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Insh Allah
13th Mar 2008, 08:56
Fu%^ing heard it all now....

Etihad Sponsoring Ferrari for 3 years, we're asking for simply; housing to be a 'little' better, perhaps a 'little' provident fund, slightly better on the school fee's..... :ugh:

What do we get in return, Didldy S^$t!!....battling with high rate of inflation crashing forex everywhere how do we get on with it??

The worlds best Airline to really Piss You Off... :=

Wel Done Lads :D keep up the money spending campain!

13th Mar 2008, 09:20
Good at marketing arent they...

Insh Allah
13th Mar 2008, 09:28
If they gave me 100's of millions of $'s, Dihrams whatever, I'll make it singing and dancing too.. :D

Low Stress...Low Profile...

Che Guevara
13th Mar 2008, 09:35
Oh well, I'll have to switch to Maclaren this year then....:{

sispanys ria
13th Mar 2008, 09:47
What does Etihad have to do we inflation and your expact euros or pounds expenses ?

Insh Allah
13th Mar 2008, 11:48
sispanys riaWhat does Etihad have to do we inflation and your expact euros or pounds expenses ?

Simple.... 2006-7 we were (Capt) earning somthing like Euro 8500 (rate of exchange) this year or rather to date Euro7200, the 'COUNTRIES' Rate of inflation into 2 digit numbers.

As were pegged to the wonderful US$ everything's gone tits up! More expensive!

What does Etihad have to do with it? EVERYTHING! Salary remains the same that equates to loosing money, cost of living marked up by at least 40% since last year, that also equates to losing even more money.. Capice Amico Mio!

sispanys ria
13th Mar 2008, 13:05
Inflation and cost of life is same for everybody in UAE, I guess your main problem is the exchange rate, and this has nothing to do with Etihad. You are not paid in Euros because you are not in Europe. If you want Euros, get a job in Europe and don't blame local companies.
If earning the equivalent of 7200 euros is a reason to complain, then i wouldn't mind to have such big problems !

13th Mar 2008, 16:21
:ugh: Oh dear!

another PR disaster for Hogans portfolio!

13th Mar 2008, 17:34
your answer... J H

14th Mar 2008, 13:36
Hogan & Co dont give a rats ass about the staff and the exchange rates...dont expect them to do anything:rolleyes:

Nothing will change until he goes period!

sispanys ria
14th Mar 2008, 18:26
Why the hell should he consider the exchange rates ?
When you go abroad you have to accept local rules and conditions. Why would the expats get a special treatment !?!?!
Colonies are over by now ! Wake up !

14th Mar 2008, 21:15
Look at where a big majority of pilots come from then you might understand why folks are concerned about exchange rate protection.:ugh:

What has colonies got to do with it?...step outside your little bubble and see the real world!

sispanys ria
14th Mar 2008, 22:49
No Flare, the reality is that UAE is an Arab state with 70 % of foreign population in Dubai. Do you think all of them should get an increase due to exchange rate ? Did you increase your maid ?

Do you seriously think Europeans living in the states are crying like babies to get an increase due to the exchange rate ? I'm not really sure of that...

Ask yourself why did you move in the sandpit. In the real world money doesn't grow on trees. Some are loosing, some are winning... too bad for the greedy ones, but it's part of a man's life to assume such decisions.

15th Mar 2008, 07:13
If inflation exceeded 10% in Europe, North America or Australia there would be a HUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEE uproar and you can be sure that pay raises would be called for on a massive scale.

When inflation moves above 2-3% it results in direct moves by the governments and central banks. The US dollar is so low now primarily because of the lowering of rates in the US as they fought inflation (though now it has to do with liquidity).

German workers are calling for large wage increases due to higher food prices.

Finally, the exchange rate has moved so significantly in the last year or so that you can hardly consider it 'normal or average'. So, yes, I do expect the companies in this part of the world to make some changes to their pay scales and the governments to take action.

15th Mar 2008, 09:54
lots of air...very little synapsis
you are clouless dude:ugh:

15th Mar 2008, 10:12
sispanys ria

Inflation and cost of life is same for everybody in UAE

I could not agree more. Which is why I should be receiving a 70% pay raise just like the government employees.


