see a new era in the Bell camp. Those from within Bell who criticised the move didn't know you well methinks. I hope they let you do your job and listen to you.

Your advice on aerodynamic matters has been invaluable...I love Sikorsky products and now I hope to feel the same about Bell soon!

Good luck mate...and we'll catch up for another beer soon!!!


17th Mar 2008, 13:42
I personally don't believe Nick's time at Gulfstream was wasted. Gulfstream's design philosophy has always been evolutionary rather than revolutionary. And their products reflect that. Also their customer support is second to none. Something that companies in this portion of the industry need to seriously reflect upon. Plus they have been at the forefront of safety technology that is quite transferable into this part of the industry.

Nick, Welcome back from the dark side.

18th Mar 2008, 16:39
Should Vertiflight get busted....he can always apply for the coming Chief Pilot job at Wackenhut/Aiken, SC. He would be a form fit for that job it appears!Last time I was at the Savannah River Plant, Wackenhut had just crashed their brand new helicopter. Of course, that was back in 1985 or so...


Best of luck. I really hope you are able to help steer Bell back on course. Eurocopter seems to be eating its lunch lately.

I Build 92's
18th Mar 2008, 17:22
Since you have left our humble abode, a part of me was waiting for you to get back to the real deal! Congratulations Nick! I have always enjoyed working with you and for you. You are truly an expert at getting the most out of the people around you and i am positive you have that same effect at Bell.....now how far is it to the factory and what kind of opening do you have....

19th Mar 2008, 04:54

Maybe first job is to fix the 206 TT straps problem or at least tell us as an insider, why the problem can't be fixed? Around 30 years now and still Bell is unable to extend life by say, 10% or 50%. Metallurgy can't be that difficult, surely?


FH1100 Pilot
19th Mar 2008, 13:28
Maybe first job is to fix the 206 TT straps problem or at least tell us as an insider, why the problem can't be fixed? Around 30 years now and still Bell is unable to extend life by say, 10% or 50%. Metallurgy can't be that difficult, surely?
I heard a rumor about some supposedly "new and improved" 206 TT straps coming from Bell - no other details except that they're likely to be much more expensive than the existing ones (no surprise there). Maybe there is hope...

19th Mar 2008, 15:13
Maybe first job is to fix the 206 TT straps problem

My first thought when I read this great news. Congratulations Nick & Bell :ok:

Walter Ehrat

19th Mar 2008, 16:56
Does this mean you'll get to play with AWB products competing directly with your old company?
AB609, US101, AW149?

19th Mar 2008, 22:36
Now that Nick will be living in Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . :O


Buena Suerte Sr. Lappos!!!

20th Mar 2008, 01:01
I believe that is Nick's younger and smaller brother!

20th Mar 2008, 01:12
Congratulations Nick!
Bell needs someone to push them into the future.

20th Mar 2008, 01:49
Good luck, sir.

Talking to some of your former co-workers about your move has been interesting.

helmet fire
21st Mar 2008, 21:49
What a coup for Bell. Congratulations Bell!

We have seen the rabbit out of the hat trick, but lets hope this appointment ensures Bell can get over the success of the 205/206 and finally pull a cutting edge product leader out of it's arse! The world really does need Bell to be competitive again.

Bon Voyage Nick - and congratulations in your successful return from the dark side (fixed wings).:ok:

22nd Mar 2008, 03:07
I think I have finally worked out the Bell strategy, simple and very clever. Nothing to do with being a design freak, just a charmer.

Your first job seniore Lappos, is to stretch a huey a bit more, paint it pink and fit it with a bidet. All done ready to conicide with your next presidential elections.

Oh, and you'll have to remove that cosy little pic of Nicole, that you blabbed about once, from your screen saver and put in something of Hilary.
I think your clever cheeky check chick driver lives just back up the page a bit.

22nd Mar 2008, 12:54
As Nick will probably take up wearing "pointy toes" in an attempt to fit in with the boys out there in Tex-ass.....we best keep an eye out for his next recruitment by Caverton Management/Lagos.

Avnx EO
23rd Mar 2008, 18:51
From Fort Worth Star Telegram Thursday:
Nick Lappos, formerly a marketing executive and test pilot with archrival Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., will run Bell's XworkX research and development operation in Arlington. The memo also announced the hiring of Jeff Lowinger, an engineering executive from Boeing Co.'s helicopter division who will take over as head of Bell's engineering department.

Adding the two engineering executives, Millman said in the message e-mailed to employees, "will help us change the game, pleasantly surprise our customers, and confound the competition."

