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View Full Version : GF's HR hype

13th Mar 2008, 16:30
Public glory on GF's new HR center. Unfortunately, each management member who comes in has his own bit of fancy that is fueled with much ado. AD did his bit for Staff Travel, money that was in need was spent on decor with service going backwards, plush seats for officeboys of high and mighty staff. JH with his new Falcon and millions spent to conform to this change. Now new VP breaks down and builds a palace within palace with the same useless staff and service. What a joke to expect that service matches the decor, that too with a long record of being proven wrong.

13th Mar 2008, 17:22
HR aka HUMAM REMAINS at gf is more a source of misery to many than it is anything else.

it treats employees as a resource in the same manner as one would treat a consumable good. it does not consider the human side of any issue. it does not assist in personal issues. it does not help the employee in any way. you are simply a resource, to be used/abused until you are of no further use. a bit like used bubblegum, sweetness sucked dry then spat out.

every request made to HR has standard answers. no, no and no yani. any little expence it may take to make an unhappy employee happy, is surpassed a hundred thousand fold by the cost of the new HR floor, decor, overstaffing, and the nice fat paycheque that the gloating and useless VP of HR is getting.

13th Mar 2008, 20:41
Wt our HR dept needs here is a 24/7 employee helpline to assist employees...like EK has...look into it...of course...they do actually HAVE to answer the phone....something GF staff seem to have a problem with.

Al Fakhem Snr.
14th Mar 2008, 06:53
Dream on mate....

The only help line that you will find is the direct connection to the Emir's pimp, and that operates 48/24 and 14/7.

Little minds with the mentality of servitude, you will never get a job done right, however if you are a girl they will give you all the help numbers you may need to choose from.

15th Mar 2008, 08:17
Glad to see nothing has changed at GF. I chewed my way out of that bear trap and I am NOT looking back. I can honestly say the grass IS greener on the other side.

Too much stealing and corruption for me. How did that audit go about 6 months back anyway?!?!:ugh::ugh::ugh:

15th Mar 2008, 14:05
The world famous Auditors are infamous in ME. They appear to have made the mistake of believing the crap from disgrunted employees and act on it. The only fish they caught is MK and that too appears to be an innocent fish. Years of corruption, lining the pockets and the masters of the game are left with empty hands but full pockets. What a waste of GF's much needed money.