15th Mar 2008, 10:35
sispanys ria,
You must be wealthy or totally out of your mind. EY, EK, QR or any other Gulf company is not responsible for the devaluation of the $, but then what does one do? Keep things as they are? Implode? Explode?
To me, your present income still covers your expenses otherwise, you wouldn't be having this speech.
The $ devalued 30 cents versus the € in the last 5 years, inflation and cost of living here (mainly supermarket stuff) went up some % and companies did not increase salaries greatly except at the very top (management level). Isn't this a paycut? Just remember and in simple figures. For a 50,000$ monthly earner, a yearly increase of 10% in foodstuff isn't the same for a 5,000$ one.
Keep standing where you are and bragging your unminced words and you'll see what you'll be in few years. What goes around comes around.

Insh Allah
15th Mar 2008, 15:36
sispanys ria

What we are all saying here, if you haven't seen the picture... The majority of us left Europe and the likes of to perhaps persue our career and makes things a tad better than what they were..

Leaving your 'normal' country of domocile and yes that does include debts etc someone has to pay them back. Now, when you joined XYZ company/airline etc, you knew and planned your budget accrdingly, now/today/tomorrow, exchange rates are unpresedently bizare! how do you budget for your liabilities back 'home' and your day to day living in the UAE... I'm not talking about how you'll budget your next Cayenne or X5..

What the lads are saying, XYZ should protect the 'promised' salary in accrdance with forex fluctuations to 'protect' the employee!!

15th Mar 2008, 15:47
Back to the thread ....
Kimi's car doesn't seem to like what's written on its tail ... and gave up the fuel pressure during qualifying .... :}

sispanys ria
15th Mar 2008, 16:03
XYZ company has nothing to do with your choice of life.You played a strategy game that is now returning against you. I understand it brings troubles and that you can be upset. But the company doesn't necessary have to support your personal problems. If you, pilot, are not able to sustain the cost of life, what about all the ground staff ? They also are expats.

I repeat my question: have you heard of ANY US company raising salaries of European expats ? Of course NO. National employees have been raised. So what ?

Are you jealous because this government is doing things yours couldn't ?
The situation is bad for all of us, and expat pilots are not suffering more than Pakistanis or Philippians. You have a salary, a family life, and not so bad working conditions. I am not gonna blame you. Many pilots in Europe are suffering a lot more, don't forget it please, because it is hard to read it. For your information, food in Choitram is costing exactly like in France, and salaries are half of yours (for those who have the job).

You are not loosing everything, just some of the privileges you had for few years.

And please, if you didn't increase your maid, don't come here to complain.

15th Mar 2008, 16:25
Hmmm:confused:... you must be very wealthy or maybe so happy to be here that you will accept anything these guys give you and say nothing!
Your knowledge of Europe seems very limited...please elaborate which pilots are suffering?

EK manage to put some FOREX protection in place for many nationalities not just Europeans... why cant EY?

You are either not grasping what people are saying or you dont want to face up to the real facts in EY....:ugh:....remove the rose tinted Hogan glasses!
As for Maids most of us cant afford to have one!

Insh Allah
15th Mar 2008, 17:18
sispanys ria.... Your off your f^%king rocker mate...

Enjoy your life...

QSY somewhere more exoctic will ya!!

The man obviously doesn't understand..

sispanys ria
15th Mar 2008, 18:55
Please check your language when you talk to me, I believe I'm talking to gentlemen and in a forum different opinions can be shared. So no more F... word, thank you.

I have a quite good experience of Europe because it is where I've been flying for years, and it's also where I'm currently sitting. Pilots not suffering ? Well, small operators are sometimes paying FOs 1500 euros a month, and it's not so easy to get a job, even with over 2000 turbine experience.
I recently lost a friend who was struggling for 10 years to get a nice one, and he had no other choice than flying free lance silly medical flights, and that killed him in a very sad crash. I have other friends here in France who had to do dangerous and really underpaid jobs. They were not complaining. They were humbles doing the right stuff to feed their family and live their aviator's dreams. I respect those people, who can still appreciate what really matters in life.