Both Lowinger and Lappos will report directly to Millman.

They will fill roles formerly held by Elaine Vaught, a longtime Bell engineer who is taking a senior engineering position with parent company Textron Inc.

So Nick gets the R&D and research side, but the basic "program" engineering(existing programs like 429, V22, H1 and ARH) goes to Lowinger. Anyone in Boeing Philly know much about this Lowinger guy?

Also my wife wouldn't forgive me for not pointing out...they take a Senior VP position filled by a woman, split the job in half and fill it with two Executive VP positions filled by men.:} ... In any event, For those in the know, Elaine Vaught did a hell of a good job fighting the Bell culture that many folks have griped about in this Forum. Some efforts being more successful than others. Hopefully these guys can continue to improve upon the good that's been started. We wish her luck in Textron.

24th Mar 2008, 11:32

Also my wife wouldn't forgive me for not pointing out...they take a Senior VP position filled by a woman, split the job in half and fill it with two Executive VP positions filled by men.:}

as I quickly wind my seat down to get eyelevel below the dash, I say --- perhaps this jess goes to show that the old adage about the multi tasking skills of those of the feminine gender, --- is jessst another urban myth.:{

25th Mar 2008, 01:05
I must say it is good to see you are now back in the rotorhead business. Bell has had its issues with development and products in the recent past so I will be very happy to see any changes that you can bring to the company.

Take care, strap in and enjoy the ride my friend.

27th Mar 2008, 12:35
Congrats Nick

Glad to see you back. :D

Did you ever really leave? lol

Sikorsky will regret letting you get away

David Stepanek
31st Mar 2008, 00:39
Sorry to be late to the game. I was on vacation and did not bring my computer!!!
Hope to see you again soon as I will be visiting Bell in May.
All the best and welcome back.

31st Mar 2008, 02:55
Cool, Dave. Stop by!

31st Mar 2008, 17:00
Welcome back, Nick. Maybe soon I'll enjoy flying Bells as much as I now love flying Sikorskys.


28th Mar 2009, 12:29
Hi Nick.
Hope all is well at Bell, maybe a short revisit to the S92 forum would help a little just now.

B Sousa
28th Mar 2009, 15:19
Does this mean We can expect to see a 417 or something better??:ok:

Gomer Pylot
29th Mar 2009, 01:55
I would be absolutely amazed if Nick posted anything in the S92 thread. I doubt he's that reckless.

29th Mar 2009, 02:06
Nick is muzzled by his current employer as part of his employment contract I would bet....not just for this particular issue but in general as he is now an officer of the corporation and thus incurs legal liabilities when speaking in the public domain.

Forget the 417.....perhaps the he can improve the Jet Ranger seats....as if they could be any worse!

4th Mar 2011, 19:22
muzzled by his current employer as part of his employment contract I would bet

That may be so at Bell (if not Sikorsky:hmm:) but surely Bell would not let their employees moonlight either?

NIcholas D. Lappos | Parker Ostovich & Associates (http://parkerostovich.com/?page_id=516)

4th Mar 2011, 21:21
Interesting. In the 30 days or so Nick has posted more times here than in the previous 30 months or so.

Parker Ostovich & Associates is a defense consulting firm specializing in the conventional Army and special operations areas of manned and unmanned aviation.

As the Army is such a big Bell customer there must be a conflict of interest there, unless...

...any thing going to be announced at HeliExpo this weekend Nick?

4th Mar 2011, 21:40
Nick moved on to greener pastures.....wish him well in all his endeavours. For a guy who had problem tying his shoes he has done really well.

5th Mar 2011, 13:31
Which way will Bell now go in terms of technology & new product development?

5th Mar 2011, 14:08

5th Mar 2011, 15:33
Where's he gone off to now? This is turning into a sort of "Where's Waldo" pursuit.

5th Mar 2011, 16:00
See the link (already posted above) NIcholas D. Lappos | Parker Ostovich & Associates (http://parkerostovich.com/?page_id=516)
Only his fourth company since March 2005.

5th Mar 2011, 17:22
Ah, got it. In my pre-caffeinated state I thought... well, I'm not sure what I thought. But with plenty of coffee I'm now up to speed - thanks!

6th Mar 2011, 00:35
In all of my 37 years playing with this rotary industry, the long stretches of hangin' the arm out the wndow doing routine stick work and very many short bursts of sheer terror, piano playing or whatever, this statement has got to go down as the under statement of all time.

For a guy who had problem tying his shoes he has done really well.

Thanks Sasless, I'll remember that one for a while.