So if your are so much unhappy and that European pilots are so happy, why don't you get a better job over here ?

I'm not in my wonderland. I'm making the choice to move in DXB because my family life is there. Stop complaining, I've been living for years on a 2000 euros salary and still could afford to fly to DX every 2 month to spend sometime with my beloved. As you can see, I wouldn't mind to get half of your salaries, it still would be twice my current one.

You made a choice moving there, and now it's maybe no more worth according to your requirements. It's not EY's fault, it's just too bad fr you, and I'm really sorry for that. But you cannot ask for an increase as if it was justice.

Simply answer my question please. Is there ANY US airline increasing salaries for their European expat pilots ? Please take some time to consider this question.

Why European pilots of UAE airlines are claiming it while none is asking it in the US ? Maybe because in the US they may risk to loose their jobs...

Who is finally living in the wonderland ?

15th Mar 2008, 19:01
They also are expatsWe are mostly expats. So I differentiate?

I repeat my question: have you heard of ANY US company raising salaries of European expats ? Of course NO. National employees have been raised. So what?What do you call it then? Europeans will probably end up retiring in the US because of the choices. Will they do it here long term?

Are you jealous because this government is doing things yours couldn't? The situation is bad for all of us, and expat pilots are not suffering more than Pakistanis or Philippians. You have a salary, a family life, and not so bad working conditions. I am not gonna blame you. Many pilots in Europe are suffering a lot more, don't forget it please, because it is hard to read it. For your information, food in Choitram is costing exactly like in France, and salaries are half of yours (for those who have the job). Philippians?

You are not loosing everything, just some of the privileges you had for few years. And please, if you didn't increase your maid, don't come here to complain.It seems you love going from bad to worse...:ugh: or you are just trying to pick up a fight hiding behind senseless words.

15th Mar 2008, 20:20
Insh Allah you have summed him up 100%:ok:

sispanys ria
15th Mar 2008, 20:36
Thanks guys for the nice chat and the polite attitude. Wish you all the good things you deserve.

15th Mar 2008, 22:51
Ahhh I get it now! I was trying to figure out what the major problem was and how it is effecting workers. Now it is clear that many are still carrying debt loads back in their home country so if one were making $8000 US per month last year and only $7000 per month this yr for the same amount of work then it becomes real clear.

I was thinking that the overall costs of food product rose in the UAE by 75% which is outrageous but I guess it can happen. Here is a question which would help most of us on the outside really understand the issue. What does the average Etihad family with two children spend in a month not counting your home country expenses? Food, electricity, water, activities for the children, fuel and insurance for your auto in the UAE.


Jet II
16th Mar 2008, 01:02
Just out of interest why do some company's offer ERP?

Is this just a throwback to past years when recruitment was a problem?

I'm not aware of ERP being offered in any other region, if you choose to live/work in a foreign country then you generally get the T&C's for that country - what is different about the ME?

16th Mar 2008, 06:26
The companies who have a genuine desire to try and keep staff and protect the remuniration package have put ERP protection in place.
The actual T&Cs have been accepted by those who join.

The weak dollar has drastically reduced the salary we signed up for, and I appreciate that is our problem, however the decent airlines have attempted to help the employees....that does not include EY!
Over the last 2 years or so we have taken about a 20% pay cut due to the dollar, it is now at a stage where it is no longer worth working here, even paying tax in Europe we would be better off....thats why folks are complaining and looking elsewhere.

It would be impossible to give an average monthly outgoing for a family, it really depends what kind of lifestyle you want, what school you use (if you can get in!!) etc etc.....despite what you hear inflation affects prices on almost a monthly basis.

And despite all this Hogan broadcasts that we will waste several million on F1....the guy is clueless...:mad:

Dixons Cider
16th Mar 2008, 08:31
Back to the thread -

Having just watched the Melbourne F1 race, gotta say - it was pretty damn hard to spot Etihad on the car....the rear wing is one of the primo spots for sponsors, and its what EY have paid for, its however on the back side of the rear wing and not the front....doesn't make for good exposure as not many camera shots are rear on.

Many front on shots of cars coming down the pit straight in sequence, with their respective sponsors clearly catching valuable camera time. The Ferrari's by contrast, nothing seen. blank. zip

marketing blunder, or money well spent?

sispanys ria
16th Mar 2008, 12:51
When you are sent abroad by a company based in your home country, it is of course its responsibility to support any changes of the cost of life in the new country you've been sent to.

When you move on purpose into a foreign state to work for a local company, even if you don't plan to stay forever, you are an immigrant, and your employer shouldn't have any responsibility towards you based one the country you are coming from.

EY will still be able to find hundreds of motivated pilots, why would they have to obey to all their employed immigrants ? EK did it ? Fine, they are hiring.

sec 3
16th Mar 2008, 13:03
Paid millions to have the EY logo on the car and nobody can see it:confused:. Typical EY management stupidity. Hogie paid millions of EY dollars just so he and the ' zeros' can get free F1 seats !:uhoh:

Insh Allah
16th Mar 2008, 15:37
The Sponsor was intended for the rear of the rear wing.. I agree who d hell's gonna see it!!

I suppose the bloke who's running a bit late behind the Feeerraarrii


16th Mar 2008, 17:13
Nice to see the picture.

I guess no-one else saw it live on the track seeing as there were no finishers behind the Ferrari!

16th Mar 2008, 17:53
Its the Hogan Midas touch.......everything he does turns to Sh#t:}

16th Mar 2008, 21:27
syspanis, don't forget that the airline we're talking about is owned by the same government that just raised its local employees 70% due to inflation and loss of purchasing power. If your local Western gov would do that, they'd be taken to court (rightly so!). You think we have a good deal? It feel off the skies? The guys that come here have paid their dues and had the 2,5, 10, sometimes 15 years of crap pay and furloughs before getting that break. You're not helping anyone, including yourself.

17th Mar 2008, 02:20
If you pay $130 million (60 million pounds (http://www.brandrepublic.com/News/790715/Etihad-Airways-sponsors-Ferrari-F1-60m-deal/)) to have your name on wing of the car that comes last, how much do you have to pay to put it on the car that comes first???:E

17th Mar 2008, 03:40
I assume that everybody who asks for a pay increase because they are being hammered by the weak USD, will be asking for a pay decrease when the USD strengthens again? Is it only the Europeans that should get ERP?

XYZ should protect the 'promised' salary in accrdance with forex fluctuations to 'protect' the employee!!

Was the promised salary in AED or in another currency? What does the employment contract say? Again, if the forex goes the other way, a pay decrease would then be in order?

17th Mar 2008, 06:23
VP are you taking the pi##?
or do you just not get it?....it is everyone who needs ERP:ugh::ugh:

17th Mar 2008, 07:39
It would appear that I don't get this "it". If you want the company to protect you from forex fluctuations, what else must they protect you from. Stock market crashes? Dip in gold futures? Badly performing pension funds?

I'll ask again: What if the EUR/GBP weakens against the USD? Then what?

17th Mar 2008, 08:30
OK. let's explain again.
#1; we are only guests here, and they want you to go back where you came from after employment.
#2; to acheive a descent retirement in your country(see #1), the employer should protect you against parts of FX fluctuations.
#3; right now, we get shafted on the inflation here AND against our home currency/retirement fund (most of us).
#4; if you come here on a short/medium term posting, you will most probably keep your pension from employer in home country, not us. Under that kind of contract, you get either paid partialy in home currency and local currency (not us) or a mechanism is in place to limit currency exposure (kind of contract given to an accountant/engineer going overseas for a year or two).
#5; what happens if pound/euro falls? You might have an edge for a little while, but never to the extent of the damage done to our bank accounts right now. Like every contract in the UAE, it's a oneway street.
#6; yes, FX is part of the risk of taking an expat job but right now our bosses are pocketing millions with that on our backs.

17th Mar 2008, 08:42
I think the ME companies should simply match the erosion of their currency compared to world markets. They themselves do it nicely with the increase in oil price.
They can adopt a ERP (and i mean a FULL ERP) for every expat in his selected currency. This would work up OR down, which might even be cheaper in the long run. Or they should compensate for inflation of the local currency, as they do for the locals.
Not doing either, especially when only compensating locals, is discriminatory (or even racist) and is rightfully bashed. They are very quick in denouncing similar practices if they are victims of such abroad!

I don't mind if they give locals a piece of land, or if they have a national pension scheme for them. This is looking after their people and is basically outside of the respective company. However concerning salary and T&Cs it should be the same for every fellow worker irrespective of nationality, or you create a double standard which in our business is detrimental to motivation and safety.

sispanys ria
17th Mar 2008, 09:04
Over 60 % of the population is made of immigrants, how do you think they can achieve a global ERP ?
And Vox Populi is right, would the immigrants accept to reduce their salaries if the Euro would fall ???

Etihad is owned by government ? Well, the government has a stake in Ferrari, so why not advertising on the cars ?

17th Mar 2008, 10:11
s r :
.... read again, and then post ....
the answers to your rhethorical questions are right there ....

sispanys ria
17th Mar 2008, 10:28
My post was cynical. It can't be done and you know it. Why the ME immigration rules should be different from our native countries ?

As our beloved (:yuk:) Sarkozy says, "you like it or you leave it"

Jet II
17th Mar 2008, 11:16
VP are you taking the pi##?
or do you just not get it?....it is everyone who needs ERP:ugh::ugh:

I can see how you work it out for Europeans, but how would you work it out for US citizens who work in the UAE :confused:

17th Mar 2008, 11:38
s r :

you're starting to worry me ...

- what the heck do immigration rules have to do with renumeration??

- why would a salary increase of xx%, i mean the same amount as for the locals, not be possible??

But i think i'll rest my case
beati pauperes spiritu

17th Mar 2008, 14:06
Abu Dhabi goverment owns x% of Ferrari thru its investment arm; Abu Dhabi goverment owns etihad thru its different investment arm also. so the 130 mil or whatever spend on ferrari for adver is just creative accounting guys...dint cost etihad a cent...just a big pat on the back of hoggie...to show he's doing something...just look at the board members of etihad and who owns x% of ferrari...just goggle ferrari+abu dhabi...:ok:

sispanys ria
17th Mar 2008, 16:02
just look at the board members of etihad and who owns x% of ferrari...just goggle ferrari+abu dhabi...:ok:

Yes but i guess those who complains are too busy to waste their time on the internet to check it. They just prefer to make quick comments... without digging into details.

The rules of immigration have always been the same for decades. People always flew away from deteriorating living conditions... Who could accept such rules you are claiming ? Depending on your origins your salary should be increased ? Increase only the Europeans and not the US citizens ?

17th Mar 2008, 18:43
Added the link to the sponsorship (http://www.brandrepublic.com/News/790715/Etihad-Airways-sponsors-Ferrari-F1-60m-deal/) amount in post #38
In that case, I will add it here too!

18th Mar 2008, 15:16
ClevelandHD, following your explanation just the following:
#1 - Agreed.
#2 - Why should the employer protect you? You are employed in the UAE by a UAE company and are paid in UAE currency. The retirement fund/mortgage etc. that you have back home doesn't place any obligation on your employer, unless it specifies so in your employment contract. That is your own problem.
#3 - Inflation. Agree. Home currency. Again not the employers problem, but yours. Send back more money or sell the house and buy a cheaper one. Reduce your exposure to currency fluctuations.
#4 - You are not on a short term contract or hardship posting or something similiar. See #2 above.
#5 - UAE contracts. Agree. Your bank account. See #2,3,4.
#6 - You hit the nail right on the head - RISK. But this is a risk that you, me and every expat here took when we willingly came here and willingly signed the employment contract. As for the bosses pocketing millions, don't like it and maybe not entirely fair but, c'est la vie.

One can not expect government protection against global market forces. The UAE government, EK, EY, Mubadala et al. have absolutely no control over the world forex rates. They do have control over there own currency but chose to do nothing. They do have control over inflation and are taking artificial, long-term detrimental steps to curb this. As for your retirement fund/home currency, you're on your own mate.

sispanys ria
18th Mar 2008, 18:32
Bravo VoxPopuli :ok:
Finally a clear explanation of the situation.
Not being able to understand it is could lead you to disaster, since it means you are not aware of the real life risks...

18th Mar 2008, 20:10
i clicked on this thread thinking i would read something about Etihad/Ferrari partnership! :ugh:

20th Mar 2008, 04:28
If the ERP protection is not something the employers need to look at. please explain why EK has put it in the T&Cs ??

I wasnt aware they were a registerd charity!:rolleyes:

20th Mar 2008, 08:16
Ummmm....Etihad have been sponsoring Formula 1 now for 4 years. They were in fact the Etihad Aldar Spyker Formula 1 Team which are now Force India. :rolleyes:

Incidently (as briefly covered), Ferrari is part owned by the Abu Dhabi Government's Mubadala Development Company (about 5+%) and as Etihad is also government, part of the same clan. Aldar group are also sponsors and of course government. You will also see on the official Ferrari drivers caps 'Mubadala Abu Dhabi'.

Here endeth the lesson. :cool:

22nd Mar 2008, 10:08
I agree with the original poster with the sponsorship.

If the dollar/dhs devalues to the point where people make the same money in their home countries then they won't come out and the ones here will leave.

Let's be fair, the only reason people come here is to try and make some money, sweeping streets or flying planes.

Why tie the dirham to the dollar? They don't need to?

sispanys ria
22nd Mar 2008, 15:43
It's not so easy to separate the dirham andt he dollar, it will take few years.

Looks like Etihad was wise to put the had on the back of the rear aileron, both Ferraris have the pole position, lots of F1 pilots will have the add right in front of them !

22nd Mar 2008, 16:55
Yeah for the first lap!

23rd Mar 2008, 07:16
At last a good explanation why ferrari did not manage to finish the race .
part of the sponsorchip deal includes a new maintance company to Ferrari. GAMCO

sispanys ria
23rd Mar 2008, 10:20
Ok now that Ferrari won the race, are you gonna continue to cry like babies ? :E

By the way, where is the one that started this topic about this scandalous sponsoring ? Inch Allah ?

Really sad to see how some of you wasting their time showing their dissatisfaction. You must have very boring lives.

23rd Mar 2008, 17:38
Etihad sponsors All-Ireland Hurling Championships.
"Etihad has strengthened ties with Ireland by becoming a lead sponsor and official airline of the famous All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championships. "

What next?

Insh Allah
23rd Mar 2008, 18:13
I'm here man!!!

Its Insh Allah actually you ignorant lizard!!

Not wasting my time.. some pepole work for a living!! Not on da PC all day man..:=

Life is actually quite good thank you... washed (my chilli) the Porcshe, took my Sunseeker out for a quick tour of the Breakwater, had a Pork BBQ, gave the my maid a :mad: no no no.... a pay rise, come on... what else, let me see.. Ah yes found a little time to entertain my fellow colleagues on pprune...

Neverthelss, still no change on the Euro :ugh: perhaps sispanys ria could hedge the difference for us, seeing as though he's got more money than sense...

sispanys ria
23rd Mar 2008, 21:39
I really doubt that I have more money than sense (I wish I could...) and I'm so sorry you are not satisfied in Etihad, while I'm struggling to move over there for familial reasons, and still didn't find a place to work...

By the way, the ignorant lizard speaks some Arabic, and here is the correct spelling: إن شاء ال

Insh Allah
24th Mar 2008, 05:10
:D:D Well done...

24th Mar 2008, 10:40
Sissy you need to aim a bit lower and perhaps you might get a job. Your 3000 hours only on turboprop is not going to do it for any of the major carriers in the Gulf. Just take a look and see what the requirements are before your continue yapping at a senseless rate. When it is that you have the minimum requirement and you have been applying for sometime without any success then you have something to talk about. But for the time being why don't you try some other carrier like Jazeera Airways or some outfit in Turkey to gain your experience. You think just because the main carriers in the Middle East are short of pilots and it has been brought to their attention of the serious deficit that they will face in the near future that they will change their hiring policy to suit you? Yes I know that you would love to fly with Etihad but your desperate attempts of trying to show us all that you would fly without compensation is just an indication that you're still in the little league. When you have made it to the big league and you still want to argue your point on exchange rate protection and terms and conditions, people, and when I say this I mean one or two, may actually listen to you. But for the time being stop the whining and put your energy into a good cv for some other jet operator that will hire you. Bye Bye.

Insh Allah
24th Mar 2008, 11:59
I say again, I'm not whinning for me, it's a 'general term' and 'general whinning' for and on behalf of the beliefs of my fellow colleagues... :ugh:

The majority of us, say 70% at Ey, are quite happy, just a little ironing out is required..

Now, you wanna a job? pm me or email me [email protected] your CV we'll see what we can do..

sispanys ria
24th Mar 2008, 12:33
Poison, thanks for the advice, but I guess you misunderstand me. I'm not whining to join Etihad, I know what my experience can get me and what it can't. When I say I applied, it doesn't mean majors... I know what I can aim at. I was just commenting some points regarding UAE international laborers. No need to be in Etihad to make such comments...

24th Mar 2008, 14:35
Damn poison, you were a little rough on the kid don't you think? I don't think any of us on this forum were not like him at some early point in our flying careers. I know that when I began many many moon ago that I was willing in my heart to fly for free just to get the job and be able to fly. Well it never happend and I had to work and claw my way thru just as the majority of us have had to do.

Sissy is excited and wants to fly jets and be close to family all the while. Isn't that what we all wanted/ still want? I applied to Etihad as well and my times far exceed the posted mins in fact my time in type alone exceeds that of the min requested many times over. I do think that the carrier could use a full time person to go over the CV's and get caught up on all thoses who are waiting in line.

Sissy will get his turn soon and I will bet he too will be able to complain with the best of us. This career choice ain't perfect but damn is't fun sometimes;)


8th Sep 2008, 12:03
WHAT NEXT? Well, interesting enough the article I read in the ABTN Business Travel News & Advice with a special note on the last paragraph I highlighted:Airline changes at Manchester (City) and Chelsea
The takeover of Manchester City Football Club by the Abu Dhabi United Group, with the backing of the Emirates Royal family, could easily become a double whammy for their English Premier League rivals Chelsea. Manchester’s second club (even the most diehard City fan must agree that double trophy winners United are number one at the present time) has beaten Chelsea to the signing of Brazilian forward Robinho from Real Madrid. The support of Etihad might go in time also.
Last September Etihad, Abu Dhabi based, signed a three-year deal with the west London club to be a platinum sponsor and official international airline partner, said to be worth seven figures. With new patriarchs how this is viewed from the Palaces bordering the Arabian Gulf remains to be seen but contracts in the murky world of football do not really mean a lot. Currently Chelsea’s shirt sponsor is Samsun and likely to stay that way.
And guess who has been the focus of Chelsea’s coaching of children in Abu Dhabi? Shaun Wright-Phillips transferred back from Chelsea to City the day before the ownership deal.
Among the highlights of the partnership is the extensive Etihad branding at Stamford Bridge for Barclays’ Premier League, FA Cup and Carling Cup matches. The airline also features regularly in match day programmes and other Chelsea publications. What would happen if Etihad became the shirt sponsors of City?
As things stand Thomas Cook is the upfront backer of Manchester City, until the end of the current season. Thomas Cook, the airline, does not compete with Etihad and the tour company offers neighbouring Dubai as a holiday destination. Etihad flies daily from Manchester to Abu Dhabi, with connections to points east, using a two class Airbus 330
Etihad chief executive Australian James Hogan is known to be a keen Chelsea fan. However vice president public affairs, Iain Burns, ex-British Airways, is a lifetime supporter of Manchester City.Is this getting to a point where James and Iain can just joke on "their personal likes and dislikes"? Interesting.

9th Sep 2008, 02:59
we all joined a company in a country that is disregarding human rights and treats his workers like sh.t. and give them 500 aed/month.
Either they need you and take good care of you, or we need them because we want to fly big jets, upgrade etc.... and they don't give a sh.t about us. You signed a contract and that's it.
Not happy anymore ? Door is wide opened

9th Sep 2008, 06:16
JH isn't a football fan. He likes rugby union and Aussie rules. However, his sons who were brought up in the UK are Man U and Liverpool fans